

Captivate is a comprehensive podcast hosting solution that makes it easy to create, grow, and monetize podcasts. User-friendly platform, integrating many powerful features.

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Podcasting is becoming an increasingly popular medium, with the development of technology and the growth of the online audio market. This has created an increasing demand for professional and effective podcast hosting platforms. And in this article, we will learn about Captivate - the newest podcast hosting platform on the market and see why it is considered the top choice for podcasters.

Introducing Captivate

Captivate - Detailed Review, Features, Prices And Alternativess

What is Captivate ?

Captivate is a professional podcast hosting platform that focuses on simplicity and efficiency. It was developed by Rebel Base Media, a company specializing in podcasting-related products and services. With the aim of providing the perfect solution for podcasters of all levels, Captivate has become a highly regarded name in the market.

Captivate 's target audience

Captivate is aimed at podcasters of all levels, from beginners who want to start a podcast to professional podcasters with years of experience. It is a suitable platform for anyone who wants to create a high-quality podcast with strong support to grow it into a success.

Outstanding benefits of Captivate

Friendly and easy to use interface

One of the highlights of Captivate is its user-friendly and easy-to-use interface. This makes it easy for podcasters to manage and distribute their content without needing any in-depth knowledge of technology or technical skills.

Feature rich and growth support

Captivate provides all the features needed to create a professional podcast. From managing and distributing audio files to tracking and evaluating podcast performance, everything is done professionally and efficiently.

Furthermore, Captivate also supports podcasters in growing their podcasts. From tutorials to learning materials and community discussions, podcasters can learn and share experiences with each other to grow together.

Earn money flexibly

One of the advantages of Captivate is the flexibility in monetizing your podcast. The platform allows podcasters to integrate popular forms of monetization such as advertising, sponsorships, and direct sales into their podcast. This allows podcasters to tailor their earnings to their needs and goals.

How Captivate Works

Simple process

Captivate has a simple process from creating your podcast to publishing it. First, you need to upload your audio file to the platform. Then, you can customize the settings for your podcast’s title, description, and image. Finally, you can choose the platforms you want to distribute your podcast to and hit “publish”. It’s that simple!

Seamless integration

Captivate integrates with the most popular podcast apps today such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts,.. This makes distributing your podcast easier and more convenient than ever.

Detailed statistics

One of the most important factors in growing a podcast is tracking and understanding your audience. Captivate provides detailed reports on downloads, demographics, and devices used by your audience. This helps podcasters develop appropriate growth strategies and increase audience engagement.

Key Features of Captivate

Unlimited storage

One of the highlights of Captivate is the unlimited bandwidth and storage. This allows podcasters to create and distribute their content without worrying about costs or storage limits.

In-depth analysis

Captivate provides detailed analytics reports on your podcast performance. From downloads to demographics, devices used, etc. You can better understand your audience and come up with appropriate growth strategies.

Marketing Tools

Captivate provides marketing tools for podcasters such as creating a podcast website, embedding players on their websites, integrating social networks, etc. This helps podcasters manage and develop their brand in a more comprehensive and effective way.

Earn money in variety

Captivate also offers a variety of monetization options for podcasters. You can integrate advertising, sponsorships, and direct sales into your podcast. This allows podcasters to tailor their revenue to their needs and goals.

24/7 Support

Captivate ’s support team is always available to assist and answer any questions podcasters may have. From onboarding to troubleshooting technical issues, you can rest assured that you won’t be lost while using the platform.

Captivate Applications

Create a new podcast

With Captivate , creating a podcast has never been easier. The platform offers step-by-step courses to help you create a professional podcast. From coming up with an idea, setting up your tools, and distributing your podcast - it's all covered in easy-to-understand, step-by-step instructions.

Grow your existing podcast

If you already have a podcast and want to grow it into a more successful one, Captivate is also a great option for you. With features like detailed analytics and marketing tools, you can optimize your content and grow your audience.

Make money from podcasts

Captivate offers a variety of monetization channels for podcasters. You can integrate advertising, sponsorships, and direct sales into your podcast to increase your income. Captivate also offers courses on suitable monetization models, helping you find an effective way to make money for your podcast.

Captivate Pricing Plans

Captivate offers three different pricing plans: Personal, Professional, and Business. Each plan has its own advantages and features, suitable for different user needs and budgets.

Compare packages in detail

Package Personal Professional Business
Price $19/month or $190/year $49/month or $490/year $99/month or $990/year
Number of podcasts 05 10 Unlimited
Bandwidth 12,000 monthly downloads 60,000 monthly downloads Unmetered
Capacity 100 MB / file 250 MB / episode 500 MB / file
Feature Basic Advanced Professional

Pros and cons of pricing packages


In terms of pricing, the Personal plan is a good choice for those who are just starting out with podcasting and are on a budget. However, this plan will not be enough to develop a professional podcast with a large audience. Therefore, if you want to grow your podcast, you should consider the Professional or Business plans.


The Personal plan only offers basic features, which are not enough to optimize and grow your podcast. The Professional and Business plans have more advanced features such as detailed analytics, powerful marketing tools, and unlimited storage. This helps users manage and grow their podcast more effectively.

Suitable for every need

Choosing the right pricing plan for your needs is important. If you’re just experimenting or have a small podcast, the Personal plan might be a good choice. However, if you want to grow and monetize your podcast, the Professional or Business plans will better meet your goals.

Captivate Alternatives

In addition to Captivate , there are many other podcast hosting platforms you can consider. Here are some popular alternatives:


Buzzsprout is a popular and easy-to-use podcasting platform. With its user-friendly interface and simple features, Buzzsprout is a popular choice for podcasters new to podcasting. However, Buzzsprout has storage and bandwidth limitations, which can be a limitation for more advanced podcasters.


Podbean is a multi-functional podcasting platform with many attractive features such as livestreaming, podcast blogging, and social media integration. Podbean offers flexible pricing plans to suit every need, from individuals to businesses. However, Podbean may not offer the detailed analytics features of Captivate .


Anchor is a free and easy-to-use podcasting platform. Anchor allows you to create and distribute podcasts quickly and conveniently. However, Anchor has limited customization and content control, which can be a drawback for those who want to be more professional in their podcast production.

When to consider other options

While Captivate is a great podcasting platform, it’s not always the only option. If you have specific needs or a limited budget, it’s worth considering alternatives like Buzzsprout, Podbean, or Anchor. Take a close look at the features, pricing, and pros and cons of each platform before making your decision.


Here is an overview of Captivate - a professional and effective podcast hosting platform. With a friendly interface, rich features and dedicated support, Captivate is becoming the top choice for podcasters of all levels. If you are looking for a platform to create, grow and monetize your podcast, sign up for a free trial of Captivate today to experience it.


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