

Explore Osum - Powerful data analytics tool that provides competitor insights, SWOT, customer personas, growth opportunities, and more. helps you make informed strategic decisions.

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Are you looking for a powerful tool to analyze the market, competitors and potential customers? Osum is the perfect solution for you. With the ability to provide in-depth insights in seconds, Osum helps you make informed strategic decisions and achieve business success.

What is Osum?

Osum | Detailed Review, Features, Prices And Alternativess

Introducing Osum

Osum is an advanced market research and data analytics platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology to collect, analyze and synthesize information from a variety of sources. different data. Simply enter a product or business name and Osum will automatically generate detailed reports, providing a comprehensive view of the market, competitors, target customers and growth opportunities.

Benefits of Osum

Osum brings many benefits to businesses:

  • Save time and costs of market research.
  • Provides in-depth, accurate analytical information.
  • Helps make strategic decisions based on real data.
  • Discover business opportunities and challenges.
  • Build effective marketing and product strategies.

Application fields

Osum can be applied in many business areas:

  • Start-up business
  • Small and medium enterprises
  • Big companies
  • Investors
  • Marketing expert
  • Market researcher

Process of using Osum

Enter information

To start using Osum, simply enter the name of the product or business you want to analyze. Osum will automatically collect relevant data from various sources.

Osum collects data

Osum collects data from the following sources:

  • Websites of businesses
  • Social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, ...)
  • Newspapers, magazines
  • Economic and technology information pages
  • Specialized database

Osum analyzed the data

Using AI and machine learning technology, Osum analyzes collected data to find important information such as:

  • Business and financial situation of competitors
  • Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of competitors
  • Behavior and needs of target customers
  • Trends and development opportunities in the market

Generate reports

Based on analysis results, Osum automatically generates detailed, easy-to-understand reports. You can watch directly on Osum's interface or download to your computer.

Main features of Osum

Research competitors

Osum provides detailed information about its competitors, including:

  • Introducing the business
  • Financial and business situation
  • Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
  • Marketing strategy and activities

This information helps you determine your position in the market and devise an effective competitive strategy.

SWOT analysis

Osum will perform a detailed SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis of your product or business. You will have a comprehensive view of the business situation, thereby making appropriate strategic decisions.

Example of SWOT analysis:

Strength Weakness
- High quality products, trusted by customers - Experienced and capable staff - Effective production process - Small scale business - Limited capital - Lack of widespread distribution channels
Opportunity Challenge
- Market demand is increasing - New technologies can be applied to production - The government has preferential policies for small and medium enterprises - Fierce competition from major competitors - Fluctuations in raw material prices and logistics costs - Negative effects of the COVID-19 epidemic

Customer portrait

Osum will analyze details about target customers, including:

  • Demographic information (age, gender, geography, ...)
  • Interests, behaviors and needs
  • Access and interaction channels
  • Level of brand loyalty

This information helps you build marketing strategies and products suitable for customers.

Development opportunities

Osum will uncover emerging market trends and potential business opportunities, helping you:

  • Early recognition of products and services that are of interest to the market
  • Assess the potential and risks of development opportunities
  • Make effective investment decisions and develop new products and services

Custom reports

In addition to standard reports, Osum also allows you to create reports customized to your needs. You can filter and focus on the most important information.

Intuitive interface

Osum's interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. Analytical reports are presented clearly and easily understood, even for those without in-depth knowledge of data analysis.

Who should use Osum?

Start-up business

Osum is a useful tool for startups to:

  • Research the market and competitors before launching new products
  • Better understand the needs and behavior of target customers
  • Evaluate the potential of business ideas and propose appropriate adjustments

Small and medium enterprises

Osum is also very useful for small and medium businesses:

  • Analyze the effectiveness of current business strategies
  • Search for new development opportunities
  • Build business and marketing plans based on real data


Investors can use Osum to:

  • Evaluate the potential of investment projects
  • Analyze risks and opportunities of investments
  • Monitor developments of businesses/products being invested in

Marketing expert

Osum is a useful tool for marketing professionals:

  • Build marketing strategies based on customer data
  • Develop products/services suitable to market needs
  • Optimize advertising and promotion campaigns

Market researcher

Osum helps market researchers:

  • Collect and analyze market data quickly and effectively
  • Save time and research costs
  • Provides in-depth, quantitative analysis information

Osum pricing plans

Osum offers a variety of pricing plans, from a free plan with basic features to a paid plan with many advanced features. You can choose the package that best suits your needs and budget.

Package Feature Price
Free of charge - Competitor analysis - Basic SWOT analysis - View standard reports $0
Basic - All free plan features - Customer persona analysis - Basic custom reports $99/month
Advanced - All Basic plan features - Growth opportunity analysis - Advanced custom reports - Expert support $499/month


Osum is a powerful business strategy analysis tool that helps you reach and better understand your market, competitors, and target customers. With automatic data collection and analysis, Osum helps you save time and research costs, and make more accurate strategic decisions.

Experience Osum today and discover the power of data analytics to accelerate your business growth!

  • $18/month
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