

Discover SaleSmartly - a multi-channel customer communication solution, integrating livechat, WhatsApp, social networks, email, helping you take better care of customers, increase conversion rates and sales.

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In the era of digitalization, providing superior customer experience has become the key to competitiveness and business growth. SaleSmartly is a multi-channel customer communication platform, providing comprehensive solutions to improve service quality, optimize sales and marketing processes, thereby helping small and medium-sized businesses and online stores. online, service providers increase interaction and build strong relationships with customers.


SaleSmartly Multi-channel customer communication platform, increasing sales

What is SaleSmartly?

SaleSmartly is a multi-channel customer communication platform, integrating popular channels such as live chat, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, Line, email, WeChat and many others. It allows businesses to manage and interact with customers across all channels from a single interface, saving time and improving operational efficiency.

Outstanding advantages of SaleSmartly

  1. Centralize communication in one place : SaleSmartly allows businesses to manage all conversations from different channels such as live chat, social media, email... in a unified interface, making it easy for employees to follow Monitor and respond to customers quickly.
  1. Process automation : With the smart chatbot feature, SaleSmartly can automatically answer frequently asked questions, schedule appointments, collect customer information, helping to reduce the load on customer service staff.
  1. Personalize customer experience : SaleSmartly enables personalized messaging based on each customer's behavior and preferences, thereby increasing engagement and conversion.
  1. Detailed reports : This platform provides comprehensive analytical reports on the performance of communication channels, customer satisfaction levels, purchasing behavior... helping businesses make data-based decisions .

SaleSmartly's target audience

SaleSmartly is aimed at small and medium businesses, online stores, service providers, anyone who wants to improve customer service quality and increase sales. This platform has been successfully deployed in many different countries and industries.

How does SaleSmartly work?

Basic process

SaleSmartly works based on the following process:

  1. Connect communication channels : Businesses can easily connect popular channels such as live chat, social media, email... with SaleSmartly.
  1. Manage messages from one place : All messages from channels will be centralized into one inbox, making it easy for employees to track and respond.
  1. Create automatic chatbots : Businesses can build smart chatbots to automatically answer frequently asked questions, schedule appointments, and collect customer information.
  1. Customer data analysis : SaleSmartly provides data analysis tools to track channel performance, measure customer satisfaction, and analyze purchasing behavior.

Core technology

SaleSmartly is built on the following advanced technologies:

  1. Multi-channel integration : Ability to connect and manage multiple communication channels in a unified interface.
  1. Artificial intelligence (AI) : AI technology helps build intelligent chatbots, automate many processes and personalize customer experiences.
  1. Data analytics : Data analytics tools help monitor and measure the effectiveness of activities, thereby making data-based decisions.
  1. Process automation : Automation features help reduce employee workload, increasing productivity and operational efficiency.

Main features of SaleSmartly

Multi-channel inbox

  • One unified interface to manage all messages from different channels such as live chat, social media, email...
  • Employees can easily monitor, respond and forward conversations to the right department.
  • Integrate tools such as notes, appointments, task assignment... to support the processing process.


  • Build smart chatbots to automatically answer frequently asked questions, schedule appointments, and collect customer information.
  • Chatbots can be programmed according to context, personalize information and provide appropriate suggestions.
  • Interactions through chatbots are recorded and analyzed for continuous improvement.


  • Send personalized messages based on each customer's behavior, preferences, and needs.
  • Automatically forward conversations to the appropriate person in charge.
  • Monitor customer interactions and behavior to provide appropriate suggestions and incentives.

Data analysis

  • Monitor the performance of communication channels, such as number of messages, response rate, response time.
  • Measure customer satisfaction through metrics such as NPS (Net Promoter Score).
  • Analyze purchasing behavior and bottlenecks in the process, thereby proposing improvement solutions.


  • Connect SaleSmartly with CRM tools, sales software, and e-commerce platforms.
  • Synchronize customer data, transaction history and related information.
  • Enhance synchronization, minimize repetitive operations, and improve operational efficiency.

Use cases for SaleSmartly

Customer care

  • Answer customers' questions and concerns quickly and effectively.
  • Resolve customer problems and complaints professionally.
  • Monitor, manage and analyze conversations to continuously improve service quality.


  • Consulting on products and services suitable to each customer's needs.
  • Proactively reach out and interact with potential customers.
  • Increase conversion rates through personalized sales and marketing strategies.


  • Send advertising messages, promotions, and product information to customers.
  • Collect customer feedback and reviews about products and services.
  • Analyze customer behavior and preferences to plan more effective marketing.

Collect information

  • Understand customer needs, wants and behaviors.
  • Collect necessary information through chatbots, forms, and conversations.
  • Use data to improve products, services and enhance customer experience.

SaleSmartly price list

SaleSmartly provides service packages with different prices, suitable for the needs and scale of businesses:

Service pack Feature Price
Free of charge - Multi-channel inbox - 1 basic chatbot - Basic personalization - Basic reporting Free of charge
Basic - All features for free - Advanced Chatbot - Advanced personalization - Advanced reporting $9/month
Advanced - All Basic package features - CRM, sales integration - In-depth data analysis - 24/7 support $199/month
Enterprise - All Advanced package features - Customization on demand - Deployment and in-depth training - Customer Success Services Contact

In addition, SaleSmartly often has attractive promotions, so you should contact directly for advice and receive suitable incentives.

SaleSmartly alternatives

In addition to SaleSmartly, the market today also has many other multi-channel customer communication solutions, such as:

  • Intercom : Platform that integrates chat, email, in-app messages, sales and customer support.
  • Zendesk : Customer service management solution with features such as tickets, knowledge base, chatbot.
  • Freshdesk : Customer support management tool, including ticketing, self-service, automation.
  • Help Scout : Customer support management software, with features such as shared inbox, knowledge base, reports.

Each solution has different advantages and disadvantages, so businesses need to carefully evaluate their needs and financial capabilities to choose the most suitable solution.


SaleSmartly is a comprehensive multi-channel customer communication solution, helping businesses improve service quality and increase sales and marketing efficiency. With advanced features such as multi-channel message management, automatic chatbot, and personalization. Comprehensive multi-channel customer communication solution, automation, personalization, helping businesses improve service quality and increase sales effectively.

  • $18/month
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