

Getconduit is an AI-powered Google Sheets extension that revolutionizes data analysis and decision-making. Automate tasks, get instant answers, generate reports, and forecast trends, all without technical skills. Boost productivity and make informed choices with Getconduit.

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With the rapid development of technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI), finding solutions to enhance productivity is an urgent requirement. is a remarkable application in solving this problem.


Getconduit | Detailed Review, Features, Prices And Alternativess

What is Getconduit?

Getconduit is an extension (add-on) for Google Sheets, integrating AI technology (similar to GPT) to answer questions and provide detailed information. This product was born with the purpose of improving work efficiency by automating tasks related to data and analysis.

Benefits of Getconduit

Getconduit offers many benefits to users, including:

  1. Save time : Getconduit's AI assistant can answer questions about data and perform analysis quickly, saving significant time compared to doing it manually.
  1. Increase productivity : Automating data-related tasks helps users focus on strategic work, thereby improving work productivity.
  1. Data-driven decision making : Getconduit provides data-driven analytics, predictions and recommendations, supporting users in the decision-making process.
  1. No technical skills needed : Users do not need to have in-depth knowledge of technology or programming to take advantage of Getconduit.

How Getconduit Works

Install Getconduit

To use Getconduit, users need to install this extension from the Google Workspace Marketplace. The installation process is quick and simple, taking only a few minutes.

Make a question

Once installed, users can use Getconduit by typing data-related questions in Google Sheets using natural language. Getconduit will analyze the question and search for information in the data to provide an answer.

Get answers

Getconduit's answers will be displayed right in Google Sheets, helping users save time and focus on other important tasks.

Getconduit Key Features

Smart Q&A

Getconduit is capable of answering complex questions about data in Google Sheets. Users can ask questions that require in-depth analysis and Getconduit will provide detailed answers.

Example question Getconduit's answer
"What was the company's total revenue in the fourth quarter of last year?" "The company's total revenue in the fourth quarter of last year was 2.5 million VND."
"What has been the monthly revenue trend of product A in the last 6 months?" "The monthly revenue of product A has tended to increase steadily in the last 6 months, from 500 million VND to 650 million VND."
"Which customers buy the most product B?" "According to data, the 3 customers who buy the most product B are: Company ABC, Company XYZ and Individual Nguyen Van A."

Data analysis

Getconduit can perform data analysis such as summarizing, classifying and searching for information. Users just need to make a request, and Getconduit will provide analysis results quickly.

  • Data summary: "Let's summarize the company's revenue and profit for the last quarter."
  • Categorize data: "Let's categorize customers by geographic region."
  • Search for information: "Find the customer with the highest sales last year."

Generate reports

Getconduit can automatically generate reports based on data in Google Sheets. Users just need to request and Getconduit will provide a detailed report.

  • Monthly revenue report
  • Report on financial situation
  • Report on performance


Getconduit has the ability to predict trends based on historical data and make recommendations accordingly. This helps users make better decisions.

  • Forecast revenue for the next quarter
  • Propose products that should be focused on development
  • Warning about potential risks

Integrate with other tools

Getconduit can connect and integrate with other tools in Google Workspace such as Gmail, Calendar, Drive, etc. This helps users take full advantage of Getconduit's capabilities in work activities.

Getconduit Application

Business analysis

Getconduit can support business analysis activities such as:

  • Analyze sales data: Summarize sales, identify best-selling products, predict trends.
  • Analyze marketing data: Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, find potential customer groups.
  • Analyze financial data: Monitor financial situation, analyze profits, cash flow.

Project management

Getconduit can support project management activities such as:

  • Monitor project progress: Summary of progress status, completion forecast.
  • Risk analysis: Identify potential risks and propose preventive measures.
  • Predict results: Predict project results based on historical data.

Market research

Getconduit can support market research activities such as:

  • Analyze survey data: Summarize results, identify trends and customer concerns.
  • Evaluate customer feedback: Analyze feedback from customers, suggest improvements.
  • Market demand forecast: Predict future market trends and needs.

Customer support

Getconduit can support customer care activities such as:

  • Answer customer questions: Use artificial intelligence to answer common questions quickly.
  • Provide information automatically: Getconduit can automatically provide information such as transaction history, order status, etc.
  • Customer feedback analysis: Summarize and analyze customer feedback to improve service quality.

Getconduit Pricing Plans

Getconduit offers different pricing plans to suit each customer's needs:

Package Feature Price
Free of charge - Answer basic questions - Simple data analysis - Create simple reports Free of charge
Basic - Answer advanced questions - Analyze data advanced - Create advanced reports $9/month
Advanced - Trend prediction - Integration with other tools - 24/7 support $29/month

Users can choose the package that suits their needs and budget. Getconduit also offers customized packages to meet special requirements.

Getconduit Alternatives

In addition to Getconduit, users can refer to some similar tools such as:

  • ChatGPT : AI assistant capable of answering questions and performing similar tasks to Getconduit, but does not integrate directly with Google Sheets.
  • Other extensions for Google Sheets : There are many other extensions that provide data analysis, report generation features like Databox, Supermetrics, etc. However, they do not integrate artificial intelligence like Getconduit.

Getconduit has the advantage of integrating directly with Google Sheets, while also providing features based on artificial intelligence such as answering questions and predicting trends. These are features that are not available in alternative tools.

Getconduit User Reviews

Positive user feedback about Getconduit includes:

"Getconduit has saved me a lot of time analyzing data. I can just ask a question and get an answer right away." - Nguyen Thi Huong, Chief Financial Officer
"Getconduit's trend prediction feature is really useful. It helps me make more accurate business decisions." - Tran Van Duc, Marketing Director
"I'm very impressed with Getconduit's intelligent question answering capabilities. It helps me answer customer questions quickly and professionally." - Le Thi Minh, Customer Care Specialist

Getconduit has helped users increase work efficiency, save time and improve work quality. Thanks to its flexibility and deep integration with Google Sheets, Getconduit has become an important tool for data analysis and decision making in modern businesses.


In an increasingly competitive business environment, the use of technology to enhance work performance is inevitable. Getconduit has proven its important role in helping users analyze data, predict trends and make smart decisions.

With smart and flexible features, Getconduit not only saves time but also brings real value to businesses. Positive reviews from users are also clear evidence of the success of this product.

If you are looking for a tool that supports smart and effective data analysis, try Getconduit today. Don't miss the opportunity to improve your productivity and make the right decisions for your business.

  • $18/month
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