

Klenty is a platform that combines lead data, multi-channel automation and AI, helping B2B businesses find, nurture and convert leads effectively, and predict sales accurately.

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In an increasingly competitive business world, finding, attracting and converting potential customers has become a major challenge for B2B businesses. Klenty , an artificial intelligence and sales platform, is becoming the solution of choice for many companies to increase sales efficiency, accurately forecast sales, and optimize marketing campaigns.

Introducing Klenty

Klenty | Details, Pricing, & Features

Sales Platforms and Artificial Intelligence

Klenty is a platform that integrates sales, marketing and data analytics tools to help B2B businesses increase business performance. With the combination of artificial intelligence technology, Klenty provides features such as prospecting and classifying leads, automating the sales process, personalizing customer experience, and predicting sales.

Helps Find, Attract, Nurture and Convert Potential Customers

Klenty plays an important role in helping B2B businesses perform key tasks in the sales process. From finding and attracting leads, to nurturing and converting them into real customers, Klenty provides the necessary tools to increase sales efficiency.

Increase Sales Performance, Accurate Sales Forecasting

By automating repetitive tasks, personalizing customer experiences, and analyzing sales data, Klenty helps B2B businesses boost sales force performance. At the same time, Klenty's sales forecasting tool provides valuable information to make informed business decisions.

How Klenty Works

Incorporating a High Quality Lead Database

Klenty integrates a potential customer database built and enriched with information from many reputable sources. This helps B2B businesses reach suitable customers with high needs and purchasing ability.

Advantage Defect
- High quality data, updated information - Difficult to control data accuracy
- Save time and construction costs - Depends on the data provider
- Suitable for multi-channel outreach campaigns - Need to research carefully about customers
  • Klenty integrates quality lead data sources from reputable providers.
  • Data is enriched, categorized and updated regularly to ensure accuracy and relevance.
  • B2B businesses can reach target customers that match their needs and shopping abilities.

Create a Multi-Channel Outreach Campaign

Klenty allows B2B businesses to build and manage campaigns to reach potential customers across multiple channels such as email, phone and social networks. This helps increase accessibility and interaction with customers.

Benefit Challenge
- Reach customers on many channels - Need to coordinate and manage channels effectively
- Increase opportunities for interaction and conversion - Ensure consistent, non-intrusive messaging
- Personalize customer experience - Maintain continuous and regular interaction
  • Klenty supports building and managing email, phone, SMS, and social media posting campaigns.
  • These channels are connected and synchronized, helping to maintain consistency in messaging and customer experience.
  • B2B businesses can automate repetitive tasks and personalize interactive content.

Automate Sales Process, Personalize Customer Experience

Klenty helps B2B businesses automate steps in the sales process, from reaching potential customers to caring for current customers. At the same time, this platform also provides tools to personalize customer experiences based on their behavior and data.

Advantage Challenge
- Increase performance and processing speed - Ensure deep personalization
- Reduce errors caused by humans - Balance between automation and personal interaction
- Personalize customer experience - Continuously update and adjust processes
  • Klenty automates repetitive tasks in the sales process like sending emails, calling, creating follow-ups.
  • This platform uses data about customer behavior to personalize content, timing and approach.
  • B2B businesses can focus on key sales activities, increasing efficiency and quality of interactions.

Data Analysis, Sales Forecasting, Campaign Optimization

Klenty integrates data analysis and sales forecasting tools to help B2B businesses make more accurate business decisions. The platform also supports optimizing customer outreach campaigns based on analytical data.

Benefit Challenge
- Monitor and evaluate campaign effectiveness - Determine appropriate measurement indicators
- Predict sales more accurately - Interpret and apply analytical data
- Optimize strategies and campaigns - Continuously update and adjust analytical models
  • Klenty provides a dashboard that tracks campaign key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Sales forecasting tool uses machine learning to analyze historical data and market trends.
  • Based on the analysis results, B2B businesses can optimize the strategy, content and timing of campaigns.

Key Features of Klenty

Potential Customer Database

Klenty provides a high-quality lead database, built and enriched with information from many reputable sources. This data includes information about industry, location, business size, and contact information of decision makers.

  • Search: Klenty allows searching and filtering potential customers according to many criteria such as industry, location, and business size.
  • Categorization: This platform helps classify leads based on characteristics, behavior, and shopping potential.
  • Information enrichment: Klenty integrates external data sources to update and enrich information about customer objects.

Multi-Channel Approach Sequence

Klenty allows B2B businesses to build and manage campaigns to reach potential customers across multiple channels such as email, phone and social networks. These channels are connected and synchronized to ensure consistency in messaging and customer experience.

  • Email: Create and manage automated email sequences and personalize content.
  • Phone: Schedule and record calls, track interaction results.
  • Social networks: Share content and interact with customers on social networking platforms.

Personalize Customer Experience

Klenty uses data about customer behavior to personalize content, timing and approach. This helps increase response and conversion rates of campaigns.

  • Email personalization: Automate email content based on customers' personal information and behavior.
  • Personalize messages: Similar to email, Klenty can personalize SMS messages and social network messages.
  • Behavioral tracking: This platform tracks customer interactions to tailor campaigns accordingly.

Analysis and Reporting

Klenty integrates data analytics tools to help B2B businesses track and evaluate the effectiveness of campaigns. The platform also provides a sales prediction tool based on machine learning.

  • Dashboard: Klenty provides a dashboard that tracks key performance indicators (KPIs) of campaigns.
  • Sales Forecasting: Sales forecasting tool uses machine learning algorithms to analyze historical data and market trends.
  • Custom reports: B2B businesses can create custom reports to evaluate the effectiveness of each campaign and adjust marketing strategies.

CRM Integration

Klenty has the ability to integrate with popular CRM systems such as Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive to synchronize data and optimize sales processes. CRM connection helps B2B businesses manage customer information effectively and synchronize marketing and sales activities.

  • Data Sync: Klenty automatically syncs customer data, campaigns, and interaction results with CRM.
  • Process optimization: CRM connection helps optimize the sales process from customer outreach to after-sales care.
  • Flexible integration: Klenty has the ability to integrate with many different CRM systems to serve the diverse needs of B2B businesses.

Klenty's Applications in B2B Businesses

Increase Conversion Rate

Klenty helps B2B businesses nurture leads more effectively through multi-channel outreach campaigns and content personalization. Increasing interaction and nurturing potential customers helps increase conversion rates and sales.

  • Prepare information: Klenty provides detailed information about potential customers to help businesses prepare appropriate outreach strategies.
  • Customer Nurturing: Multi-channel and personalized outreach campaigns help nurture relationships with potential customers.
  • Increase conversion opportunities: Increasing interaction and care for potential customers helps increase the opportunity to convert into real customers.

Shorten Sales Cycle

Klenty helps B2B businesses shorten sales cycles by automating repetitive tasks in the sales process. This saves sales staff time and effort, focusing on key activities to increase sales performance.

  • Task automation: Klenty automates tasks like sending emails, calls, tracking results to reduce errors and increase productivity.
  • Focus on key activities: Salespeople can focus on key activities such as negotiating and proposing solutions to increase their chances of success.
  • Shorten the sales cycle: Automating tasks helps shorten the sales cycle, from approaching to converting customers.

Improve Sales Performance

Klenty provides data analytics tools that help B2B businesses evaluate the effectiveness of marketing and sales campaigns. This helps businesses adjust marketing strategies, optimize campaigns and increase sales performance.

  • Data Analytics: Klenty provides data analytics tools to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing and sales campaigns.
  • Campaign optimization: Based on analysis results, B2B businesses can adjust the strategy, content and timing of campaigns.
  • Increase sales performance: Improving sales performance through data analysis helps businesses optimize marketing and sales strategies.

Sales Forecasting

Klenty helps B2B businesses predict sales more accurately through a sales prediction engine based on machine learning and data analytics. Forecasting sales helps businesses make more informed business decisions and plan for sustainable development.

  • Sales Prediction: Klenty uses machine learning algorithms to analyze historical data and market trends to predict sales.
  • Business decisions: Based on predicted results, B2B businesses can make business decisions such as investing in expansion or adjusting marketing strategies.
  • Development planning: Sales forecasting helps businesses plan for sustainable development and achieve business goals.

Klenty Pricing Plans

Klenty offers pricing packages to suit the needs and scale of B2B businesses, including Starter, Growth and Enterprise packages. Each pricing plan has different features and limitations to cater to the specific needs of your business.

Starter Package

  • Price : $X/month
  • Feature :
    • Basic lead database.
    • Basic omnichannel approach sequence.
    • Personalize basic emails and messages.
    • Basic campaign performance reporting.
  • Suitable for : Start-up, small-scale businesses.

Growth Package

  • Price : $Y/month
  • Feature :
    • Advanced lead database.
    • Diverse multi-channel approach sequence.
    • Advanced email and messaging personalization.
    • Analyze detailed data and predict sales.
  • Suitable for : Growing, medium-sized businesses.

Enterprise package

  • Contact us to receive a quote
  • Feature :
    • Premium lead database.
    • In-depth multi-channel approach sequence.
    • Comprehensive personalization and automation.
    • Detailed data analysis and CRM integration.
  • Suitable for : Large, large-scale businesses.

Promotions, Incentives

Klenty often has promotions and incentives for new customers or service renewals. These offers may include discounts, free features, or free consulting support.

Klenty Alternatives

Besides Klenty, there are many other platforms that provide similar services in the field of Sales Engagement & Intelligence such as Outreach , Salesloft . Below is a comparison of Klenty's features, pricing, and pros and cons compared to alternatives.


  • Feature :
    • Powerful multi-channel outreach sequence.
    • Analyze detailed data and predict sales.
  • Advantage :
    • Diverse customer access features.
    • Flexible integration with many CRM systems.
  • Defect :
    • Prices are higher than some competitors.


  • Feature :
    • Flexible multi-channel approach sequence.
    • Effective data analysis tool.
  • Advantage :
    • Easy-to-use and flexible interface.
    • Dedicated customer support.
  • Defect :
    • Limit content personalization.

Emphasizing Klenty's Advantages

Klenty stands out for its flexibility, integrates well with popular CRM systems, provides a high-quality lead database and accurate sales forecasting tools. At the same time, Klenty also has flexible pricing packages suitable for many different business sizes.


In an increasingly competitive B2B business landscape, using a Sales Engagement & Intelligence platform like Klenty not only helps businesses find, attract and convert potential customers effectively but also optimize the process sales, improve performance and accurately forecast sales. Try Klenty today to experience the convenience and efficiency the platform brings to your B2B business.

  • $18/month
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