

Assign tasks to autonomous AI agents on Spell.so and experience daily work transformation with powerful, intuitive AI tools.

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Optimizing workflow and increasing productivity is becoming a growing concern for individuals, businesses and organizations. People are constantly looking for new tools and solutions to help them save time, reduce costs and improve the efficiency of business operations. This is the mission of the Spell autonomous AI platform - to help users leverage the power of artificial intelligence to automate processes and increase productivity.

Introducing Spell

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Spell is an AI platform that allows users to create and manage autonomous AI agents that automate tasks and workflows. Through an intuitive, easy-to-use interface, users can set specific goals and tasks for each AI agent, then train them to perform tasks independently.


Spell 's mission is to help users save time, increase productivity and achieve greater efficiency at work through the power of artificial intelligence. By automating repetitive tasks and freeing humans from mundane tasks, Spell helps people focus on tasks that require creativity and strategic decision-making.


Spell is aimed at everyone, including individuals, businesses, freelancers and anyone who wants to optimize their workflow and take advantage of the potential of artificial intelligence. Irrespective of size or sector of operation, Spell delivers autonomous AI solutions that can be widely adopted.

How Spell works

Create AI agents

Spell 's core differentiator is its ability to allow users to create AI agents with distinct goals and missions. Through an intuitive, easy-to-use interface, users can set the necessary parameters and configurations for each AI agent, thereby helping them perform tasks independently.

Training AI agents

After creating AI agents, users will provide data and instructions to train them to perform tasks automatically. This process may include providing samples of text, images, videos, or specific rules and procedures that the AI ​​agent needs to follow.

Monitor and fine-tune

During operations, Spell allows users to monitor the performance and behavior of AI agents. If necessary, they can tweak parameters or adjust instructions to ensure that AI agents operate optimally and achieve their goals.

Integrate with other tools

To expand automation capabilities, Spell allows users to connect with other applications and platforms, like project management tools, CRM, email marketing, etc. This helps create an integrated ecosystem integration, allowing AI agents to automate a variety of processes and tasks.

Main features of Spell

Autonomous AI agents

This is the highlight of Spell , which allows users to create AI agents capable of performing complex tasks automatically without the need for constant human intervention. These AI agents can complete tasks on their own, make decisions, and adjust behavior as required.

Intuitive interface

Spell has an intuitive and easy-to-use user interface that makes it easy for users to create, manage, and monitor AI agents. Through direct-to-action tools and features, users can quickly set up and operate AI agents that suit their needs.

AI agent library

Spell provides a library of pre-made AI agents for common tasks, like planning, emailing, content creation, data analysis, etc. This helps users save time and ease Deploy automation solutions at work.

Customize AI agents

In addition to using available AI agents, users can also customize and adapt AI agents to their specific needs. This provides flexibility and the ability to shape autonomous AI solutions to suit each business or individual.

GPT-4 support

Spell leverages the power of advanced language models like GPT-4 to create smarter AI agents that understand context and speak more naturally. This enhances automation and opens up many new applications for AI agents.

Spell 's application

Marketing automation

Spell can help automate marketing activities, such as creating and managing advertising campaigns, sending email marketing, and posting on social networks. AI agents can monitor performance, analyze data, and adjust campaigns dynamically.

Sales automation

In the field of sales, Spell helps automate processes such as customer care, creating quotes, tracking orders, and updating schedules. AI agents can interact with customers, process requests, and perform post-sales tasks quickly.

Automate customer service

In the field of customer service, Spell can automate answering frequently asked questions, resolve simple problems, and provide 24/7 customer support. Trained AI agents can engage in conversation, understand context, and provide appropriate solutions.

Automate business processes

In addition to marketing, sales, and customer service applications, Spell can also automate many other business processes such as financial management, human resources management, planning, and data analysis. AI agents can help optimize internal processes, reduce errors and save businesses time.

Spell pricing plans

Free plan

Spell offers a free service plan that allows users to create and manage up to 3 AI agents. This package is suitable for individuals and small businesses who want to experience and learn about the platform's automation solutions.

Basic Package

Spell 's Basic plan includes more advanced features, allowing users to create and manage up to 10 AI agents. This package is suitable for small and medium businesses that want to optimize their workflow more effectively.

Advanced Package

Spell 's Advanced plan offers additional features such as GPT-4 support, AI agent customization, and integration with other tools. Users can create and manage up to 50 AI agents. This package is suitable for large enterprises and organizations looking to deploy comprehensive automation solutions.

Business Package

Spell 's Enterprise plan is designed for large organizations, allowing users to create and manage a multitude of AI agents. Additionally, this plan offers advanced security features, custom integrations, and in-depth business support.

Alternatives to Spell


Zapier is a popular workflow automation platform that allows users to connect apps and automate repetitive tasks. While Zapier doesn't offer autonomous AI agents like Spell , it's still a useful option for automating simple processes.

Make (formerly Integromat)

Make (formerly Integromat) is a Zapier-like tool that allows users to connect apps and automate processes. Make has some more advanced features than Zapier, like advanced logic support and greater customization. However, Make also doesn't have autonomous AI agent features like Spell .

IFTTT (If This Then That)

IFTTT is another workflow automation platform that allows users to create simple "Applets" to connect applications and services. IFTTT is simple and easy to use, but customization and integration are more limited than Zapier and Make.

While solutions like Zapier, Make, and IFTTT can all help automate some workflows, Spell has unique advantages thanks to its ability to create autonomous AI agents. This provides unsurpassed flexibility and power in optimizing workflows and increasing productivity.


Spell is a promising autonomous AI platform that offers the ability to automate tasks and workflows efficiently and flexibly. With the mission of helping users save time, increase productivity and achieve greater efficiency at work, Spell has been attracting the attention of individuals, businesses and freelancers who want to take advantage of the potential of AI.

Through intelligent operations, from AI agent creation, training, monitoring and integration with other tools, Spell provides an easy and intuitive approach for users. In particular, supporting GPT-4 helps create smarter AI agents, opening up many new applications and future development potential.

With flexible service packages from free to enterprise, Spell meets the needs of a diverse range of users. Compared to competitors like Zapier, Make, and IFTTT, Spell stands out with its autonomous AI agent feature, intuitive interface, and high customization capabilities.

  • $18/month
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