

WebWhiz.ai is an AI solution that automatically answers customer questions, provides accurate product information, and helps businesses improve customer experience.

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WebWhiz is an artificial intelligence (AI) platform designed to help businesses build virtual assistants that support customers automatically and effectively. With the ability to understand natural language, respond accurately, multi-channel integration and flexible customization, WebWhiz brings many benefits to businesses, including increased support performance, reduced personnel costs, enhanced customer experience and increase conversion rates.

WebWhiz | Details, Pricing, & Features

What is WebWhiz?

WebWhiz is an AI platform developed to help businesses create virtual assistants that support customers automatically and intelligently. With the ability to understand and process natural language, WebWhiz can answer questions, provide information and solve customer problems accurately and promptly.

This platform integrates tightly with the business's website, applications, content management system and other data sources. From there, WebWhiz automatically learns and deeply understands products, services and business processes to be able to support customers effectively.

Advantages of WebWhiz

1. Understand natural language

WebWhiz is capable of understanding and processing natural language, allowing customers to interact by asking questions or expressing requests in a natural way. This platform can understand and answer complex questions, not simply keyword searches.

2. Answer correctly

Based on an enterprise's data and business processes, WebWhiz can provide accurate and relevant product/service information. This platform continuously learns and updates knowledge to answer more and more accurately.

3. Multi-channel integration

WebWhiz can integrate with many different channels such as websites, mobile applications, Facebook Messenger, Zalo, etc. This allows customers to interact with virtual assistants through the channel they use most often.

4. Flexible customization

Businesses can customize the virtual assistant's interface, tone, and chat script to match their brand and customer interaction style.

5. Analysis and reporting

WebWhiz provides tools to track and analyze virtual assistant activity, including number of interactions, customer satisfaction, and other performance metrics. From there, businesses can evaluate effectiveness and make continuous improvements.

Benefits of WebWhiz

1. Increase support performance

With automation and multi-channel capabilities, WebWhiz can handle large volumes of support requests quickly and efficiently, helping businesses save time and resources.

2. Reduce personnel costs

Deploying smart virtual assistants will help businesses reduce personnel costs for the customer care department, while providing a 24/7 support service without increasing human resources.

3. Enhance customer experience

Customers will receive quick, accurate responses and receive a friendly, natural interactive experience with the virtual assistant. This helps increase customer satisfaction and engagement with the brand.

4. Increase conversion rate

Providing an effective and friendly customer support channel will help businesses attract more potential customers, thereby increasing conversion rates.


WebWhiz.ai is a smart customer support solution, helping businesses save time and costs, while improving customer experience. With modern and flexible features, WebWhiz can bring many practical benefits to businesses in different fields.

How WebWhiz Works

WebWhiz works by connecting to enterprise data sources, automatically learning and deeply understanding products, services and business processes, then deploying AI assistants to interact with customers. This process includes the following main steps:


WebWhiz can integrate with many different business data sources, including websites, product documents, FAQs, customer databases and other information sources. This allows the platform to collect and gain insight into information related to products, services and business processes.

Data sources Describe
Website Connect to the website to access product information, services, user guides and other content.
Product documents Integrate with documents such as user manuals and product catalogs to extract detailed information.
FAQ Connect to the FAQ database to understand issues frequently asked by customers.
Customer Data Integrate with the customer management system to clearly understand customer information, behavior and needs.

AI training

After connecting to data sources, WebWhiz will automatically learn and deeply understand products, services, business processes and customer needs. This process is called AI training, which helps the platform answer questions accurately and appropriately.

  • Semantic analysis: WebWhiz uses natural language processing techniques to understand the meaning and context of questions.
  • Learn from data: This platform continuously learns from customer interactions and updates its knowledge to answer more and more accurately.
  • Business process integration: WebWhiz integrates with business processes, policies and rules to deliver appropriate responses.

Deploy the assistant

After completing the data connection and AI training process, WebWhiz will deploy virtual assistants into customer interaction channels, including websites, mobile applications, chat platforms such as Facebook Messenger, Zalo, etc.

Businesses can customize the virtual assistant's look, tone, and chat script to match their brand and interaction style.

Interact with customers

When customers interact with virtual assistants through deployed channels, WebWhiz will automatically understand and answer questions, provide product/service information, usage instructions and resolve common problems. meet.

Some examples of how customers can interact with virtual assistants:

  • Ask about product information, prices, delivery policies,...
  • Search for products that suit your needs.
  • Track order status.
  • Ask questions about services, policies,...
  • Ask for instructions on how to use the product.
  • Report issues related to products/services.

Monitor and improve

WebWhiz provides virtual assistant performance reporting and analytics tools, allowing businesses to track metrics such as number of interactions, response accuracy, customer satisfaction, etc.

Based on these analytics, businesses can make continuous improvements, including:

  • Update new data and information.
  • Adjust chat script and tone.
  • Optimize request handling processes.
  • Upgrade the virtual assistant's ability to understand and respond.

Through the process of continuous monitoring and improvement, virtual assistants will become increasingly smarter and more effective in supporting customers.

Key Features of WebWhiz

WebWhiz possesses modern and flexible features, helping businesses build virtual assistants that suit their needs and business characteristics.

Understand natural language

Customers can interact with the virtual assistant by asking questions or expressing requests in a natural way, without having to use specific keywords. WebWhiz uses natural language processing techniques to understand the meaning and context of questions, then provide accurate responses.

In addition to Vietnamese, WebWhiz also supports many other languages ​​such as English, Chinese, French, Japanese, etc. This helps businesses serve multinational customers effectively.

Answer correctly

Based on product data, services, business processes and frequently asked questions from customers, WebWhiz is capable of providing accurate and reliable information. The virtual assistant will not only give short answers but also provide detailed information tailored to each customer's needs.

Through a deep understanding of products and services, virtual assistants can help customers find information quickly and easily, thereby enhancing their shopping and interaction experiences.

Multi-channel integration

WebWhiz allows integrating virtual assistants into many different interactive channels such as websites, mobile applications, Facebook Messenger, Zalo, WhatsApp, etc. This helps businesses reach and serve customers on many platforms, increasing their business opportunities. Effective interaction and customer care.

Multi-channel integration also helps businesses track and manage all customer interactions from a single platform, optimizing information management and improving customer experience.

Flexible customization

One of the strengths of WebWhiz is the ability to flexibly customize according to the requirements of each business. Businesses can design their interface, choose their tone, and build conversation scripts that reflect their brand and core values.

Flexible customization helps virtual assistants become more personalized, closer to customers and create unique interactive experiences that attract users.

Analysis and reporting

WebWhiz provides detailed reporting and analysis tools on virtual assistant performance, thereby helping businesses evaluate performance, measure customer satisfaction, and devise improvement strategies.

By tracking data and feedback from customers, businesses can quickly detect and fix problems, optimizing virtual assistants to bring the highest value to customers.

WebWhiz Application

WebWhiz is not only a smart customer support tool but also a versatile solution, serving many different fields and industries. Here are some common applications of WebWhiz in practice:


In the field of e-commerce, WebWhiz can assist customers in searching for products, answering questions about orders, return policies and payments. Virtual assistants help enhance customer interactions, improve shopping experiences and increase conversion rates.


In the field of education, WebWhiz can be applied to advise on admission, answer questions about the curriculum, support learning and provide information about academic services. Virtual assistants help reduce pressure on consultants and increase convenience for students.


In the tourism industry, WebWhiz can provide information about destinations, tours, hotel reservations, airline tickets and related services. Virtual assistants help customers easily find information, book services and have a smooth travel experience.


In the medical field, WebWhiz can be used to provide health advice, schedule medical appointments, answer medical questions and provide information about medical services. Virtual assistants help reduce waiting times, provide accurate information and improve service quality.

Finance - banking

In the field of finance and banking, WebWhiz can support customers with financial products, banking services, usage instructions and answer questions about transactions. Virtual assistants help increase interaction, improve service and increase customer satisfaction.

WebWhiz Pricing Plans

To cater to many different types of businesses and usage needs, WebWhiz offers flexible pricing plans, from free to paid, with different features and incentives.

Free of charge

WebWhiz's free plan offers basic features like virtual assistant deployment, customer engagement, natural language support, and multi-channel integration. However, this package can be limited in the number of questions and users, making it suitable for businesses that are just starting out or small in scale.

Pay the fee

WebWhiz's paid plan offers more advanced features, unlimited questions and users, supports extensive data integration, and provides detailed reports on virtual assistant activity. This package is suitable for large businesses that have high interaction needs and want to track performance in detail.

WebWhiz Alternatives

In addition to WebWhiz, there are several other options for AI chatbot and virtual assistant platforms that businesses can consider:

There is

Ada is an AI chatbot platform for businesses, providing features such as customer engagement, multilingual support, multi-channel integration, and data analytics. Ada is widely used in many industries such as e-commerce, travel and healthcare.


Intercom is a multi-channel customer support platform, including virtual assistants, live chat, email marketing and automation. Intercom helps businesses build relationships with customers, increase interaction and improve user experience.


ManyChat is a chatbot platform for Facebook Messenger, helping businesses create and manage virtual assistants on the platform. ManyChat offers features like automatic message replies, order processing, and product advertising.


Tidio is a chatbot platform that integrates with Shopify, helping businesses create virtual assistants to interact with customers on sales websites. Tidio supports multi-language integration, interface customization, and virtual assistant activity tracking.


WebWhiz.ai is a smart customer support solution, helping businesses save time and costs, while improving customer experience. With natural language understanding, accurate responses, flexible integrations, and analytics reporting, WebWhiz.ai is a powerful partner for any business looking to optimize customer service and increase sales. enhance business performance.


  • $18/month
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