

TubeMagic is a modern AI tool that helps you grow your YouTube channel easily and effectively.

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TubeMagic is a modern AI tool that helps you grow your YouTube channel easily and effectively. With TubeMagic, you can search for engaging video topics, write engaging video scripts, optimize videos to increase YouTube rankings, analyze video performance, and manage your YouTube channel effectively. TubeMagic helps you save time and effort, increase channel subscriptions, increase video views, attract new viewers, make money from YouTube and build a brand on the platform.

TubeMagic: Growing a YouTube Channel Is Easier Than Ever

TubeMagic Growing Your YouTube Channel Is Easier Than Ever

Search for video topics

Use data and analytics to find engaging video topics

TubeMagic uses artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze data about YouTube viewer trends and needs. Based on this analysis, TubeMagic will suggest video topics that have the potential to attract many viewers. You can use metrics such as searches, views, registrations... to evaluate the potential of each topic.

Search for accurate and effective keywords

In addition, TubeMagic also helps you find accurate and effective keywords to optimize your videos. The system will analyze keywords, recommend keywords with high search volume but low competition, thereby helping you increase video visibility on YouTube search results.

Analyze new trends and opportunities

TubeMagic not only helps you find current topics and keywords, but also analyzes emerging trends and opportunities on YouTube. The system will provide you with information about topics that are becoming popular, helping you catch up and create videos that match that trend.

Write video scripts

Use automatic script generation tools

TubeMagic provides tools to help you create video scripts quickly and effectively. The system will analyze the content and suggest a script structure, from which you can create an attractive video script and attract viewers.

Optimize scripts to increase video performance

In addition, TubeMagic also helps you optimize your video script to increase efficiency. The system will provide suggestions on tone, language, sequence, how to end the video... to help you create highly attractive videos.

Integrate elements that attract viewers

When writing a script, TubeMagic will help you integrate elements such as stories, humorous situations, useful information... to increase attraction and stimulate viewers' curiosity.

Video optimization

Use automated video SEO tools

TubeMagic provides automatic video SEO tools, helping you optimize elements such as titles, descriptions, tags... to increase video visibility on YouTube search results.

Optimize video structure

In addition, TubeMagic also helps you optimize video structure, including factors such as thumbnail, duration, sound, effects... The system will provide suggestions based on data analysis to help you. Create high-quality videos that attract viewers.

Integrate effective advertising strategies

TubeMagic also helps you integrate effective advertising strategies into your videos. The system will suggest suitable advertising forms, thereby helping you attract more new viewers.

Analyze video performance

Track key performance indicators

TubeMagic provides video performance analysis tools, helping you track important metrics such as views, average watch time, abandonment rate, number of subscriptions... From there, you can evaluate Evaluate the effectiveness of each video and make appropriate improvement decisions.

In-depth analysis and suggestions for improvement

In addition, TubeMagic also provides deeper analysis tools, helping you find weaknesses and opportunities for improvement. The system will provide specific suggestions on content, posting time, optimization... to help you improve video performance.

Compare with similar channels

TubeMagic also allows you to compare your video performance with similar channels in the same industry. This helps you better understand your position in the market and identify areas for improvement.

Manage YouTube channel

Automate routine tasks

TubeMagic helps you automate regular YouTube channel management tasks, such as responding to comments, interacting with viewers, posting videos on a schedule... This helps you save time and effort.

Monitor and respond to viewers

In addition, TubeMagic also provides tools to help you monitor and respond to viewers more effectively. The system will suggest standard answers, helping you interact with the community professionally.

Analyze and improve channel strategy

TubeMagic also helps you comprehensively analyze and improve your YouTube channel strategy. The system will provide suggestions on posting schedules, content topics, ways to interact with viewers... to help you build a successful YouTube channel.

Benefits of using TubeMagic

Save time and effort

TubeMagic helps you automate many tasks in growing your YouTube channel, like finding video topics, writing scripts, optimizing videos, analyzing performance, and managing channels. This saves you a lot of time and effort.

Increase channel subscriptions

With features that support creating high-quality videos and attracting viewers, TubeMagic helps you effectively increase YouTube channel subscriptions.

Increase video views

TubeMagic provides video optimization tools, from titles, descriptions, tags to video structure. This helps you increase your YouTube video rankings and views.

Attract new viewers

In addition to video optimization, TubeMagic also helps you integrate effective advertising strategies to attract more new viewers to your YouTube channel.

Make money from YouTube

As views and number of channel subscribers increase, TubeMagic will help you increase income from YouTube, such as from advertising, product sponsorship, sales...

Brand building on YouTube

With features that help you create high-quality videos and attract viewers, TubeMagic also helps you build a personal or business brand on the YouTube platform.

TubeMagic users


TubeMagic is a useful tool for any YouTuber who wants to grow their channel effectively. TubeMagic's features such as video topic search, script writing, video optimization, and channel management will help YouTubers increase views, subscriptions, and income from their YouTube channel.


TubeMagic is also a useful tool for businesses who want to use YouTube to market their products or services. Features like video optimization, performance analysis, and channel management will help businesses increase marketing and brand promotion effectiveness on YouTube.


In addition to YouTubers and businesses, TubeMagic is also a useful tool for any individual who wants to share content on YouTube. Features like video topic search, script writing, and video optimization will help individuals create quality videos that attract viewers.

How it works

TubeMagic works by using artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze data and provide suggestions to help you grow your YouTube channel. Specifically, TubeMagic can help you in the following areas:

Search for video topics

TubeMagic uses data analysis on viewer trends and needs to suggest video topics that have the potential to attract more viewers. The system also helps you find accurate and effective keywords to optimize videos.

Write video scripts

TubeMagic provides tools to help you create video scripts quickly and effectively. The system will analyze the content and suggest script structure, while also providing suggestions on tone, language and elements that attract viewers.

Video optimization

TubeMagic provides automated video SEO tools that help you optimize titles, descriptions, tags, and video structure to increase your chances of appearing in YouTube search results. This helps your videos be viewed by more people and attract subscriptions.

Analyze video performance

TubeMagic provides tools to analyze video performance, from views, likes/dislikes, engagement rates to average watch duration. Through this analysis, you can identify the strengths and weaknesses of your video and thereby improve the quality of your content.

Manage YouTube channel

TubeMagic not only helps you optimize videos but also supports comprehensive YouTube channel management. From responding to comments, interacting with viewers to posting videos on a schedule, the system is automated to help you save time and improve management efficiency.

TubeMagic pricing plans

TubeMagic offers a variety of pricing plans to meet users' needs and budgets. Here are some popular packages:

Free Package

  • Provides basic features such as searching for video topics, writing scripts, and optimizing videos.
  • Basic customer support.
  • For individual users or those just starting to use TubeMagic.

Standard package

  • Includes more advanced features such as detailed video performance analysis and marketing strategy recommendations.
  • 24/7 customer support.
  • Suitable for YouTubers and businesses with higher needs.

Premium Package

  • All features in the Standard package.
  • Advanced support and personalized guidance from experts.
  • Access to premium marketing and advertising tools.
  • Top choice for those who want to fully optimize their YouTube channel.

With flexible pricing packages, TubeMagic meets the needs of many users, from individuals, businesses to professional YouTubers.

TubeMagic alternatives

In addition to TubeMagic, there are a number of other tools that are also useful for growing a YouTube channel, including:


VidIQ is a video analytics tool that helps you track video performance, identify potential keywords, and improve the SEO of your videos. This is a popular choice for those looking to optimize their SEO strategy on YouTube.


TubeBuddy is a YouTube channel management tool that helps you automate many tasks such as keyword search, video analysis, playlist management... TubeBuddy is a good choice for those who want to save time in channel management.

VTube Studio

VTube Studio is a video creation tool that helps you create high-quality videos with ease. It provides video editing tools, audio effects, and images to create creative and engaging content.


TubeMagic is a useful tool that can help you grow your YouTube channel effectively and save time. From finding video topics, writing scripts, optimizing videos to channel management and performance analysis, TubeMagic brings many valuable benefits to both individuals, businesses and YouTubers. Try TubeMagic today to experience the power of artificial intelligence in growing your YouTube channel.

  • $18/month
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