

ZonBase - Comprehensive Amazon seller support tool, from product research, list optimization, advertising to competitor tracking, helping to increase sales and profits.

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In the era of rapidly growing e-commerce, selling on Amazon is becoming an extremely attractive business opportunity. However, promoting sales on Amazon also means significant challenges, from finding potential products, optimizing product listings, to running effective advertising. To solve these problems, many Amazon sellers have chosen to use ZonBase - a comprehensive support toolkit for those who want to succeed in selling on Amazon.

Introducing ZonBase

Zonbase | Details, Pricing, & Features

What is ZonBase?

ZonBase is a suite of tools that integrates many different features, helping Amazon FBA sellers optimize important aspects of their business, including:

  • Product research: Search for potential products, analyze competitors.
  • Create and optimize product listings: Write attractive product descriptions, optimize keywords and images.
  • Advertising and marketing: Run PPC ads, track campaign effectiveness.
  • Track and analyze: Track sales, profits, keywords, competitors.

With ZonBase, Amazon sellers can save time, increase business efficiency and increase revenue effectively.

Advantages of ZonBase

1. Save time

  • Automate market research and analysis tasks.
  • Helps sellers focus on operations and business development.

2. Increase efficiency

  • Provides accurate and reliable data.
  • Help sellers make the right business decisions.

3. Increase revenue

  • Optimize product listings to help customers find products more easily.
  • Run ads more effectively, reaching the right target customers.

4. Suitable for all sizes

  • From beginners to large businesses, everyone can use ZonBase.
  • Flexible features and packages to suit the needs of each seller.

5. Suitable audience

  • Amazon FBA Seller
  • Manufacturer, brand
  • Agent, reseller

How ZonBase Works

Overview of ZonBase features

ZonBase offers a diverse set of tools, each focusing on a specific aspect of selling on Amazon. Users can use one or more of these tools to support business activities.

Key features of ZonBase include:

  • ZonResearch : Product research, competitor analysis, sales estimates.
  • Keywords Tool : Research keywords, search for potential keywords.
  • Listify : Create and optimize product lists, write attractive product descriptions.
  • Photo Enhancer : Optimize product images.
  • Sales Estimator : Estimates the product's potential sales.
  • PPC Autopilot : Automate PPC advertising.
  • ZonTracker : Track keyword rankings, sales, product reviews.
  • Alerts : Receive notifications about competitor changes.

Procedure for using ZonBase

Below is the general process when using ZonBase to sell on Amazon:

  1. Product research :
    • Use ZonResearch to search for potential products with little competition.
    • Analyze information about competitors such as sales, reviews, number of orders.
  1. Create and optimize product lists :
    • Use Listify to write attractive, keyword-optimized product descriptions.
    • Use Photo Enhancer to optimize product images.
  1. Advertising and marketing :
    • Use PPC Autopilot to automate and manage PPC advertising campaigns.
    • Track the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
  1. Monitor and analyze :
    • Use ZonTracker to track sales, profits, and keyword rankings.
    • Track your competitors' changes with the Alerts feature.

Through these steps, Amazon sellers can optimize important aspects of their business, from product search to advertising and data analysis.

Key Features of ZonBase


Description : ZonResearch is a comprehensive product research tool that helps Amazon sellers find potential products, analyze competitor information and estimate sales.

Main function :

  • Search for products based on criteria such as sales, reviews, number of orders.
  • Analyze detailed information about competitive products such as sales, number of orders, reviews, number of reviews.
  • Estimate the product's potential sales based on factors such as competitors' price, reviews, and number of orders.

Application :

  • Discover potential products with little competition on Amazon.
  • Evaluate product competitiveness and profitability.
  • Make business decisions based on accurate data.

Keywords Tool

Description : Keywords Tool is ZonBase's keyword research tool, helping Amazon sellers find potential keywords and analyze detailed information about keywords.

Main function :

  • Search for keywords related to the product, based on criteria such as search volume and competition.
  • Analyze detailed information about keywords such as average search volume, competition level, and competitor rankings.
  • Suggest potential keywords based on main keywords.

Application :

  • Optimize keywords for product listings, helping customers find products more easily.
  • Detect potential, less competitive keywords.
  • Make effective keyword selection decisions for advertising campaigns.


Description : Listify is a tool that helps Amazon sellers create and optimize product listings, including features like writing product descriptions, keyword and image optimization.

Main function :

  • Write attractive product descriptions, optimize keywords.
  • Optimize product images.
  • Suggest potential keywords to optimize product listings.

Application :

  • Increase conversion rates by providing complete and attractive product information.
  • Optimize product listings to make products easier for customers to find.
  • Improve product rankings on Amazon.

Photo Enhancer

Description : Photo Enhancer is a tool in ZonBase that helps optimize product images, thereby increasing conversion rates and improving product rankings.

Main function :

  • Optimize image size, resolution and format.
  • Edit and brighten product images.
  • Automatically create secondary images such as 360-degree photos and composite photos.

Application :

  • Improve product image quality, attract customer attention.
  • Comply with product image standards on Amazon.
  • Increase conversion rates and product rankings.

Sales Estimator

Description : Sales Estimator is a tool to estimate a product's potential sales, helping Amazon sellers make more accurate business decisions.

Main function :

  • Estimate sales based on factors such as competitors' prices, reviews, and number of orders.
  • Analyze factors affecting sales such as price, number of reviews, number of orders.
  • Forecast sales according to different scenarios.

Application :

  • Evaluate the product's potential before making business decisions.
  • Make more accurate business plans and sales forecasts.
  • Determine effective selling prices and product pricing strategies.

PPC Autopilot

Description : PPC Autopilot is a tool to automate and manage PPC advertising campaigns on Amazon, helping sellers save time and increase advertising effectiveness.

Main function :

  • Automate processes like campaign creation, bidding, ad optimization.
  • Monitor and analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. -Give announcements and updates on advertising campaign performance.

Application :

  • Save time and effort in managing advertising campaigns.
  • Increase advertising effectiveness and optimize costs.
  • Monitor and evaluate the results of advertising campaigns in detail.


Description : ZonTracker is a product performance tracking and analysis tool on Amazon, helping sellers evaluate sales, profits, keywords and competitors.

Main function :

  • Track keyword rankings, sales, product reviews.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of advertising and marketing strategies.
  • Get notified about competitor changes.

Application :

  • Evaluate the performance of products and marketing campaigns.
  • Make adjustments and improve business strategies based on collected data.
  • Grasp market trends and discover new product opportunities.

By using ZonBase features such as ZonResearch, Keywords Tool, Listify, Photo Enhancer, Sales Estimator, PPC Autopilot and ZonTracker, Amazon sellers can optimize every aspect of their business on the platform.

ZonBase Application

Search for new products

Using ZonBase helps Amazon sellers easily discover new, potential and less competitive products in the market. Product and keyword research tools help identify products with high profit potential.

Optimize product listings

Using tools like Listify and Photo Enhancer, sellers can write compelling product descriptions, optimize images to increase conversion rates, and improve product rankings on Amazon.

Effective advertising

With the PPC Autopilot tool, sellers can automate the management of PPC advertising campaigns, saving time and effort. At the same time, tracking and analyzing advertising effectiveness helps optimize costs and increase sales.

Track your competitors

ZonTracker is a tool that helps track and analyze competitors' activities, helping sellers grasp market trends and discover new opportunities for their business.

ZonBase Pricing Plans

Currently, ZonBase offers three service packages for users:

  1. Starter package : Suitable for beginners, providing basic features at an affordable price.
  2. Standard Plan : Meets the needs of the average Amazon seller, with additional advanced features.
  3. Legendary Package : For large businesses or professional sellers, providing all the features of ZonBase.

Comparing plans in terms of price, features, and support will help users choose the plan that best suits their business needs.

In addition, ZonBase often has special incentive programs such as a free trial for a certain period of time so that users have the opportunity to experience the tool's features before deciding to purchase a service package.

ZonBase Alternatives

In addition to ZonBase, there are many other tools that support Amazon sellers such as Helium 10, Jungle Scout and Viral Launch. Each tool has its own advantages and is suitable for specific business needs.

  • Helium 10 : Comprehensive Amazon sales toolkit with many powerful features supporting from product search to advertising and tracking.
  • Jungle Scout : Popular Amazon product research platform with market and competitor analysis tools.
  • Viral Launch : Amazon product launch and research tool with features to help optimize product listings and ads.

Depending on specific business requirements, Amazon sellers can choose the most suitable tool for their needs.


ZonBase not only helps Amazon sellers save time and effort but also optimize business efficiency and increase revenue. With a variety of features, ease of use, reasonable price and good support, ZonBase is the top choice for businesses wanting to succeed on Amazon.


  • $18/month
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