

Poptin is an easy-to-use, no-code popup and website form creation tool that helps you attract customers, increase conversion rates and effectively collect potential customer information.

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How to increase conversion rate, collect more potential customer email addresses, and also reduce bounce rate? The answer is Poptin - an effective popup and website conversion form creation platform.  Poptin is a powerful, easy-to-use tool that helps businesses increase conversion rates and build email marketing lists. In this article, we will take a deeper look at Poptin, its outstanding features, how it works, business applications, comparisons with alternatives, and effective implementation.

Introducing Poptin

Poptin | Details, Pricing, & Features

Platform for creating popups and online website forms

Poptin is a popup and lead generation platform for websites, developed by a team of marketing and technology experts. With Poptin, you can easily create popups and forms to attract customers, no programming knowledge required.

Easy to use, intuitive drag and drop interface

Poptin has a user-friendly, intuitive interface, with drag-and-drop editing tools. You can quickly create beautiful popup templates and forms that match your brand without needing to write code.

No coding knowledge required

The highlight of Poptin is the ability to create popups and forms without needing programming knowledge. Instead of having to rely on a programmer, you can easily do everything yourself.

Integrates with many popular website platforms

Poptin easily integrates with popular website platforms like WordPress, Shopify, Magento, Wix, Squarespace, Joomla, Drupal, and more. You can create popups, forms and deploy them right on your website.

How Poptin Works

Choose an existing popup or form template

Poptin provides a library of diverse popup and form templates such as email registration popup, discount popup, countdown popup, contact form, account registration form, etc. You just need to choose the appropriate template and start. custom head.

Customize design, content, colors, images

With Poptin's drag-and-drop editor, you can easily change the design, content, colors, images of your popup or form to match your website's brand and style. No need to write code, everything is done intuitively and directly.

Set up display rules (time, site, user behavior)

Poptin allows you to set up popup or form display rules based on criteria such as: time spent on page, number of views, user behavior (starting off the page, moving mouse over scroll bar, etc. ). This helps ensure the popup/form is only shown to the right target audience.

Integrate with email marketing and CRM tools

Poptin can be easily integrated with email marketing platforms like MailChimp, Constant Contact, ActiveCampaign, Drip, etc. as well as CRM tools like HubSpot, Salesforce. This helps you automatically synchronize potential customer data into your marketing and sales system.

Monitor and analyze campaign effectiveness

Poptin provides detailed analytics dashboards on the performance of popups and forms, such as conversion rates, leads collected. This helps you continuously improve and optimize your marketing campaigns.

Main function

Diverse template library: Popups, forms, gamification, sliders, countdowns

Poptin provides a library of diverse popup and form templates such as:

  • Popup: Email signup popup, discount popup, countdown popup, promotion popup, etc
  • Forms: Contact form, account registration, information subscription, etc
  • Special features: Gamification (mini-games, quizzes), sliders, etc

This makes it easy to choose and deploy popup campaigns and forms that suit your business goals.

Model Type For example
Popup - Email registration popup - Discount popup - Countdown popup
Form - Contact form - Account registration form - Information registration form
Special Features - Gamification (mini-games, quizzes) - Slider

Drag-and-drop editor: Easily customize the design

Poptin offers a drag-and-drop editor, making it easy to customize the design, content, colors of popups and forms without writing code. You can change images, text, call-to-action buttons, etc. intuitively and effectively.

Smart targeting: Display popups to the right audience, at the right time

Poptin allows you to set popup and form display rules based on customer behavior and interactions on the website. For example, show a discount popup when a customer is about to leave the page, show an email signup popup when a customer reaches the bottom of the page, etc. This helps increase conversion rates.

A/B Testing: Compare the effectiveness of popup versions

Poptin supports A/B Testing, allowing you to create and compare the effectiveness of different popup versions. This helps you find the most optimal designs and content to increase conversion rates.

Detailed analysis: Measure conversion rate, number of potential customers

Poptin provides detailed analytics dashboards on the performance of popups and forms, including:

  • Conversion rate
  • Number of potential customers collected
  • Other parameters such as impressions, interactions, etc

This helps you evaluate and improve your marketing campaigns effectively.

Poptin Applications

Collect emails, build a list of potential customers

Poptin is a very effective tool for collecting email addresses of potential customers through popups and registration forms. You can create promotional popups, countdown popups, information registration forms... to attract customers to provide emails.

Increase registration, purchase, download rates

Poptin helps increase conversion rates on websites, such as account registration rates, purchases, document downloads... Through timely popups and forms, you can attract and motivate real customers. perform the desired actions.

Reduce page bounce rate, increase the time users stay on the website

Poptin has the effect of reducing page bounce rate and increasing the time users stay on the website. For example, you can display an offer popup when the customer is about to leave the page, or a popup introducing related content when the user stops moving the mouse.

Run promotions and discounts

Poptin is very suitable for implementing promotional and discount campaigns on the website. You can create popups displaying discount codes, countdown popups, etc. to attract and motivate customers to shop.

Customer Surveys

In addition to popups and email collection forms, Poptin also supports the creation of customer survey forms. This is an effective way to listen to feedback and needs from customers, thereby improving products and services.

Poptin Pricing Plans

Poptin offers different pricing plans, from free to paid, to suit the needs and budgets of different businesses.

Free Package

Poptin's free plan allows you to:

  • Create up to 3 popups or forms
  • Display popup on maximum 1 website
  • Integrate with an email marketing platform
  • No Poptin ads

This is a reasonable choice for small businesses and startups that are starting out.

Paid Plans

Poptin's paid plans offer more flexible and expanded features, including:

  • Unlimited number of popups and forms
  • Shown on many websites
  • Integrates with many email marketing and CRM platforms
  • Priority support and better customer care
  • Detailed reports and analysis of campaign effectiveness

Paid packages are often suitable for large businesses that need to use popups and forms in their marketing strategy professionally.

Promotions, Incentives

Poptin often has promotions and special offers for paid packages, such as discounts, free usage time, extended features, etc. If you are interested in upgrading your service package, follow Follow promotional information from Poptin to save costs.

Poptin Alternatives

In addition to Poptin, there are many other tools that provide popup and form creation services on websites. Here are some alternatives you can consider:


OptinMonster is a professional popup and form creation tool, supporting many features such as exit-intent, A/B testing, email marketing integration. However, OptinMonster usually has a higher price than Poptin.


Privy is a popup and form creation tool for online stores, with gamification and email marketing automation features. Privy is suitable for retail businesses that want to increase conversion rates.


Wisepops is a flexible, easy-to-use popup creation tool that supports targeting and A/B testing. Wisepops is often rated highly for its user experience.

When choosing a popup and form creation tool, carefully consider the features, price, and pros and cons of each option to choose the tool that best suits your needs.


Above is some detailed information about Poptin - an online popup and website form creation platform. With Poptin, you can easily create popup campaigns and forms that suit your business goals without needing coding knowledge. Flexible, easy to use and packed with smart features, Poptin is a useful tool to increase website conversions and attract potential customers.

If you are looking for a simple, effective and time-saving solution for creating popups and forms on your website, try Poptin now and experience the great features it brings!


  • $18/month
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