

Explore Storyprompt, the platform that makes it easy to collect, create, and share customer success stories, drive conversions, and build brand trust.

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One of the key goals of any business is to increase conversions and build trust with customers. However, not everyone knows how to do this effectively. That’s why using Storyprompt can help your business collect and share customer success stories easily and effectively. In this article, we’ll take a look at Storyprompt, its features and benefits, along with its pricing plans and alternatives. Let’s explore how Storyprompt can help your business increase conversions and build trust with customers.

Storyprompt Introduction

Storyprompt - Detailed Review, Features, Prices And Alternativess

What is Storyprompt?

Storyprompt is a platform that helps businesses collect and create customer success stories easily and effectively. It allows businesses to create campaigns to collect customer testimonials and use them to build trust with potential customers. This helps increase conversions and brand credibility.

Benefits of Storyprompt

Using Storyprompt can bring many benefits to businesses, including:

  • Increase Conversions: Customer success stories will make your product or service more appealing to potential customers.
  • Build Trust: Sharing customer testimonials helps build customer trust and confidence.
  • Increase brand credibility: As more success stories are shared, your brand becomes more trustworthy to customers.
  • Create engaging marketing content: Customer stories can be used as content for marketing campaigns, helping to attract potential customers.
  • Improve customer experience: Collecting feedback from customers also helps businesses better understand the problems customers are facing, thereby improving their experience.

How Storyprompt Works

To use Storyprompt, businesses need to do the following steps:

Create campaign

First, businesses need to set up interview questions for customers. These questions can be customized to suit the business's purpose and needs. Once completed, businesses need to customize the interface to match their brand. This can be done by changing colors, fonts, and logos.

Send require

Once the campaign is created, the business will send an email or text message inviting customers to join. This can be done through various communication channels such as email, text message, or website alerts.

Collect feedback

Once customers agree to participate, they will be asked to answer questions. This can be done via email or a form embedded on your website. Customers can share their story, review a product or service, or simply leave their contact information.

Create a story

Once it has gathered enough customer feedback, Storyprompt automatically generates engaging stories from what customers have shared. Using artificial intelligence, Storyprompt creates emotional and engaging stories.


Finally, businesses can share these stories on their websites, social media, or in email marketing campaigns. This helps spread customer success stories and adds trust and credibility to the brand.

Key Features of Storyprompt

Create a question template

Storyprompt provides ready-made question templates to help businesses easily create feedback collection campaigns. However, businesses can also customize and change the questions to suit their needs.

Customizable interface

Creating a custom look helps your campaign look professional and on-brand. Businesses can change colors, fonts, and logos to match their brand identity.

Collect multi-channel feedback

Storyprompt allows businesses to collect feedback from multiple channels such as email, text messages, or through website forms. This makes collecting feedback more convenient and flexible.

Create stories automatically

Using artificial intelligence, Storyprompt automatically generates engaging stories from what customers have shared. This saves businesses time and effort.

Integrate with other tools

Storyprompt integrates with other tools like CRM, email marketing, and social media. This helps businesses manage feedback and share stories more effectively.

Storyprompt Applications

So, what are the uses of Storyprompt? Let's explore the applications of this platform.


Using customer success stories as marketing content can help attract potential customers and increase conversions. Touching and authentic stories make a positive impression on customers and help build trust and credibility for your brand.


Use customer success stories to convince potential customers to buy your product or service. Customer testimonials add credibility and appeal to your product or service.

Customer care

Collecting customer feedback helps businesses better understand the problems their customers are facing, which can help improve their experience. This increases satisfaction and creates advocacy from existing customers.


Storyprompt can also be used to attract talent by sharing employee success stories. This helps increase engagement and build trust with potential candidates.

Storyprompt Pricing Plans

The Storyprompt platform currently has two service plans: free and paid.

Free Package

Storyprompt's free plan allows businesses to create one campaign and collect up to 50 responses per month. Businesses can also customize the interface and use artificial intelligence to generate stories. However, this plan does not include integrations with other tools and only supports one language.

Paid Package

Storyprompt’s paid plans range from $15 to $99 per month, depending on the number of responses and features offered. They allow businesses to create more campaigns, collect unlimited responses, and integrate with other tools like CRM, email marketing, and social media. The paid plans also support multiple languages, allowing businesses to expand their reach.

Compare the pros and cons of each package

  • Free Plan : The advantage is that it is free and easy to use for businesses just starting out. However, the limitations in response numbers and features can make it difficult to scale your campaigns.
  • Paid plans : The advantages are flexibility and a variety of features, helping businesses optimize the process of collecting and managing feedback. However, cost can be a factor to consider, especially for small and medium-sized businesses.

Storyprompt Alternatives

In addition to Storyprompt, there are other tools that can be used to collect feedback and create marketing content. Here are some alternatives:

Survey tools: Typeform, SurveyMonkey

Typeform and SurveyMonkey are two of the popular survey tools that allow businesses to create flexible questionnaires and collect feedback from customers. However, they do not offer the automatic story generation feature like Storyprompt.

Content Creation Tools: Canva, Adobe Spark

Canva and Adobe Spark are tools that help businesses create visually engaging content. They can be used to design graphics and videos to accompany stories collected from customers. However, they do not offer feedback collection features like Storyprompt.

Compare details

Tools Advantage Defect
Storyprompt Automatically generate stories from feedback Limited number of responses (free plan)
Typeform Flexibility in creating questions No automatic story generation feature
SurveyMonkey Popular and easy to use Limitations on visual content creation features
Canva Variety of designs No feedback collection feature
Adobe Spark Create videos and graphics easily Limitations on the feature of creating stories from feedback


Storyprompt is a powerful tool that helps businesses collect and create customer success stories easily and effectively. Storyprompt's flexibility, integration, and automation help businesses save time and effort in the marketing and customer care process.

We encourage businesses to experiment and discover how Storyprompt helps them collect customer testimonials and drive conversions. With its diverse features and flexible applications, Storyprompt promises to be a useful tool for any business that wants to create impressive and successful stories.


  • $49/month
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