

Optimize your learning with Quizgecko - an online quiz and test creation platform using AI. Diversify learning content, assess knowledge and save time with more than 2000 trusted users.

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Quizgecko is an online quiz, test and flashcard creation platform based on artificial intelligence (AI) technology. With Quizgecko , users can quickly create quizzes and tests that are personalized to fit each individual's learning needs. Let's learn about this tool and how it can help you improve your learning efficiency.

I. Introducing Quizgecko

Quizgecko | Detailed Review, Features, Prices And Alternativess

Definition: Online quiz, test and flashcard creation platform based on AI technology

Quizgecko is an online platform that allows users to create quizzes, tests and flashcards quickly and efficiently. AI technology is used to automatically generate questions from user-supplied content, such as text, links, or documents. Users can customize and edit questions as desired, and share them with others to study together.

Benefits of Quizgecko

Quizgecko offers many benefits to users, including:

  1. Personalize learning : Quizgecko uses AI technology to create questions tailored to each user, helping them focus on areas that need improvement.
  2. Save time : Compared to creating questions yourself, Quizgecko allows users to save significant time.
  3. Diverse question formats : Quizgecko offers a variety of question types such as multiple choice, true/false and fill-in-the-blank, suitable for different learning styles.
  4. Track learning progress : Quizgecko helps users track results and learning progress, thereby identifying strengths and weaknesses.

Who uses Quizgecko

Quizgecko can be used by a variety of audiences, including:

  • Students: Use Quizgecko to test your knowledge and prepare for exams.
  • Teachers, lecturers: Create tests, homework or review for students.
  • Corporate employees: Create internal training or assessment tests.
  • Individual: Review knowledge, learn foreign languages ​​or prepare for certification exams.

II. How Quizgecko works

Create quizzes

Enter content : Users can enter text, share article links, or upload documents (this feature is only available in the Pro plan).

Automatically create questions : Based on the provided content, Quizgecko will automatically create multiple choice, true/false or fill-in-the-blank questions.

Edit questions : Users can edit, add or delete questions as desired to perfect the test.

Share and do homework

Share quizzes : After creating quizzes, users can share them with others via link or embed code.

Take the test online : Other users can access and take the test online, then receive instant results.

III. Key features of Quizgecko

Create automatic quizzes

Quizgecko has the ability to automatically generate questions from user-supplied content, including text, links, and documents. AI technology is used to analyze content and automatically generate appropriate questions.

Diverse question formats

Quizgecko offers a variety of question types, including:

  • Multiple choice
  • True/False (True/False)
  • Fill in the blank (Fill in the blank)

Diversifying question formats helps meet users' different learning styles.

Edit question

Although Quizgecko has the ability to automatically generate questions, users can still edit, add, or delete questions as desired. This gives them the ability to customize the test to fit their specific learning needs.

Puzzle library

Quizgecko allows users to store created quizzes in a library, making it easy for them to access and reuse in the future.

Track progress

Quizgecko provides features for users to track their results and study progress. They can review test results and analyze learning effectiveness to come up with improvement measures.

Share and collaborate

Quizgecko allows users to share quizzes with others via links or embed codes. This helps create a collaborative learning environment where everyone can work on assignments and compare results.

Integrate with other platforms

Quizgecko can integrate with other educational platforms such as Google Classroom, Moodle, and Canvas. This makes it possible for users to use Quizgecko seamlessly within existing learning systems.

IV. Quizgecko's application

In education

Teachers, lecturers : Use Quizgecko to create tests, homework or review exercises for students. With automatic question creation and flexible editing, teachers can save significant time compared to creating questions themselves.

Students : Use Quizgecko to test your knowledge and prepare for exams. Tracking progress and learning results helps them identify strengths and weaknesses, so they can focus on improvement.

In corporate training

Create employee assessment tests : Quizgecko can be used to create tests that assess employee knowledge and skills, helping businesses identify areas that need improvement.

Internal training : Quizgecko can also be used to create internal training courses, with tests to assess employee understanding after the training process.

Personal application

Knowledge review : Quizgecko can be used to review general knowledge or prepare for certification exams.

Learn foreign languages : Users can use Quizgecko to create vocabulary, grammar or reading comprehension tests to practice foreign languages.

V. Quizgecko pricing plans

Free of charge

Quizgecko's free plan offers basic features, including:

  • Create questions automatically from text
  • Diverse question formats (multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank)
  • Edit question
  • Share puzzles with others
  • Track progress and learning results

However, the free plan limits the number of quizzes and questions that can be created.


Quizgecko's Pro plan offers many advanced features, including:

  • Unlimited number of quizzes and questions
  • Create questions from article or document links
  • Integrates with Google Classroom, Moodle and Canvas
  • Priority support from the Quizgecko team


Quizgecko's Enterprise plan is designed for organizations, with customizations to each customer's unique needs. This package may include features such as:

  • Customize interface and flow
  • Integrate with internal management systems
  • In-depth support and training for users
  • Report and analyze learning data

BECAUSE. Quizgecko alternatives


Kahoot! is an interactive learning game creation platform that allows users to create multiple-choice question-based games. Kahoot! has an intuitive and attractive interface, suitable for use in the classroom.


Quizlet is a learning app that offers many features such as flashcards, games, and tests. Quizlet can be used to learn vocabulary, concepts, and other topics.


EasyTestMaker is an online test creation tool that allows users to create tests with many different question formats. EasyTestMaker also provides automatic scoring and results tracking.


Quizgecko is a useful and valuable tool to support learning and teaching. With automatic quiz creation, diverse question formats, and progress tracking features, Quizgecko helps users improve learning efficiency and achieve better results. The Quizgecko app is not just limited to educational environments, but can also be used in corporate training and personal applications. If you are looking for an effective tool to create online tests and quizzes, Quizgecko

  • $18/month
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