

WiziShop is a powerful e-commerce platform, applying AI to automate sales, helping you create a professional sales website, manage products, orders, marketing and customer care effectively.

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Millions of businesses around the world are leveraging the power of the internet to expand their markets, increase sales and enhance customer experience. However, building and running a successful online store is not an easy job. From website design, product management, order processing to implementing marketing strategies, all require a lot of time, effort and professional skills.

This is the reason why WiziShop , an all-in-one e-commerce platform, is being chosen by more and more businesses. With the integration of AI technology and automation features, WiziShop helps business owners control and operate online stores effectively, saving significant time and resources.

I. Introducing WiziShop

WiziShop | Detailed Review, Features, Prices And Alternativess

1. Definition of WiziShop

WiziShop is an all-in-one e-commerce platform, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) technology to automate sales processes. With a friendly and easy-to-use interface, WiziShop provides users with an ecosystem full of necessary features to build, operate and develop an online store effectively.

From creating a sales website, managing products and orders to automated marketing strategies, WiziShop provides built-in tools, helping business owners save time, effort and focus on their business. business development.

2. Highlights of WiziShop

Friendly and easy-to-use interface: WiziShop is designed with a direct, intuitive interface, making it easy for users to get acquainted and operate the system immediately, without needing too much training time.

Diverse and comprehensive features: WiziShop fully integrates the necessary tools for online business, from website design, product and order management to automated marketing strategies.

Multi-channel sales support: In addition to the sales website, WiziShop also allows you to sell on other online channels such as Facebook, Instagram, e-commerce floors,...

Optimize conversions with AI: With the support of artificial intelligence technology, WiziShop helps optimize marketing campaigns, personalize customer experience and increase conversion rates.

3. Benefits of using WiziShop

Save time and effort: WiziShop automates many processes such as order processing, marketing, customer care,... helping business owners save hours every day.

Increase sales and business efficiency: With conversion optimization features, WiziShop helps increase traffic, conversion rates and sales revenue.

Enhance customer experience: WiziShop integrates many customer support tools such as live chat, chatbot, email marketing,... to help improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Easily expand your business: WiziShop allows you to sell on many different channels, from websites, social media to e-commerce platforms.

II. How WiziShop Works

1. Create a sales website

With WiziShop, you can easily create a professional sales website without programming knowledge. The system provides hundreds of beautiful, modern interface templates and SEO optimization integration. You just need to choose a template that suits your industry and brand, then customize elements such as logo, color, content,...

In addition, WiziShop also helps you post products, write descriptions, set selling prices and manage inventory easily through the admin interface.

2. Product management

WiziShop provides tools to help you manage products effectively. You can add, edit, delete products, update information, images, prices and classify products quickly.

In addition, the system also supports inventory management, inventory tracking, and automatic ordering when the number of products drops to a low level.

3. Order processing

WiziShop automates the order processing process, from receiving, confirmation, packaging to shipping. When a customer places an order, the system will automatically send a confirmation email, moving the order to "Processing" status.

When the order is successfully delivered, WiziShop will update the status and send a notification email to the customer. All order information is stored and clearly displayed on the administration interface.

4. Automated marketing

WiziShop fully integrates automated marketing tools such as Facebook/Google ads, email marketing, SMS marketing and remarketing. You can easily set up marketing campaigns quickly and flexibly.

In addition, the system also provides features to effectively analyze and track campaigns, helping you optimize your marketing strategy effectively.

5. Customer care

WiziShop integrates many customer care support tools such as live chat, chatbot, email, SMS,... Helps you reach and interact with customers quickly and effectively.

In addition, the system also provides features to manage customer information, track behavior and purchase history, thereby personalizing the experience and improving customer satisfaction.

III. Main Features of WiziShop

1. Website design

WiziShop provides hundreds of beautiful, modern and SEO optimized sales website interface templates. You can easily choose and customize the design according to your brand style.

In addition, the system also supports website optimization such as on-page SEO, page loading speed, mobile-friendly,... to help improve visibility and attract potential customers.

2. Product management

WiziShop provides comprehensive product management tools, including:

Product classification: You can create categories, brands and product attributes to manage products logically and easily.

Variation management: Supports creating product variations (size, color, material,...) and managing them within the same product.

Inventory management: Monitor the number of products in stock, place orders automatically when the quantity drops to the minimum level.

Upload products: Easily add, edit, and delete products with full descriptions, images, and prices.

3. Order processing

WiziShop automates the order processing process, including:

Receive and confirm orders: When customers place an order, the system will automatically send a confirmation email and switch to "Processing" status.

Transportation management: Integrating many shipping units, allowing business owners to choose the appropriate service.

Update order status: The system automatically updates order status and sends email notification to customers when the order is successfully delivered.

Order management: Track, manage and search orders easily through the admin interface.

4. Pay online

WiziShop integrates many popular payment gateways such as VISA, Master Card, JCB, e-wallets (Momo, Payoo, ZaloPay, etc.) so customers can pay safely and conveniently.

The system ensures payment transactions are encrypted and secure, helping business owners and customers feel secure about financial security.

5. Marketing & sales

WiziShop fully integrates marketing automation tools to help you grow your business, including:

Facebook/Google Ads: Create and manage advertising campaigns on these reputable platforms.

Email marketing: Set up automatic email marketing campaigns such as welcome, customer care, and remarketing.

SMS marketing: Send promotional SMS messages and take care of customers automatically.

Chatbot integration: Provides a smart and convenient interactive experience for customers.

Multi-channel sales: In addition to the website, you can also sell on Facebook, Instagram and e-commerce platforms.

6. Reporting & analysis

WiziShop provides comprehensive reporting and analytics tools that help you track and make effective business decisions, including:

Sales report: Track and analyze sales by time, product, sales channel,...

Customer behavior: Review customer behavior on the website, conversion rates, abandoned carts,...

Campaign effectiveness: Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, thereby adjusting and optimizing marketing strategies.

IV. WiziShop Application

1. Online sales

WiziShop is a comprehensive solution for online sales, helping you create a professional sales website, attract customers and increase sales.

2. Omnichannel sales

In addition to the website, WiziShop also supports sales on many different channels such as Facebook, Instagram, e-commerce platforms,... Helping you reach customers flexibly and effectively.

3. Dropshipping

With WiziShop, you can participate in the dropshipping business model without capital or inventory. Just source your products, put them on your website and start selling.

4. Affiliate sales

In addition to direct sales, you can also join affiliate sales programs, promote other people's products and receive commissions from each successful transaction.

V. WiziShop Pricing Plans

WiziShop offers flexible pricing packages to suit each business's needs and budget:

1. Free

  • Basic features
  • Product and bandwidth limits
  • Basic support

2. Pay the fee

  • Feature expansion
  • Increase product and bandwidth limits
  • Priority support

Details on specific pricing plans, included features, and prices can be found on WiziShop's homepage.

BECAUSE. WiziShop Alternatives

Besides WiziShop, there are many other e-commerce platforms you can consider:

1. Shopify

  • Popular e-commerce platform
  • Diverse applications and interfaces
  • Support sales on multiple channels

2. Just

  • Vietnamese e-commerce platform
  • Suitable for the domestic market
  • Easy to use and integrates local payments

3. Haravan

  • Multi-channel e-commerce platform
  • Integrate many sales solutions
  • Good support for medium and large businesses

4. Magento

  • Open source e-commerce platform
  • Highly flexible and customizable
  • Suitable for large businesses and special needs


WiziShop is a comprehensive solution for online sales, helping you save time, optimize costs and grow revenue effectively. We encourage you to experience WiziShop to discover the power of automation and AI in sales. Sign up for a free trial of WiziShop now to start your online business journey!

  • $18/month
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