

Outbase is a powerful B2B sales platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help businesses automate sales processes and increase efficiency.

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Are you looking for ways to increase sales, improve sales performance and save your sales staff time? Outbase is the perfect solution for you! Outbase is an AI-powered B2B sales platform that automates the sales process and increases efficiency. Outbase uses artificial intelligence to find leads, connect with them, and close deals.

Outbase , Pricing, & Features


What is Outbase?

Outbase is a powerful B2B sales platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help businesses automate sales processes and increase efficiency. Outbase helps businesses:

  • Find suitable leads quickly and accurately.
  • Connect with potential customers effectively and build relationships.
  • Close deals quickly and easily.
  • Track sales performance and make informed decisions.

How does Outbase work?

Outbase uses artificial intelligence to perform the following steps:

  1. Lead generation: Outbase uses data and insights to identify leads with a high likelihood of purchasing.
  2. Connect with leads: Outbase automatically connects with leads via email, phone or social media.
  3. Support for closing deals: Outbase supports sales staff in closing deals and closing contracts.

Key features of Outbase

Outbase offers the following key features:

  1. AI-powered lead generation : Outbase uses artificial intelligence to find the right leads based on your specific criteria.
  1. Connect automatically with leads : Outbase automatically connects with leads via email, phone or social media, saving you time and effort.
  1. Deal closing support : Outbase provides tools and features that assist salespeople in closing deals and closing deals.
  1. Track sales performance : Outbase provides reports and data analytics that help you track sales performance and make informed decisions.
  1. Integration with other CRM and ERP tools : Outbase integrates with other CRM and ERP tools such as Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho CRM.

How does Outbase work?

Search for potential customers

Outbase uses artificial intelligence to analyze lead data and identify the customers who are best suited for your product or service. This way, you can focus on the customers who are most likely to buy, instead of having to spend time and resources reaching out to all potential customers.

Some of the information Outbase uses to find potential customers includes:

  • Analyze data about previous customer behavior
  • Find customers whose needs match your product or service
  • Use criteria such as geography, business size, and industry to identify potential customers

Outbase will provide you with a list of the most suitable leads, along with detailed information about them. From there, you can focus on connecting and closing deals with these customers.

Connect with potential customers

After identifying suitable leads, Outbase will automatically connect with them through different channels such as email, phone or social networks. Outbase will send marketing messages and reminders tailored to each customer, helping you build relationships and increase your chances of closing deals.

For example, to a new lead, Outbase might send an email introducing your product or service. Then, if this customer doesn't respond, Outbase will send a reminder email or call to continue the interaction. If this customer shows interest, Outbase will route the call or email to a salesperson to close the deal.

By automating these connections, Outbase helps you save time and resources, while also increasing your chances of closing deals with potential customers.

Support for closing transactions

When a prospect is ready to purchase a product or service, Outbase assists salespeople in closing the deal. Outbase offers tools and features such as:

  • Create and send quotes automatically
  • Manage the steps in the deal closing process
  • Track and manage agreements

Thanks to that, sales staff can focus on interacting with customers, instead of wasting time performing administrative tasks. This helps increase the efficiency of the deal closing process.

In addition, Outbase also provides features for electronic contract signing, making the transaction closing process faster and safer.

Track sales performance

Outbase provides reports and data analytics that help you track your business's sales performance. You can see metrics like:

  • Number of potential customers approached
  • Conversion rate from potential customers to real customers
  • Average value of each transaction
  • Performance of individual salespeople

This information will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your sales activities, thereby making informed decisions to improve your sales strategy.

In addition, Outbase integrates with other CRM and ERP tools, allowing you to track all sales activities in one unified interface.

Outbase use case

Outbase can be used to solve many problems in B2B sales, including:

Increase sale revenue

By automating the process of finding and reaching potential customers, Outbase helps businesses increase their chances of closing deals and increasing sales.

Improve sales performance

Outbase helps salespeople focus on value-added activities like interacting with customers, instead of wasting time on administrative tasks. This significantly improves sales performance.

Save time for sales staff

With automation features like prospecting, connecting, closing deals, and tracking, Outbase helps salespeople save a lot of time and effort.

Expand the scale of sales activities

When sales processes are automated, businesses can expand the scope of sales activities without needing to increase human resources.

Increase conversion rate

By focusing on the most relevant leads, Outbase helps increase lead-to-customer conversion rates.

Outbase pricing plans

Outbase offers a variety of pricing plans to fit your business's needs:

Package Price Feature
Free of charge $0/month Use basic features
Starter $49/month Use more features, unlimited number of users
Growth $99/month Get all the features, enhanced customer support
Enterprise Custom Suitable for the needs of large businesses

In addition, Outbase also offers customized service packages for businesses with special needs.

Outbase Alternatives

If you're looking for Outbase alternatives, some other tools to consider include:

Each of these tools has its own features and advantages, so you need to carefully consider the specific needs of your business to choose the most suitable tool.


Outbase is a powerful B2B sales platform that helps businesses automate their sales processes and increase efficiency. Outbase uses artificial intelligence to find leads, connect with them, and close deals. With features like prospecting, automatic connection, deal closing support, and sales performance tracking, Outbase is the right choice for businesses looking to increase sales and improve performance. sales and save time for sales staff.

  • $18/month
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