

AskYourPDF is an AI tool that allows you to interact with PDF documents through natural Q&A. Read and understand quickly, find accurate information and save valuable time.

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Nowadays, working with PDF documents has become extremely popular. From students, researchers to legal experts, they all encounter challenges such as wasting time searching for information, difficulty reading and understanding content, or not being able to summarize main ideas. With the introduction of AskYourPDF - PDF Q&A AI tool, these problems can be solved effectively.

Introducing AskYourPDF

AskYourPDF - Detailed Review, Features, Prices And Alternativess

What is AskYourPDF?

AskYourPDF is an AI tool that allows users to interact with PDF documents through a chat interface. Using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technology, AskYourPDF can understand and answer questions based on the content of PDF documents.

Subjects of use

AskYourPDF is designed to serve the following audiences:

  • Students: Search for information, summarize the content of textbooks and lectures.
  • Researcher: Read and understand research documents, analyze in depth.
  • Lawyers, legal experts: Analyze contracts and legal documents.
  • Anyone who regularly works with PDF documents.

Benefits of AskYourPDF

Using AskYourPDF provides the following benefits:

  1. Save time: Don't waste time reading entire documents looking for specific information.
  2. Increase reading comprehension efficiency: AI tools can analyze content and answer questions accurately.
  3. Find information quickly: Just ask a question, AskYourPDF will immediately search and answer.
  4. Easy to interact: Friendly and easy-to-use chat interface.

How AskYourPDF Works

The AI ​​technology behind AskYourPDF

AskYourPDF uses advanced AI technologies, including:

Natural Language Processing (NLP) : This technology helps AskYourPDF understand and interpret user questions, even if asked in natural language.

Machine Learning : Machine learning models are trained on large data sets, helping AskYourPDF answer questions accurately based on PDF document content.

Combining these technologies, AskYourPDF can deeply understand and analyze PDF documents, thereby providing accurate and useful answers.

Procedure for using AskYourPDF

Using AskYourPDF is very simple, with just 3 basic steps:

  1. Upload PDF documents : Users can upload one or more PDF documents for AskYourPDF to analyze.
  1. Ask questions : Users can ask questions in natural language, without using specific keywords.
  1. Get answers : AskYourPDF will analyze document content and provide accurate and detailed answers.

This process is very simple and convenient, helping users save time and improve interaction efficiency with PDF documents.

Key features of AskYourPDF

Natural Q&A

AskYourPDF allows users to ask questions in natural language, without using specific keywords. The AI ​​tool will understand and analyze the question, then answer based on the PDF document content.

For example, instead of having to search for the keyword "AI definition" in a document, users can simply ask "What is AI?", AskYourPDF will find the AI ​​definition and provide detailed answers.

Look for information

In addition to answering questions, AskYourPDF can also search for specific information in PDF documents. Users can ask "In this report, how many employees does the company have?", and AskYourPDF will provide the exact answer.

This feature helps users quickly find necessary information, without having to read the entire document.

Example question AskYourPDF Answers
What does this report say about the company's revenue? According to the report, the company's revenue in 2022 reached $120 million.
In this lecture, what main points does the lecturer mention? The lecturer mentioned 3 main points: 1) Basic concepts of AI, 2) Applications of AI in various fields, 3) Challenges and development prospects of AI.


AskYourPDF can summarize the content of a PDF document, or important parts within the document. Users simply ask "Please summarize this report" or "Please summarize the introduction of the document".

This feature helps users quickly grasp the main idea of ​​the document, instead of wasting time reading the entire thing.

Document analysis

In addition to answering questions and summarizing content, AskYourPDF can also deeply analyze PDF documents, including:

  • Analyze document structure: Identify sections, chapters, and subsections.
  • Identify main ideas: Find main ideas and opinions in the document.
  • Point of view analysis: Analyze the author's point of view and arguments.
  • Overall assessment: Evaluate the quality, logic and persuasiveness of the document.

Users can ask AskYourPDF to perform these analysis tasks by asking corresponding questions.

Compare documents

AskYourPDF can also compare the content of many different PDF documents. Users may ask "What's the difference between report A and report B?" or "Summarize the main similarities and differences between these two documents."

This feature is very useful when users need to analyze and compare multiple documents on the same topic.

Document translation

In addition to the above features, AskYourPDF can also translate PDF documents into many different languages. Users just need to ask "Please translate this document into English" and the tool will provide the corresponding translation.

This feature is very useful for subjects working with multilingual documents.

AskYourPDF application


For researchers, AskYourPDF can help them read and find information in research documents more effectively. They can use this tool to:

  • Quickly search for main ideas and research results in documents.
  • Summarize important parts of the document, such as introduction, methods, results.
  • In-depth analysis of the author's interpretation and viewpoint.
  • Compare research papers on the same topic with each other.

Thanks to that, researchers can save a lot of time, focusing on reading comprehension and analyzing content instead of wasting time searching.


For students, AskYourPDF is also an extremely useful tool. They can use AskYourPDF to:

  • Search for answers to questions in textbooks and lectures.
  • Summarize the main content of chapters and lessons.
  • In-depth analysis of the structure and main ideas of learning materials.
  • Compare and contrast content between documents on the same topic.

With AskYourPDF, students can improve learning efficiency and save time researching documents.


Legal professionals and office staff can also use AskYourPDF to work more efficiently. Some uses of AskYourPDF at work include:

  • Quickly analyze contracts and legal documents.
  • Find important information in reports and work documents.
  • Summarize the content of long, complex documents.
  • Compare documents on the same topic to find similarities and differences.

Thanks to that, workers can save a lot of time and focus on more important tasks.

Read a book

For people who love reading, AskYourPDF is also a useful tool. They can use AskYourPDF to:

  • Search for specific information and documents in PDF e-books.
  • Summarize the main content of the chapters and sections in the book.
  • In-depth analysis of the structure and author's point of view.
  • Compare content between documents on the same topic.

Thanks to that, reading becomes easier and more effective, readers can quickly grasp the main idea of ​​the document.

AskYourPDF pricing plans

AskYourPDF offers the following pricing plans:

Free plan

  • Limited number of questions: 5 questions/day
  • Only basic features: Q&A, information search

Paid plans

  • Unlimited number of questions
  • Includes advanced features: content summarization, document analysis, document comparison, translation

Users can choose the package that suits their needs. Paid plans will provide a better experience with many useful features.

Compare features

Feature Free plan Paid plans
Natural Q&A Have Have
Look for information Have Have
Synopsis Are not Have
Document analysis Are not Have
Compare documents Are not Have
Translation Are not Have

Comparing the features of the two packages helps users better understand the differences and choose the appropriate package.

AskYourPDF Alternatives

Besides AskYourPDF, there are several other tools with similar features, for example:


ChatPDF is a tool to interact with PDF documents through chatbots. Users can ask questions, search for information, and summarize content easily.

The advantage of ChatPDF is its friendly interface, easy to use for beginners. is a tool that uses AI technology to analyze and summarize the content of PDF documents. It provides features such as information search, document structure analysis, and document comparison. is highly regarded for its accuracy and diverse language support.

Compare advantages and disadvantages

Tools Advantage Defect
AskYourPDF Easy to use, effective, saves time Prices may be higher than other tools
ChatPDF User-friendly interface, easy to use Features may be limited compared to AskYourPDF High accuracy, diverse language support Can be complicated to use

Comparing the pros and cons between tools helps users choose the tool that suits their needs and requirements.


AskYourPDF is a unique AI tool that allows users to interact with PDF documents intelligently and efficiently. With features such as natural Q&A, content summaries, document analysis, document comparison, and translation, AskYourPDF helps users save time, improve reading comprehension, and find information. quickly.

We invite readers to try AskYourPDF to discover a new way to interact with PDF documents and experience the benefits that AI technology brings.

  • $18/month
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