Luna AI

Luna AI

Luna AI is an all-in-one solution that helps small businesses easily find information, schedule meetings via email, manage work effectively and save time.

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Managing information and optimizing workflows is a big challenge for small businesses. Small companies often struggle with finding documents, scheduling meetings, and managing work effectively. However, the emergence of intelligent virtual assistants like Luna AI has brought breakthrough solutions, helping small businesses increase productivity, improve customer experience and improve operational efficiency.

1. Introducing Luna AI | Details, Pricing, & Features

Luna AI : Online search and scheduling platform, powered by AI

Luna AI is an online search and scheduling platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology to automate processes related to information search, meeting scheduling, and task management. With a combination of modern technology and artificial intelligence, Luna AI provides a comprehensive solution, helping small businesses manage information and work processes effectively.

All-in-one solution for small businesses

Luna AI provides a comprehensive solution, including features such as information search, meeting scheduling, task management and virtual assistant. With this integration, small businesses can manage all information-related activities and workflows in a single platform.

Helps find information, schedule meetings, and manage work

In addition to core features such as information search and meeting scheduling, Luna AI also provides work management tools such as creating to-do lists, tracking progress, and virtual assistants to support daily activities. day. This helps small businesses manage every aspect of their work centrally and effectively.

2. How Luna AI Works

Connect to email, calendar, work apps

Luna AI is designed to connect to critical business data sources, including email, calendar, and other work applications. This allows Luna AI to access and process information from a variety of sources, enhancing the integration and efficiency of the solution.

Use AI to understand context and user requirements

The Luna AI platform uses advanced artificial intelligence technology to understand user context and requirements. Through natural language analysis and machine learning, Luna AI can provide appropriate recommendations and actions, helping to increase the accuracy and efficiency of features.

Automatically search for information and suggest suitable meeting times

With the ability to search for information and schedule meetings automatically, Luna AI helps save time and minimize errors. The platform automatically searches for relevant information from emails, files, and other sources, then suggests suitable meeting times based on participants' schedules.

Send emails to schedule, remind, update information

After suggesting a meeting time, Luna AI will automatically send invitation emails, reminders and update information related to the meeting. This helps ensure that all participating members are kept informed and updated in a timely manner.

3. Main function

Look for information

Search quickly in emails, files, apps

  • Luna AI has the ability to quickly search for information in emails, files and other work applications, helping users easily access and find necessary documents and information.
  • This platform uses AI technology to analyze context and content, helping to increase the accuracy of search results.

Integrate with multiple data sources

  • Luna AI is designed to connect to a variety of data sources, including email, calendar, work applications, cloud storage and external information sources.
  • This helps users find information from a single place, without having to switch between applications.

Filter and sort search results

  • Luna AI provides filtering and sorting options for search results, helping users easily find the information they need.
  • Users can filter results by criteria such as file type, time, sender, and more.

Schedule a meeting

Suggest a suitable meeting time

  • Based on participants' schedules, Luna AI will suggest suitable meeting times, helping to avoid scheduling conflicts and ensuring the participation of all necessary people.
  • The platform uses AI to analyze schedules and provide optimal recommendations, helping to save time and improve meeting efficiency.

Send invitation and reminder emails

  • After the meeting time is determined, Luna AI will automatically send invitation emails to all participating members, with information about the meeting.
  • The platform will also send reminder emails before the meeting, helping to ensure that everyone is informed and participates on time.

Update meeting information

  • After the meeting ends, Luna AI will automatically update relevant information, such as minutes, decisions, tasks and other content.
  • This helps ensure that all members are fully updated on the outcome of the meeting.

Workflow management

Create a to-do list

  • Luna AI allows users to create and manage to-do lists, including tasks to be done, deadlines, priorities and who is in charge.
  • This helps small businesses track and manage work effectively.

Monitor work progress

  • This platform provides tools to track the progress of tasks, helping managers understand the status of task completion.
  • Users can easily see the status of each task, who is in charge and when it will be completed.

Reminders and warnings

  • Luna AI will automatically send notifications and reminders about tasks that are due or need to be done, helping to ensure that no work is missed.
  • These alerts help users always grasp the progress and status of work.

Virtual assistant

Answer the question

  • Luna AI is capable of answering work-related questions, such as information about projects, customers, workflows, and many other topics.
  • Virtual assistants use AI technology to understand context and provide appropriate answers.

Perform simple tasks

  • In addition to answering questions, Luna AI can also perform simple tasks such as scheduling meetings, creating new jobs or searching for information.
  • This helps users save time and increase productivity.

Learn and improve continuously

  • Luna AI uses machine learning to continuously learn and improve performance, from answering questions to performing tasks.
  • As a result, this virtual assistant is becoming increasingly smarter and more useful to users.

4. Application of Luna AI

Save time, increase work productivity

With information search, meeting scheduling and automatic task management features, Luna AI helps small businesses save significant time. This allows employees to focus on core tasks, increasing productivity and efficiency.

Minimize errors and confusion in scheduling

Manually scheduling meetings often leads to errors and confusion about time and participants. However, with the ability to suggest suitable meeting times and send automatic invitation emails, Luna AI helps significantly reduce these problems, ensuring meetings take place on time and with full members.

Optimize workflow and team collaboration

In addition to helping with information management and scheduling, Luna AI also provides tools to optimize workflows, such as task management, progress tracking, and virtual assistants. This helps promote team collaboration and efficiency.

Improve customer experience

By helping small businesses manage information and workflows effectively, Luna AI contributes to improved customer experience. When requests, questions, and information are handled quickly, customers will have a better experience working with a business.

5. Luna AI Pricing Plans

Plan Price Emails/Month Key Features
Free $0 100 275+ million leads, AI messaging, best email deliverability, task management, integrations, reporting, community
Starter $360/month 1,000 Free plan features + dedicated support via Slack
Starter Plus $825/month 2,500 Free plan features + dedicated support via Slack
Premium $1,500/month 5,000 Free plan features + dedicated support via Slack
Ultimate $2,500/month 10,000 Free plan features + dedicated support via Slack

Sign up for an annual package for 2 months free. See more details at: Luna AI Pricing

6. Luna AI Alternatives


  • Calendly : Simple, easy-to-use meeting scheduling platform that allows customers to choose times that fit your schedule.

Clara Labs

  • Clara Labs is also a popular choice for automated task and meeting scheduling management.
  • Provides similar features to Luna AI such as email invitations, reminders, and task management.

Compare and differentiate

  • Luna AI has the advantage of integrating AI to search for information and support work management, while and Clara Labs mainly focus on meeting scheduling.
  • Luna AI provides more comprehensive features for small businesses, helping to optimize workflows.

7. Conclude

Using a platform like  Luna AI not only helps small businesses save time and increase productivity, but also improves customer experience. With smart and efficient features, Luna AI provides a comprehensive solution for information management, meeting scheduling and task management.

To experience and explore more about Luna AI , visit the official website and register to use the service. Let Luna AI become your powerful assistant in your daily work and improve the working efficiency of your small business!

  • $18/month
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