Glow Node

Glow Node

Detailed review of Glow Node, an exclusive trading company that offers many attractive financing programs for traders. The article highlights the benefits, differences, practicality of getting funding, and positive reviews of Glow Node.

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  • Great Trustpilot Rating of 3.9/5
  • Six Unique Funding Programs
  • Two Add-on Features
  • Professional Trader Dashboard
  • A Large Variety of Trading Instruments (Forex Pairs, Commodities, Indices, Cryptocurrencies)
  • No Minimum & Maximum Trading Day Requirements
  • Scaling Plan
  • First Payout After 14 Calendar Days
  • Bi-weekly Payouts
  • Profit Share 80% up to 90%
  • Overnight & Weekend Holding Allowed
  • News Trading Allowed
  • No Commission Fees on Commodities, Indices & Cryptocurrencies
  • Low Leverage up to 1:30
  • Trailing Drawdown on Both One-phase Challenges & Instant Funding Program
  • Maximum Daily Equity-based Drawdown

Glow Node is a proprietary trading company founded on April 9, 2022 in London, UK by two talented founders Sam Bradbury and Ryan Beasley. With the goal of connecting traders with large capital and providing flexible funding programs, Glow Node has attracted the attention of many traders around the world.

In this article, let’s explore this exclusive trading company with Sharehubtech and the outstanding benefits it brings to traders. We will also learn about Glow Node’s sponsorship programs and how it differs from other companies in the market. Finally, we will evaluate the company in general and draw final conclusions.

1. Difference: connecting traders with large capital

One of the biggest differences between Glow Node and other trading companies is its ability to connect traders with large capital. This allows traders to trade with larger capital and take advantage of better trading opportunities in the market.

With the aim of connecting traders with large capital, Glow Node has established Tier 1 liquidity partnerships to ensure that traders have the best trading conditions in the market. This also means that traders will have the opportunity to earn larger profits and manage their accounts with leverage up to 1:30.

In addition, Glow Node also offers flexible funding programs for traders, allowing them to manage accounts up to $100,000 and share profits up to 90%. This allows traders to earn larger profits and at the same time take advantage of the power of large capital to enhance their trading capabilities.

2. Company introduction

Legal name: Glow Node LTD

Glow Node is a company with the full name of Glow Node LTD, registered and operating under the laws of the UK. This is one of the first reliable points of the company, showing the professionalism and guarantee of the legality of transactions made on the Glow Node platform.

Established: April 9, 2022

Glow Node was founded on April 9, 2022 and has attracted the attention of many traders around the world in a short time. The company's professionalism and commitment to providing flexible and highly profitable funding programs for traders have been confirmed through the company's rapid development.

Location: London, UK

Glow Node is headquartered in London, UK - one of the world's leading financial centers. Having its headquarters in a prestigious location like London helps Glow Node access and connect with large capital sources and tier 1 liquidity partners.

Founders: Sam Bradbury and Ryan Beasley

Glow Node was founded by two talented founders, Sam Bradbury and Ryan Beasley. With their experience and deep understanding of the financial markets, along with their commitment to bringing satisfaction and high profits to traders, the two founders of Glow Node have built a leading proprietary trading company in the market.

Tier 1 Liquidity Partner: Best Real Market Trading Conditions

Glow Node’s Tier 1 liquidity partner is one of the key factors that ensures that traders will have the best trading conditions in the market. Connecting with a highly reliable Tier 1 liquidity partner helps Glow Node’s transactions to be fast and efficient.

Head office: 86-90 Paul Street, London, England, EC2A 4NE

Glow Node's headquarters in London, UK is located at 86-90 Paul Street, giving the company a convenient geographical location to reach and connect with partners and customers worldwide.

3.  Funding Program

Glow Node offers a variety of flexible funding programs for traders, allowing them to manage accounts up to $100,000 and share profits up to 90%. Here are some notable funding programs of Glow Node.

Two-phase Glow Challenge

Glow Node’s two-phase Glow Challenge allows traders to manage accounts from $5,000 to $100,000 with leverage up to 1:30. The program is divided into two phases with the following trading goals and rules:

Phase 1: Achieve 8% profit target, not exceeding 3% daily maximum loss or 8% maximum loss.

Phase 2: Achieve a profit target of 4%, not exceeding a maximum daily loss of 3% or a maximum loss of 8%.

If traders complete both stages, they will receive a funded account with no minimum withdrawal requirement. Furthermore, traders can also share profits from 80% to 90%.

Other programs (summary)

In addition to the two-stage Glow Challenge, Glow Node also offers other funding programs such as the two-stage Standard Challenge, two-stage Beginner Challenge, one-stage Glow Challenge, one-stage Standard Challenge, and Instant Funding. Each program has its own trading conditions and goals, suitable for a wide range of traders from beginners to experienced traders.

Instant Funding

Glow Node’s instant funding program allows traders to receive capital to trade immediately without going through a qualifying process. This allows traders to start trading immediately and take advantage of trading opportunities in the market flexibly and effectively.

4. What makes Glow Node different from other companies?

Glow Node has some notable differences from other trading companies on the market, including:

6 unique account types

Glow Node offers 6 unique account types for traders to choose from, ranging from flexible funding programs to instant accounts. This allows traders to choose the program that best suits their trading goals and experience.

Unlimited trading time

Glow Node does not require a minimum number of trading days, allowing traders the freedom to manage their trading time and strategies without being bound by rigid regulations.

Additional Features

In addition to flexible funding programs, Glow Node also offers additional features such as the first withdrawal after 14 days and subsequent payments every two weeks. This allows traders to receive profits flexibly and conveniently.

5. The Practicality of Getting Funded from Glow Node

Receiving capital from Glow Node is an attractive opportunity for traders with many benefits as follows:

Easy to achieve due to:

  • Moderate Profit Targets: The profit targets of Glow Node's sponsorship programs are set reasonably, making it easy for traders to achieve without having to take on high risks.
  • Flexible Maximum Loss Rules: Glow Node applies daily maximum loss and maximum loss rules to protect traders' accounts and help them maintain stability in trading.
  • No trading time limit: No minimum trading days requirement gives traders the flexibility to manage their accounts and participate in good trading opportunities in the market.
  • Attractive profit sharing (80% - 90%): Glow Node shares 80% to 90% of profits to traders when they complete trading goals, creating great profit opportunities and at the same time enhancing their financial capabilities.

6. How glow node works:

When you join Glow Node, you will go through the following steps:

Choose your challenge 

Glow Node offers a variety of challenges, from the two-stage Glow Challenge to Instant Funding. You can choose the challenge type and account size that suits your trading goals and experience.

Get trading information

After registering and selecting a challenge, you will receive instant trading information to start trading on your Glow Node simulation account.

Follow dashboard

Glow Node provides you with an intuitive dashboard to track your trading activities, goals, rules and statistics.

Get payment

Once you reach the challenge trading goal, you will be paid after just 14 days of trading on the simulation account. Glow Node has an attractive profit sharing policy, up to 90% of the profits you generate.

Proof of payment

Glow Node has been established since April 9, 2022 and has attracted a large trader community. Traders have successfully achieved sponsored status and qualified for profit sharing, with the first payment after 14 days of profit and profit sharing from 80% to 90%.

Trading Platforms and Tools

Glow Node connects to Tier 1 liquidity partners and uses the Match-Trader platform to execute trades. The platform offers a variety of trading instruments for forex, commodities, indices and cryptocurrencies, with leverage up to 1:30.

Reviews on Trustpilot

Glow Node has an impressive score of 3.9/5 stars out of 344 reviews on Trustpilot. 73% of the reviews are 5 stars, indicating high user satisfaction and appreciation for the company's service and quality.

7.  Conclusion

Glow Node is a reputable and trustworthy proprietary trading company that offers a variety of flexible and diverse funding programs. With its outstanding features and attractive profit sharing policy, Glow Node is the top choice for those looking for a reputable and effective proprietary trading company in the market.

8. Questions and answers

How often can I request payment?

Request payment through your dashboard. You can request payment after 14 days and then every 14 days. You do not have to request payment every two weeks; you can wait as long as you like before requesting payment.

Can I get a refund?

Refunds are available for all accounts after the 3rd payment. This applies to accounts purchased after May 16th and does not apply to instantly funded accounts.

What is the leverage ratio?

Our leverage ratios are as follows: 1:30 for forex currency pairs, 1:10 for indices and 1:2 for cryptocurrencies.

How many accounts can I have?

You can have up to three active accounts at once, with a total initial balance limit of $300,000 across all your accounts.

What is the commission rate?

We only charge a commission for forex pairs, at a rate of $2.50 per lot per side. This commission is applied to copy live trading conditions.

What does "high water" mean?

The high water mark is the higher of your account balance or equity.

For example, if at the beginning of the day you have a balance of $10,000 and an open trade has a profit of $1,000, making your equity $11,000, then your equity will become the highest level in your account.

However, if the trade is losing, the balance will become the maximum.


Minimum transaction period is 3 months.

You are eligible to receive 10% of the payments made during this 3 month period.

Your account balance must be higher than the starting balance to qualify.

You can increase your account balance by 30% from your initial balance.

After the split, the bonus split ratio will change to 90:10 (90% for you, 10% for the platform).

This scaling process can be repeated up to a maximum of $1,000,000.


You can request your first payment after 14 calendar days on your real account without a minimum payment amount.

After requesting a payment, you must wait another 14 days before requesting another one.

If you violate any of the account rules, you will not be eligible for payment.

Close all trades before requesting payment and do not trade until request is confirmed.

You can request a payment at any time through your dashboard. Confirmation usually takes place within 7 days.

Payments are processed through Create an account there, complete verification and when you request a payment, we will invite you to our team to transfer funds. You can then withdraw funds using various methods provided by

Payments may take up to 30 days to process.

Can I merge my accounts?

You can merge live accounts instantly! If you are an existing live trader and pass the second challenge, you can merge both accounts to increase your buying power.

The withdrawal limit of the merged account will be the same as the withdrawal limit of each separate account.

Merged accounts can be expanded after 3 months from the date of merger, provided that at least 10% of the new balance is earned.

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