

HelpLook - Comprehensive AI self-service customer support platform, helping businesses improve customer experience, reduce support team load and save costs. Create help centers, AI chatbots, customer data analytics, and cross-platform integration with ease.

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Customers have more and more interaction channels and expect to be served quickly and effectively. Furthermore, businesses also need to save operating costs and increase customer support team performance.  HelpLook was born as a total solution to meet these needs. This is a self-service customer support platform powered by artificial intelligence (AI) technology, providing great customer experience, helping businesses grow and save costs.

Introducing HelpLook

HelpLook | Details, Pricing, & Features

What is HelpLook?

An all-in-one self-service customer support platform that uses AI technology to provide the best customer experience, helping businesses grow and save costs.

HelpLook is a comprehensive self-service customer support platform that uses AI technology to provide a great customer experience. This platform helps businesses reduce support team load, increase customer satisfaction, improve conversion rates and customer retention, and save on operating costs.

Target audience: Businesses of all sizes, especially small and medium enterprises, e-commerce businesses, SaaS businesses.

HelpLook is aimed at businesses of all sizes, but is especially suitable for:

  • Small and medium-sized businesses want to enhance customer experience without investing too much.
  • E-commerce businesses need to support customers with products, orders, payments, and shipping.
  • SaaS businesses want instructions on how to use the software and answer technical questions.

Outstanding benefits:

Reduce support team workload : AI chatbots and help centers automatically answer the majority of common customer requests, helping support teams focus on more complex issues.

Increase customer satisfaction by providing 24/7 support : Customers can search for information themselves and receive instant support via chatbot even outside of business hours.

Improve conversion rates and customer retention : Providing a great support experience increases customer loyalty and drives sales.

Save on operating costs : With automated support from chatbots and help centers, businesses can reduce the number of support staff and related costs.

How HelpLook works

Integration: Connect HelpLook to your website, app or e-commerce platform.

Integrating HelpLook into your business's digital channels is the first step in implementing the solution. You can easily connect HelpLook with:

  • Brand website
  • Mobile application
  • E-commerce platforms such as Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce

Once connected, customers will be able to access and interact with the help center and AI chatbots right across these channels.

Create support content: Use HelpLook's AI engine to create help articles, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and chatbots.

HelpLook provides AI-based tools that help businesses create customer support content quickly and effectively:

  • Help article editor: Create guides and frequently asked questions articles.
  • FAQ generator: Build a list of frequently asked questions and corresponding answers.
  • Chatbot creation function: Set up chat scenarios and automatic answers for chatbots.

Thanks to that, businesses can create a rich, diverse and constantly updated help center.

Customization: Personalize your help center's look and content to match your brand.

To ensure your help center is in harmony with your brand, HelpLook allows businesses to customize the following elements:

  • Interface: Colors, fonts, logos, background images
  • Content: Language, style, brand expression
  • Structure: Classification, search, content recommendation

As a result, the help center will become friendly and consistent with the brand identity.

Analytics: Track help center and chatbot performance to improve customer experience.

HelpLook provides analytics tools that help businesses track and improve help center and chatbot performance:

  • Overview report: See an overview of the number of visits, questions answered, customer feedback...
  • Behavioral analysis: Track customer search and interaction behaviors to improve content.
  • Evaluate chatbots: Review effectiveness and customer satisfaction when interacting with chatbots.

Thanks to that, businesses can continuously improve customer experience based on analytical data.

Key features of HelpLook

Help Center:

Create help articles, FAQs, manuals, instructional videos HelpLook provides a content authoring tool that helps businesses create help documents such as articles, FAQs, user guides, videos instruct...

Organize content by categories and keywords for easy searching. Content is classified by topic categories and search keywords, helping customers easily find the necessary information.

Customize the interface to match the brand Businesses can customize the help center interface such as colors, logos, and images to be consistent with the brand identity.

Chatbot AI:

Automatically answer frequently asked questions HelpLook's AI chatbot is equipped with artificial intelligence to automatically answer frequently asked questions from customers quickly and accurately.

24/7 customer support on website, application or social network Customers can receive support from chatbots at any time, even outside working hours, on all digital channels of the business.

Integrate with other chatbot tools such as Facebook Messenger, Slack In addition to direct integration on websites and applications, chatbots can also connect with other popular chat platforms such as Facebook Messenger, Slack.

Analysis and reporting:

Track help center and chatbot performance HelpLook provides reports on help center and chatbot activity such as number of visits, questions answered, customer feedback...

Analyze customer behavior to improve content and experience Customer behavior analysis data will help businesses understand their needs, thereby improving help center content and experience.


Connect with CRM, email marketing, and helpdesk tools HelpLook can integrate with other CRM, email marketing, and helpdesk solutions to create a complete ecosystem for customer experience.

Multi-language support This platform supports many different languages, helping businesses serve multinational customers.

HelpLook's application

E-commerce: Customer support about products, orders, payments, shipping.

For e-commerce businesses, HelpLook can provide the following features:

  • Product Help Center: Description, specifications, user guide.
  • Order support: Track order status, change, cancel orders, return goods.
  • Payment answers: Payment methods, refunds, security.
  • Provide shipping information: Shipping method, delivery time, freight.

Thanks to that, customers will experience great support right on the e-commerce website/application.

SaaS: Instructions for using the software, answering technical questions.

For SaaS businesses, HelpLook can assist customers with:

  • Software usage instructions: Create detailed instructional articles and videos.
  • Answer technical questions: Help customers with common errors, update new features.
  • Chatbot support: AI chatbots can automatically answer technical questions quickly.

This increases user satisfaction and reduces pressure on technical support.

Education: Providing learning materials and supporting students.

In the field of education, HelpLook can support organizations, schools, and training centers by:

  • Create learning content: Lectures, documents, tests.
  • Student support: Answer questions, practice instructions.
  • 24/7 support chatbot: Support students on online platforms.

Thanks to that, student management and support will become more effective, helping to improve training quality.

Financial services: Support customers with account and transaction issues.

In the financial services sector, HelpLook can assist customers with:

  • Account information: Log in, update personal information.
  • Transactions: Transfer money, pay bills, buy and sell securities.
  • Security guide: Prevent fraud, protect personal information.

Providing quick and accurate support in the financial sector helps build customer trust.

Health care: Providing information about diseases and medical services.

In the field of healthcare, HelpLook can support hospitals, clinics, and medical centers by:

  • Provide information about diseases: Symptoms, treatment methods, nutritional advice.
  • Appointment booking support: Instructions for scheduling medical examinations, follow-up examinations, and canceling appointments.
  • Health consulting chatbot: Answers questions about health and healthy lifestyle.

Providing accurate medical information and supporting online appointment booking helps improve patient experience.

HelpLook pricing plans

HelpLook offers flexible service packages to fit every business's needs and budget:

Free of charge

  • Fee: 0 VND
  • Limited access
  • Limited features
  • Basic support

The free plan is suitable for small businesses that want to experience the platform before upgrading to more premium plans.

Starting a business

  • Fees: Low fees
  • Basic features
  • Email support
  • Basic integration with website

The startup package is suitable for businesses that are growing and need an effective customer support solution.


  • Fees: High fees
  • Full featured
  • 24/7 support
  • Integrates many tools

The Enterprise plan is the best choice for large businesses with diverse and professional customer support needs.

Compare packages in detail

Feature Free of charge Starting a business Enterprise
The number of accesses Limit Normal Unlimited
Feature Basic Basic Full
Support Email Email 24/7 chat
Integration Basic Basic Many tools

Detailed comparisons between packages help businesses choose the package that best suits their needs and budget.

HelpLook alternatives

In addition to HelpLook, there are many other customer support platforms that businesses can consider:


Zendesk is one of the popular customer support platforms, offering features like help center, chatbots, CRM integration.


Freshdesk is a multi-channel helpdesk solution, allowing businesses to manage support from email, phone, and social networks in one interface.


Intercom is not only a customer support platform but also a marketing communication tool, helping to interact with customers in a personalized way.

Help Scout

Help Scout is a simple, easy-to-use helpdesk software focused on creating the best support experience for customers.

Choosing the right customer support platform will help businesses improve customer experience and optimize support operations.


In short, HelpLook is an "all-in-one" self-service customer support platform that uses AI technology to provide the best customer experience. With features like help center, AI chatbot, analytics and reporting, HelpLook helps businesses reduce workload for support teams, increase customer satisfaction and save on operating costs.

Integrating, customizing, analyzing and using HelpLook's features will help businesses improve service quality, increase customer interaction and create an effective support environment. At the same time, choosing the appropriate service package and considering other alternatives are also important factors to help businesses optimize costs and improve operational efficiency.

  • $18/month
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