Heylisa AI

Heylisa AI

With advanced content analysis technology, Heylisa.ai can quickly identify important, engaging videos and synthesize them into short videos, suitable for platforms and uses.

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Today, video is one of the most popular and effective forms of media content. However, creating long videos that attract viewers is a big challenge. With the increasing need for concise, attractive content, the Heylisa AI tool was born to solve this problem effectively.

I. Introduction (What is Heylisa AI?)

Heylisa AI, Pricing, & Features

Problem: Long videos are difficult to attract viewers, need short, attractive content

In the era of social networking platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, users have the habit of viewing concise, focused content. They often ignore long videos and spread out content. This poses challenges for content creators, businesses, and educational and entertainment units when they want to convey messages and promote products and services.

Solution: Heylisa AI - AI tool to create short videos automatically, simply, effectively

Heylisa AI is an artificial intelligence (AI)-based tool to automatically create short videos from long videos. With advanced content analysis technology, Heylisa AI can quickly identify important, engaging videos and synthesize them into short videos, suitable for platforms and uses.

Benefits: Reuse content, increase engagement, reach more viewers

Using Heylisa AI , users can:

  • Effectively repurpose long video content into short, engaging videos.
  • Increase interaction and content coverage on social networking platforms.
  • Reach more audiences, thereby increasing communication effectiveness.

II. How does Heylisa AI work? (How does Heylisa AI work?)

Upload videos: Users upload long videos to the Heylisa AI platform

To get started, users simply need to upload the long video they want to create as a short video. Heylisa AI supports many popular video formats such as MP4, MOV, AVI, etc

AI processing: AI technology analyzes content, selects featured segments, and creates short videos

After receiving the video, Heylisa AI will use advanced AI technology to analyze the content, identifying the most important and attractive videos. Based on criteria such as image prominence, dialogue content, as well as viewer psychological factors, the tool will automatically create short, concise videos.

Customization: Users edit, add effects, music, and subtitles as desired

After Heylisa AI creates short videos, users can edit and customize as desired. They can add effects, music, subtitles, logos... to increase appeal and suit the intended use.

Publishing: Share short videos on social networks, websites, attracting viewers

Finally, users can directly share short videos created on Heylisa AI on social networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or post on their websites. This helps attract more viewers, increase interaction and communication effectiveness.

III. Main features of Heylisa AI

Automatically create short videos: From long videos, save time and effort

One of the main features of Heylisa AI is the ability to automatically create short videos from long videos quickly and accurately. Users just need to upload the original video, the tool will use AI technology to analyze the content, identify important videos and create corresponding short videos. This significantly saves time and effort that content creators often have to spend when editing videos manually.

Characteristic Describe
Automation Heylisa AI uses AI to analyze videos, identify important passages, and create short videos without manual intervention.
Save time Instead of spending hours editing videos, users only need a few minutes to upload and retrieve short videos.
Exactly Heylisa AI 's AI technology is very accurate in identifying important segments, creating suitable short videos.

Flexible customization: Select clips, add effects, music, subtitles, logos

Although Heylisa AI is capable of creating short videos automatically, users can still customize these videos to their liking. They can:

  • Select specific videos to keep or remove
  • Add effects such as motion, effects, running text...
  • Insert music, sound effects
  • Add subtitles, logo, watermark

This helps users adjust short videos to suit their specific communication and marketing purposes.

Diverse video templates: Suitable for many platforms and uses

Heylisa AI provides many different video templates, suitable for different needs and uses of users. For example:

  • Short videos for social networks (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok...)
  • Videos introducing products and services
  • Advertising and marketing videos
  • Video lectures and instructions

Users can choose suitable video templates, then customize the content and appearance to their liking.

High video quality: Guaranteed good resolution, sound, best viewing experience

Despite creating short videos automatically, Heylisa AI still ensures high video quality, with good resolution and sharp sound. This helps viewers have the best video viewing experience, without being affected by poor quality.

Easy to share: Connect directly to social networks, websites, reach many viewers

After creating a short video, Heylisa AI allows users to share directly on social networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok... or post to their website. This helps them reach more viewers, increase interaction and communication effectiveness.

IV. Heylisa AI use cases

Content creators: Reuse long videos, create new content, attract viewers

Content creators often have to invest a lot of time and effort to shoot and edit long videos. With Heylisa AI , they can effectively reuse these long videos by creating shorter, more concise videos. These short videos are easy to share on social media platforms, helping to attract more viewers.

Businesses: Promote products and services, increase interaction on social networks

Businesses can use Heylisa AI to create short videos introducing their products and services. These videos are easy to share on social networking platforms, helping to increase interaction with customers and reach more viewers.

Education: Create short, easy-to-understand lecture videos that attract students

In the field of education, Heylisa AI can help teachers create shorter, more concise video lectures. These videos are easier to understand and attract students more than long lectures. This helps improve the effectiveness of the learning process.

Entertainment: Share interesting moments, create funny short videos, increase views

Individual users can also use Heylisa AI to create short, humorous videos from interesting moments in life. These videos can be shared on social networking platforms, attracting many views and interactions.

V. Heylisa AI pricing plans

Free: Limited number of videos, features

Heylisa AI offers a free service package to users. With this plan, users can create a certain number of videos per month, but the features and functions will be limited.

Paid: Expanded limits, many advanced features

In addition to the free plan, Heylisa AI also offers paid service plans. With paid plans, users will be able to expand the limit on the number of videos created, and can also access more advanced features such as:

  • Higher quality videos
  • More diverse video templates
  • Advanced customization (effects, music, subtitles, logo...)
  • Deep integration with social media platforms

Competitive prices: Compare with competitors, bringing the best value to users

Heylisa AI offers service packages at competitive prices compared to similar tools on the market. This helps bring the best value to users, meeting their needs at a reasonable cost.

BECAUSE. Heylisa AI alternatives

Kapwing: Online video editing tool, with short video creation feature

Kapwing is a popular online video editing tool that is capable of creating short videos with ease. Users can upload videos, edit, add effects and subtitles as desired. Kapwing offers many flexible features to create creative and engaging videos.

InVideo : Online video creation platform, many templates, easy to use

InVideo is another online video creation platform that users can use to create short videos. With many available templates and an easy-to-use interface, InVideo helps users create high-quality videos quickly and conveniently.

Adobe Premiere Rush: Professional video editing software, many advanced features

Adobe Premiere Rush is a professional video editing software developed by Adobe. It provides many advanced features for video editing, from trimming, adding effects to audio editing. Premiere Rush is ideal for those who want to create high-quality and creative videos.


Heylisa AI is an effective automatic short video creation tool that helps users save time and effort in creating video content. With the ability to reuse content, increase interaction and reach more viewers, Heylisa AI brings many benefits to individuals, businesses and education.

Encourage everyone to test Heylisa AI to experience the outstanding features this tool brings. At the same time, using Heylisa AI also helps optimize the process of creating short videos, thereby improving communication efficiency and reaching a large audience.


  • $18/month
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