

Stunning helps you create websites quickly, easily, and completely customized with the help of AI. No coding skills needed, just answer a few simple questions.

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Stunning is a revolutionary platform that helps anyone, even those without technical knowledge, quickly create a professional website without having to write code. With the support of AI technology, Stunning brings a completely new, simple and effective website building experience.

In this article, we'll explore Stunning , understand how it works, its key features, potential uses, and how it compares to other alternatives. Let's find out why Stunning is a superior solution for building your website.

Stunning | Detailed Review, Features, Prices And Alternativess

How Stunning Works

Stunning has simplified the website building process by using artificial intelligence. Instead of having to design, program and manage every detail yourself, users only need to answer a few simple questions about their business, needs and desires. Based on this information, Stunning 's AI will automatically create a customized website that suits the requirements.

Answer simple questions

To get started, users just need to answer a few basic questions such as:

  • Type of website you want to create (for example: personal website, sales website, corporate website,...)
  • The main purpose of the website (for example: product introduction, online sales, content sharing,...)
  • The features and functionality you want (e.g. product pages, shopping cart, blog, email subscription, etc.)
  • Desired style and color (eg: modern, luxurious, youthful,...)

This information will help Stunning understand your goals and requirements, thereby creating a suitable website.

AI creates custom websites

After collecting the necessary information, Stunning 's AI system will automatically create a customized website based on the following factors:

  • Interface and layout: Stunning will select and adjust the interface, page layout, colors, and fonts to suit your requirements.
  • Sample content: The system will generate sample content (text, images, videos,...) corresponding to the type of website and purpose you choose.
  • Functions and integration: Stunning will add necessary functions such as product pages, shopping cart, contact, email registration,... and connection with other support tools.

Once completed, you will immediately have a website created completely automatically, suitable to your needs and desires.

Customize and edit

Although Stunning has created a complete website based on the information you provide, you can continue to customize and edit the website as you wish. Some customization features include:

  • Change interface, layout, colors, fonts
  • Edit and add content (text, images, videos)
  • Add or remove functions and features
  • Connect with other tools and services (Google Analytics, Mailchimp,...)

Stunning provides easy-to-use tools that help you quickly make changes without having to write code.

Publish website

Once you've completed the customization process, simply press the "Publish" button and Stunning will ensure your website is posted on the internet safely and effectively. The system will provide options related to domain name, hosting, SSL and other settings.

In short, Stunning has simplified the entire website building process, helping you create a professional website by just answering a few simple questions. With the help of AI, you can quickly create a website that suits your needs, without having to write code or use technical skills.

Stunning Key Features

Stunning provides a series of powerful features, helping you build and manage websites easily and effectively. Here are some key features of this platform:

Create websites using AI

The most outstanding feature of Stunning is the ability to create a completely automatic website based on artificial intelligence. Just answer a few simple questions, the system will automatically create a website customized to your needs, including interface, layout, content and basic features.

This process is very quick and simple, suitable for even those with no knowledge of web design or programming. You don't need to write code, don't need to go through complicated steps, just answer a few questions and Stunning will create a website immediately.

Flexible customization

Although Stunning creates your website automatically, you still have the flexibility to customize and edit your website. The platform's customization tools allow you to:

  • Change interface, layout, colors, fonts
  • Edit and add content (text, images, videos)
  • Add or remove features and functions
  • Connect to external tools and services

These customization tools are easy to use, no coding required. You can flexibly change your website without encountering any technical barriers.

Many professional website templates

Stunning offers hundreds of professional website templates, covering different styles and industries. You can easily choose the template that suits your needs and continue to customize it as you like.

These website templates are designed by a team of experts, ensuring a modern interface, smart layout and optimal user experience. This helps you save time and effort compared to having to design it yourself from scratch.

Diverse integration

Stunning not only helps you create websites, but also supports integration with many external tools and services. Some prominent integrations include:

  • Connect to Google Analytics to track and analyze traffic
  • Integrate Mailchimp to build email lists and send email marketing
  • Connect with online payments like Stripe, PayPal to sell online
  • Integrate other popular applications and services such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube,...

Thanks to these integrations, you can expand the functionality of your website, meeting your business and marketing needs in a comprehensive way.

Optimized SEO

Stunning pays special attention to optimizing websites to achieve high rankings on search engines (SEO). Some key SEO features include:

  • Automatically generate title tags, descriptions, alt images,... to improve search results
  • Supports optimization of content, keywords, URL structure
  • Ensures fast page loading speed and mobile-friendly interface
  • Integrate Google Search Console to track and improve SEO performance

Thanks to these powerful SEO features, your website will be pushed to a high position in search results, increasing accessibility and attracting visitors.

With the above outstanding features, Stunning has created a comprehensive solution for website building, helping you save time, cost and effort effectively.

Stunning Application

Stunning is an extremely flexible platform that can meet the needs of building websites for many different audiences. Below are some typical applications of Stunning :


With Stunning , individuals such as bloggers, freelancers, office workers,... can easily create websites such as:

  • Personal website/portfolio to introduce yourself, experiences and services
  • Blog to share content, experiences, and thoughts
  • Online sales website (for example, selling handmade products)
  • Event website (e.g. meetup event, conference)

Stunning provides professional website templates and easy-to-use customization tools, helping individual users quickly build a professional website.

Small Business

For small businesses, Stunning is a great choice to create a website to introduce your company, products/services, and sell online. Some typical applications include:

  • Company introduction website: Helps small businesses have a professional website to introduce history, team, services,...
  • Online sales website: Stunning integrates necessary features for online sales such as shopping cart, online payment, product management,...
  • Advertising landing page: Create a landing page that attracts customers and increases conversion rates from advertising campaigns.

With Stunning , small businesses can save time and costs in building websites while still ensuring quality and efficiency.


Freelancers such as graphic designers, photographers, copywriters,... can also take advantage of Stunning to create professional personal websites. Some popular applications include:

  • Portfolio page: Displays completed projects and products to attract new customers.
  • Service presentation: Detailed information about services, prices, images for potential customers to easily contact.
  • Personal blog: Share knowledge and work experience to build reputation and expertise.

Stunning provides suitable website templates and flexible features so freelancers can easily create and manage their own websites.


For organizations, Stunning provides diverse and flexible website creation solutions. Typical applications include:

  • Event website: Create a separate website for events and seminars to promote and attract attendees.
  • Community website: Build community forums and blogs to interact and share information among members.
  • Organization website: The organization's official website to introduce and promote activities and goals.

With Stunning , organizations can create rich, diverse websites to serve the needs of promoting, communicating and interacting with target audiences.

Stunning Pricing Plans

Stunning provides service packages that suit users' needs and budgets. Below are Stunning 's main pricing packages :

Free of charge

The free plan provides basic features so you can create a simple website and customize it to your personal needs. Although it has limited features and no dedicated support, this plan is still a good choice if you want to experiment or have simple needs.

Pay the fee

Stunning 's paid plans provide many advanced features such as your own domain name, removing ads, 24/7 support, detailed statistics, and integrating peripheral applications. You can choose the package that suits your usage goals and budget.

Custom package

In addition to available packages, Stunning also provides customized services according to the requirements of each business or organization. By contacting the support team directly, you can request optimization, integration of special features, custom design, etc.

Choosing the right pricing plan helps you take full advantage of Stunning 's features without paying too much.

Stunning Alternatives

Besides Stunning , there are many other website building platforms on the market that you can consider. Here are some of Stunning 's competitors and how the platform compares:


  • Advantages: Easy-to-use interface, many extension applications, support for many professions.
  • Disadvantages: High cost, limited code customization.


  • Advantages: Beautiful design, fast page loading speed, support for online sales.
  • Disadvantages: Inflexible interface, limited external application integration.


  • Advantages: Freedom to design every detail, animation support, good responsiveness.
  • Disadvantages: Requires high technical knowledge, complex for beginners.

Compared with competitors, Stunning stands out with the ability to create websites using AI, fast, easy to use, flexible in customization and integrating a variety of support tools. This makes Stunning the top choice for those who want to build websites simply and effectively.


Above is an overview of Stunning - a website building platform based on artificial intelligence that helps create professional websites without technical knowledge. With diverse features and applications, Stunning promises to be a useful tool for individuals, small businesses, freelancers and organizations in online development. If you are looking for an easy and effective way to build a website, consider Stunning as your top choice.

  • $18/month
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