

Parseur uses AI to extract data from emails, PDFs, websites and more. Process automation and easy integration.

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In the modern digital era, data processing and analysis play an extremely important role for every business. However, collecting and extracting data from many different sources such as emails, PDF files, websites, etc. is often a big challenge, requiring a lot of time and effort. Luckily, the Parseur tool was born to solve this problem effectively.

I. Introducing Parseur

What is Parseur?

Parseur is an automated data extraction tool that uses artificial intelligence (AI). It allows users to extract data from different sources such as emails, PDFs, websites, Excel files, CSV, etc. without the need for programming or in-depth knowledge of technology.

Advantages of Parseur

Ease of use : Parseur has an intuitive and easy-to-understand user interface, allowing users to set up extraction templates simply without any programming knowledge.

High accuracy : Parseur's AI technology helps ensure high accuracy in the data extraction process, minimizing errors compared to manual methods.

Flexible integration : Parseur can integrate with many other applications such as Zapier, Google Sheets, Airtable,... to help automate workflows.

Benefits of Parseur

Save time : Parseur helps automate the data extraction process, saving users significant time.

Reduce errors : With high accuracy, Parseur helps minimize errors compared to manual data extraction.

Process optimization : Workflow automation with Parseur helps optimize processes and increase productivity.

Increased efficiency : Parseur allows you to focus on more important tasks instead of wasting time on manual data extraction.

II. How Parseur Works

Select the data source

Parseur supports extracting data from many different sources such as email, PDF, website, Excel, CSV, etc. Users just need to choose the data source that suits their needs.

Create an extract template

After selecting the data source, the user creates an extraction template by specifying the data fields that need to be extracted. Parseur will automatically identify and extract this information.

AI training (if needed)

For data sources with complex structures, users can train Parseur's AI to help it better understand the data structure. This process will help improve the accuracy of the extraction process.

Automatic extraction

Once the extraction template is set up, Parseur automatically extracts data from new data sources continuously and without manual intervention.

Check and edit

Users can re-examine the extracted data and edit if necessary. Parseur provides tools to easily review and edit data.

Export data

Extracted data can be saved in formats such as CSV, Excel or JSON. In addition, Parseur also allows sending data directly to other applications through available integrations.

III. Key Features of Parseur

Extract emails

Parseur allows to extract information from emails like sender, email address, subject, content, attachments, etc. This is very useful in applications like customer management, email marketing, etc.

Extract PDF

Parseur can extract data from PDF files, including those without a clear structure. This saves time compared to manually extracting data from PDF files.

Extract web

Parseur can extract data from websites, like product information, prices, reviews, etc. This is very useful in applications like competitor tracking, market research, etc.

Extract documents

In addition to email, PDF and web, Parseur also supports data extraction from many other document formats such as Word, Excel, CSV, etc.

Process automation

Parseur allows users to create automated workflows that continuously process data without the need for manual intervention. This helps increase productivity and work efficiency.

Flexible integration

Parseur can integrate with many other applications such as Zapier, Make (Integromat), Google Sheets, Airtable, etc. This helps users to automate workflows flexibly.

IV. Parseur's Application


Parseur can help collect lead information from multiple sources like emails, websites, etc. This helps enhance sales and marketing activities.


Parseur can extract and analyze survey data, evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, and help improve marketing strategies.


Parseur can extract candidate information from sources such as CVs, online profiles, etc. This helps speed up the recruitment process.


Parseur can collect transaction data and financial reports from many different sources, helping to improve financial management processes.

Real estate

Parseur can extract real estate information from websites, helping to collect data quickly and accurately.

V. Parseur Pricing Plans

Free of charge

Parseur offers a free plan that allows users to try out and experience the basic features. However, this package has some limitations in terms of the number of documents and features.

Pay the fee

In addition to the free plan, Parseur offers paid plans with a variety of options. These plans offer many advanced features and have no limit on the number of documents. Users can choose the package that suits their needs.

BECAUSE. Parseur Alternatives


Docparser is a data extraction tool similar to Parseur, specializing in extracting data from PDF and other document formats. is a web data extraction platform that helps extract data from websites automatically.


Octoparse is an automated web extraction software that allows users to extract data from web pages quickly.


Apify is a web extraction and process automation platform that offers many advanced features to optimize the data extraction process.

VII. Conclude

Parseur is a powerful AI data extraction tool that helps you save time and effort, automate workflows, and increase productivity. With outstanding features such as email, PDF, web extraction, flexible integration, Parseur has become a reliable solution for many businesses in fields such as sales, marketing, recruitment, finance and real estate. movables.

If you are looking for an automated and effective data extraction tool, try using Parseur and discover the benefits it brings to your business.

  • $18/month
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