Loopy Loyalty

Loopy Loyalty

Loopy Loyalty is the leading digital loyalty program platform for small businesses. Create membership cards on Apple Wallet and Google Wallet, increase loyalty and sales.

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Small businesses need effective strategies to build trust and attract customers, especially in an increasingly competitive environment. And that is why implementing a loyalty program is essential to differentiate yourself and increase sales. With the advent of Loopy Loyalty , managing this program has become easier and more effective than ever.

I. Introduction to Loopy Loyalty

Loopy Loyalty  - Detailed Review, Features, Prices And Alternativess 2024

What is Loopy Loyalty?

Loopy Loyalty is a digital loyalty program creation and management platform. This means small businesses can easily create digital membership cards for their customers and track their activity through Apple Wallet and Google Wallet apps.

With Loopy Loyalty, businesses can design their own card interface, points rules, and customer rewards. This helps create flexibility and diversity for the program, suitable for the business's brand and business goals.

Platform for creating and managing digital loyalty programs.

Loopy Loyalty provides a platform for creating and managing digital loyalty programs, saving businesses time and money compared to implementing traditional programs. With Loopy Loyalty, businesses do not need to print and distribute physical cards to customers, thereby reducing costs of supplies and labor.

In addition, managing through a digital platform also helps save time and optimize workflows. Businesses can easily track customer activity and make business decisions based on the collected data. This helps increase accuracy and efficiency in managing loyalty programs.

Create digital membership cards on Apple Wallet and Google Wallet.

Loopy Loyalty allows businesses to create digital membership cards on popular apps like Apple Wallet and Google Wallet. This saves customers time and effort by eliminating the need to download a separate app to manage their membership cards.

Creating digital membership cards on Apple Wallet and Google Wallet also helps businesses reach a large number of customers using Apple and Google mobile devices. This is a big plus for Loopy Loyalty, helping businesses increase accessibility and efficiency in managing customer loyalty programs.

Helping small businesses increase loyalty and sales.

With increasing competition in the market, building trust and attracting new customers is a big challenge for small businesses. Therefore, implementing an effective customer loyalty program is essential to increase loyalty and sales for the business.

Loopy Loyalty helps businesses create an engaging loyalty program with flexible customization features that help differentiate themselves from competitors. Additionally, sending messages and notifications to customers helps increase customer interaction and engagement, thereby creating a foundation for future business growth.

User Object

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are the main users of Loopy Loyalty. With its flexibility and affordability, Loopy Loyalty is a great solution for small businesses looking to increase sales and customer loyalty.

In addition, retail stores, restaurants, cafes, spas, etc. are also potential users of Loopy Loyalty. Applying a loyalty program helps businesses in this field attract returning customers and differentiate themselves from competitors.

II. How Loopy Loyalty Works

Create a digital membership card:

Creating a digital membership card on Loopy Loyalty is simple and convenient for customers. After registering and setting up the program on the platform, businesses can provide customers with a QR code or link to add the card to their mobile wallet.

Customers simply scan the QR code or click on the link and add the card to their mobile wallet, saving time and effort for both businesses and customers.

Scan QR code to earn points and receive offers.

After adding a digital membership card to their e-wallet, customers can scan QR codes to earn points and receive offers from businesses. Earning points and receiving offers through the Apple Wallet and Google Wallet apps simplifies the process and increases convenience for customers.

In addition, the point accumulation feature is also a factor that encourages customers to return to shop or use the business's services. This helps increase the customer return rate and create customer lifetime value for the business.

Customize the program:

Loopy Loyalty allows businesses to customize the settings and rules for their loyalty program. This gives businesses the flexibility to design a program that fits their brand and business goals.

Businesses can set up points rules, rewards, and customer notifications. Flexible customization helps differentiate the program and attract customers to participate.

Card interface design, points accumulation rules, rewards.

Loopy Loyalty provides tools for businesses to design their own membership card interface, points rules, and rewards. With ready-made interface templates and a variety of customization features, design becomes easy and fast.

Businesses can customize the colors, images, and information on their membership cards to match their brand. This helps create compatibility and recognition with customers, thereby increasing professionalism and attracting attention.

Send messages and notifications to customers.

One of the key features of Loopy Loyalty is the ability to send messages and notifications to customers. Businesses can automatically or manually send notifications about new programs, promotions, customer birthdays, and other important information.

Sending messages and notifications helps build customer engagement, inform about new offers and programs, thereby encouraging customers to come back and shop or use the business's services.

Tracking and analysis:

Loopy Loyalty provides tools to track and analyze the effectiveness of your loyalty program. Businesses can view detailed reports on customer behavior, purchases, points earned, and more.

Through data analytics, businesses can better understand their customers, make data-driven business decisions, and optimize their loyalty programs.

III. Key Features of Loopy Loyalty

Digital membership card:

Loopy Loyalty offers a convenient, easy-to-use digital membership card that eliminates the need for a physical card. Customers can add their card to their mobile wallet in just a few simple steps.

Digital membership cards save on printing and issuing physical cards, while minimizing the risk of customers losing their cards. Integrating cards into Apple Wallet and Google Wallet also makes it convenient for customers to use.

Customize the program:

With Loopy Loyalty, businesses can customize their loyalty program to their liking. From card interface design, points rules, to rewards, businesses have full control and can tailor the program to suit their business goals and brand.

Flexible customization helps businesses create a unique and engaging loyalty program that engages customers and increases loyalty.

Send messages, notifications:

Loopy Loyalty allows businesses to send messages and notifications to customers easily and effectively. This tool helps businesses notify customers about promotions, new programs, new products or services, and other important information.

Sending messages and notifications helps increase customer engagement, informing them of opportunities and offers, thereby encouraging them to come back and shop or use the business's services.

Tracking and analysis:

One of the key features of Loopy Loyalty is the ability to track and analyze the effectiveness of your loyalty program. Businesses can view detailed reports on customer behavior, purchases, points earned, and more.

Through data analytics, businesses can better understand their customers, make data-driven business decisions, and optimize their loyalty programs.

IV. Applications of Loopy Loyalty

Increase customer return rate:

One of the key uses of Loopy Loyalty is to increase customer retention. By providing attractive offers, rewards, and information through a loyalty program, businesses can encourage customers to return to shop or use their services.

Increasing the return rate helps create customer lifetime value, which increases sales and profits for the business. At the same time, customers also feel valued and important, thereby creating satisfaction and loyalty.

Attract new customers:

Loyalty programs not only help businesses retain existing customers but also attract new ones. Offering attractive incentives and rewards through Loopy Loyalty helps create a competitive advantage and attract the attention of new customers.

In particular, customizing the program to each specific customer segment helps increase the ability to attract and retain new customers, thereby expanding the market and increasing sales.

Building customer relationships:

Loopy Loyalty is not only a tool to increase sales but also a bridge between businesses and customers. Sending personalized messages and taking care of customers through the loyalty program helps build strong and sustainable relationships with customers.

By engaging and providing value to customers, businesses have the opportunity to create customer satisfaction and loyalty. This relationship not only helps increase sales but also creates a foundation for sustainable business growth.

V. Loopy Loyalty Pricing Plans

Starter Package:

Loopy Loyalty's starter plan is suitable for small businesses with limited budgets. It offers basic features like creating membership cards, customizing the program, sending messages and notifications to customers, and tracking program performance.

With the starter package, businesses can easily start implementing a loyalty program simply and effectively.

Growth Package:

Loopy Loyalty's Growth Plan offers more features and a larger membership base than the Starter Plan. It's ideal for businesses looking to scale their loyalty program and increase customer engagement.

In addition to the basic features, the growth package offers detailed data analysis tools and loyalty program optimization according to the specific needs of the business.

Business Package:

The Enterprise plan is Loopy Loyalty's premium plan, designed to cater to large businesses with large and complex loyalty programs. It offers highly customizable features and in-depth support from the Loopy Loyalty support team.

With the enterprise package, businesses can customize every aspect of their loyalty program to their liking, from interface design, points rules, to rewards and notifications. This helps businesses optimize program performance and differentiate themselves in the market.

VI. Loopy Loyalty Alternatives


Smile.io is a multi-purpose loyalty platform that offers similar features to Loopy Loyalty such as creating membership cards, customizing programs, sending messages and notifications, and tracking program performance.

However, Smile.io has some advantages such as easy integration with popular e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce, allowing businesses to flexibly scale their programs.


LoyaltyLion is an e-commerce focused platform that offers similar features to Loopy Loyalty like creating membership cards, customizing programs, sending messages and notifications, and tracking program performance.

The advantage of LoyaltyLion is deep integration with popular e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce, helping businesses optimize customer experience on the website and increase sales.

Stamp Me Loyalty App:

Stamp Me Loyalty App is a mobile loyalty app that allows customers to earn points by scanning QR codes or barcodes in stores. This app provides simple and convenient features for both businesses and customers.

However, compared to Loopy Loyalty, Stamp Me Loyalty App has limited flexibility in customizing the program and sending notifications to customers, thereby reducing interaction and engagement with customers.

Compare advantages and disadvantages:

  • Advantages of Loopy Loyalty:
    • Easy integration with Apple Wallet and Google Wallet.
    • Highly flexible and customizable.
    • Provides features for sending messages and notifications to customers.
    • Detailed data analysis and business decision support.
  • Disadvantages of Loopy Loyalty:
    • Prices may be higher than competitors.
    • It takes time and effort to set up and manage the program.


Loopy Loyalty is a digital loyalty program creation and management platform that helps businesses increase loyalty and sales. With features like creating digital membership cards, customizing programs, sending messages and notifications, and tracking program performance, Loopy Loyalty is an effective tool for customer management and increasing engagement.

Try Loopy Loyalty today to experience the features and benefits it brings to your business.

  • $18/month
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