

Referralcandy helps you create an attractive referral program that is easy to manage and effectively track, thereby boosting sales.

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Are you missing out on potential customers from people who love your brand? Referralcandy is a tool to build an automatic referral program, helping businesses attract new customers through existing customers. Referralcandy helps you create an attractive, easily managed and effectively tracked referral program, thereby driving sales and building brand loyalty.

What benefits does Referralcandy bring to businesses?

Referralcandy Tool to build automatic referral programs for businesses

Sales growth

Attract new customers through existing customer network

In the digital age, customers increasingly trust referrals from relatives and friends rather than traditional advertising channels. Referralcandy helps businesses exploit the power of their existing customer network, thereby attracting many new customers.

Reach new customers Current customers
Through customer referrals Through traditional advertising
Low cost High cost
High conversion rate Low conversion rate

Encourage customers to come back for more purchases

Referralcandy not only helps attract new customers but also encourages current customers to come back to buy more often. By providing attractive incentives when referring friends, Referralcandy helps businesses increase customer loyalty.

  • Customers are rewarded when they refer friends
  • Customers receive incentives when making their next purchase
  • Businesses strengthen relationships with customers

Reduce customer acquisition costs

Referralcandy helps businesses significantly save costs in attracting new customers. Instead of having to spend money on traditional advertising channels, businesses can take advantage of new customer sources through referral programs from current customers.

For example: A business can spend 10 USD to attract 1 new customer through advertising, but only needs to spend 5 USD to attract 1 new customer through Referralcandy's referral program.

Build loyalty

Build long-term relationships with customers

Referralcandy helps businesses build long-term and strong relationships with customers. When customers are rewarded for referring friends, they become more attached to the brand and become loyal advocates.

  • Customers receive rewards upon successful referrals
  • Customers become voluntary brand ambassadors
  • Businesses build long-term relationships with customers

Enhance brand engagement

Referralcandy not only helps attract new customers but also strengthens existing customers' engagement with the brand. When participating in a referral program, customers will feel respected and become part of the brand community.

  • Customers feel part of the brand
  • Customers are empowered and encouraged to share about the brand
  • Businesses strengthen customer engagement and loyalty

Turn customers into brand ambassadors

Referralcandy helps businesses turn loyal customers into voluntary "brand ambassadors". When rewarded for successful referrals, customers will confidently share about the brand and encourage their friends to also become customers.

  • Customers become voluntary brand ambassadors
  • Businesses can reach many potential new customers
  • The brand is widely spread in the community

Process automation

Save time and manpower for referral program management

Referralcandy helps businesses automate referral program management processes, from creating incentives, sending activation emails to referrers and referrals, to tracking program effectiveness. This helps save businesses significant time and human resources.

  • Automate referral program management steps
  • Reduce work load for marketing staff
  • Focus on program improvement and business growth

Easily track program effectiveness

Referralcandy provides detailed reporting and analysis tools on the effectiveness of your referral program. Businesses can easily track the number of referrals, conversion rates, revenue generated and more, thereby adjusting strategies to optimize efficiency.

  • Track program key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Analyze referral and referrer behavior
  • Make improved decisions based on analytical data

Get insights into customer behavior

Referralcandy provides businesses with detailed information about customer behavior, such as number of referrals, number of successfully referred people, revenue generated from referrals... This information helps businesses better understand customers, thereby improving marketing and sales programs.

  • Track each customer's referral behavior
  • Analyze revenue generated from successful referrals
  • Use data to improve marketing and sales strategies

What professions is Referralcandy suitable for?

Referralcandy Tool to build automatic referral programs for businesses

Referralcandy can be used effectively in many different industries and fields, including:


In the field of e-commerce, Referralcandy helps businesses encourage customers to share products and receive discount codes when referring friends. This not only increases customer loyalty but also attracts new customers.

  • Customers are rewarded when they refer friends to purchase
  • Businesses attract many potential new customers
  • Strengthen customer engagement with the brand

SaaS (Software as a Service)

In the SaaS sector, Referralcandy helps businesses increase the number of registered users through referral programs. Customers are rewarded when they refer friends to register, thereby helping businesses expand their user base.

  • Customers are rewarded when they refer friends to register
  • Businesses attract many new users
  • Enhance customer engagement with the service

Subscription service

For subscription services, Referralcandy helps businesses retain customers by providing incentives to successful referrers. This not only encourages customer referrals but also increases their loyalty.

  • Customers are rewarded when they refer friends to register
  • Businesses retain current customers and attract new customers
  • Enhance customer engagement with the service

Mobile application

For mobile applications, Referralcandy helps businesses attract new users by rewarding them for referring friends to download and use the application. This not only boosts the popularity of the app but also helps build user loyalty.

  • Users are rewarded for referring friends to download and use the application
  • Businesses attract many new users
  • Increase user engagement with the application

Example of how Referralcandy is used

Referralcandy Tool to build automatic referral programs for businesses

Referralcandy can be used with many different business models, below are some examples:


A fashion brand can use Referralcandy to encourage customers to refer friends to make purchases. When a customer successfully refers, they will receive a 10% discount on their next purchase, and the referred person will also receive a 5% discount.

Cloud storage

A cloud hosting service can use Referralcandy to increase its user base. When customers refer friends to register, they will receive an additional 1GB of storage space, and the referred person will also receive an additional 0.5GB.


An online game can use Referralcandy to encourage players to refer friends to join. When players successfully refer, they will receive bonus points to exchange for in-game items.

Referralcandy pricing plan

Referralcandy offers many pricing packages to suit the needs and budget of each business:

Plan Price/Month Commission Features Action
Reward $59 3.5%

- Unlimited customers

- Unlimited emails

- Unlimited rewards

- Unlimited campaigns

Try free
More $299 1.5%

- Everything in Premium and...

- Premium support & SLA

- Dedicated account manager

- Evaluate campaigns quarterly

Try free
Enterprise Contact  

- Everything in Plus and...

- Customization features

- Custom integrations

- Custom analysis and evaluation with consultants

Book a demo

Who should use Referralcandy?

Referralcandy is the ideal solution for businesses that want to:

  • Sales growth.
  • Build customer loyalty.
  • Save time and manpower.
  • Attract new customers effectively.

With flexible features, diverse pricing plans and customization capabilities, Referralcandy is suitable for many types of businesses from small to large.

Referralcandy alternatives

In addition to Referralcandy, there are several popular alternatives on the market, including:

Shopify Referrals

Shopify Referrals is a referral tool specifically for Shopify users, with features built into the Shopify platform. This makes implementing a referral program easy and flexible for Shopify online stores.


GrowSurf is a comprehensive loyalty program building software with many different features. GrowSurf helps businesses create rich and effective referral programs, thereby increasing customer engagement and attracting new users.


ReferralRock is a multi-feature referral marketing software for businesses of all sizes. With ReferralRock, businesses can create flexible referral programs, track performance, and optimize marketing strategies.

Choosing the right tool depends on the needs, budget and characteristics of each business. Consider carefully before deciding on the most suitable referral tool for your business.


Referralcandy is a powerful tool that helps businesses attract new customers, grow sales and build brand loyalty. With a variety of features, flexible pricing plans and customization capabilities, Referralcandy is suitable for many types of businesses. Try using Referralcandy today to experience the effectiveness of the referral program!

  • $18/month
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