Engage AI

Engage AI

Engage AI helps you automate the process of finding, reaching and nurturing leads on LinkedIn, saving time and increasing sales efficiency.

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In today's B2B field, LinkedIn social network has become an extremely effective marketing and sales channel. However, manually managing and interacting with LinkedIn connections also requires a lot of time and effort. Therefore, Engage AI - a LinkedIn automation platform was born to solve these challenges.

Introducing Engage AI

Engage AI | Detailed Review, Features, Prices And Alternativess

What is Engage AI?

Engage AI is a LinkedIn automation platform that helps businesses find, reach and build relationships with potential customers more effectively and efficiently. With Engage AI, businesses can optimize the customer acquisition and development process on the LinkedIn platform.

Benefits of Engage AI

Using Engage AI brings the following benefits to businesses:

  1. Save time : Automating repetitive tasks such as sending connection invitations, introductory messages, interacting with customers... helps significantly save businesses' time and human resources.
  1. Increase outreach efficiency : Engage AI uses smart filters to accurately identify potential customers and create personalized messages, increasing response rates from customers.
  1. Personalize customer experience : Engage AI helps businesses interact with customers in a personalized way, establishing deep and lasting relationships.
  1. Conversion rate optimization : By automating customer outreach processes and optimizing campaigns, Engage AI helps significantly increase conversion rates.

How Engage AI Works

Engage AI works through 4 main steps:

Identify target customers

The first step, businesses need to clearly identify the target market and filter criteria for potential customers. Engage AI will use smart filters based on industry, location, business size... to find potential customers suitable for your business.

For example: You are doing accounting services and want to find small and medium enterprises in the manufacturing industry in Hanoi. Engage AI will help you filter out LinkedIn connections that fit this criteria.

Automatically send connection invitations

After identifying target customers, Engage AI will automatically send personalized connection invitations to each person. These invitations are designed to attract attention and create initial positive emotions from customers.

For example: "Hello solves this problem effectively.

Please let me know if you can spare some time to discuss further. I look forward to working with you!"

Nurture relationships

Next, Engage AI will monitor and regularly interact with potential customers through messages, comments and content sharing. The goal is to build a long-term and trusting relationship with them, to eventually convert them into customers.

For example: After sending an introductory message, Engage AI will track customer responses. If customers interact actively, the system will automatically send follow-up messages to further discuss their needs. If customers have not responded, Engage AI will send reminder messages or share useful content to attract interest.

Key Features of Engage AI

Engage AI offers the following key features:

Find smart leads

Engage AI uses smart filters based on industry, location, business size... to help businesses find accurate and suitable potential customers. You can save your favorite filters to use again in the future.

# Filter example:

Criteria Value
Career Financial accountant
Location Hanoi Vietnam
Enterprise size 11-50 employees
Rank Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accountant

Personalize messages

Engage AI allows you to create flexible message templates that can customize content for each customer. You can use alternative variables such as name, company, industry... to make the message more personalized.

# Personalized message example:

"Hello solve this problem effectively.

Please let me know if you can spare some time to discuss further. I look forward to working with you!"

Schedule time to send messages

Engage AI helps businesses schedule messages to automatically send at optimal times. The system will analyze data to determine the most effective time frame, helping to increase the response rate from customers.

Monitoring and reporting

Engage AI provides detailed tracking and reporting tools on the effectiveness of campaigns. You can view the number of connection invitations, sent messages, response rate, conversion rate... thereby adjusting your customer outreach strategy more effectively.

A/B testing

Engage AI allows you to test different campaigns (for example, message A and message B) to find the optimal approach. The system will analyze the results and make recommendations to help improve efficiency.

Engage AI Applications

Engage AI can help businesses deploy the following applications:

B2B Sales

Engage AI is an extremely effective tool to find and reach potential business customers on LinkedIn. You can use Engage AI to:

  • Identify and filter out suitable leads.
  • Automatically send connection invitations and introductory messages.
  • Nurture relationships and convert into customers.


In addition to applications in sales, Engage AI can also help businesses find and attract talented candidates on LinkedIn. You can:

  • Search for candidates that match the recruitment criteria.
  • Automatically send connection invitations and company introduction messages.
  • Nurture relationships with potential candidates.


Engage AI can also be applied in marketing campaigns on LinkedIn, helping businesses:

  • Build your brand and expand your connection network.
  • Automatically send messages introducing products/services to potential customers.
  • Interact and increase brand awareness on LinkedIn.

Engage AI Pricing Plans

Engage AI offers service packages with different prices, depending on the needs and size of the business:

Service pack Feature Price
Starter - Search 100 new connections/month - 50 messages/month - Basic features 49 USD/month
Professional - Search 300 new connections/month - 200 messages/month - Message personalization feature - Message sending timer 99 USD/month
Business - Search 500 new connections/month - 500 messages/month - A/B testing feature - Detailed reports 199 USD/month

Depending on your business's goals and budget, you can choose the appropriate service package to optimize your campaign on LinkedIn.

Engage AI Alternatives

Besides Engage AI, there are many other automation tools on the market such as LinkedHelper, Dux-Soup, We-Connect... Each tool has its own advantages and is suitable for different goals. Below is a comparison of Engage AI's pros and cons with some competitors:

Compare with LinkedHelper :

  • Advantages of Engage AI :
    • Easy to use, user-friendly interface.
    • Flexible message personalization feature.
    • Professional customer support.
  • Disadvantages of Engage AI :
    • Prices are higher than some other tools.
    • Limited customization of search filters.

Compare with Dux-Soup :

  • Advantages of Engage AI :
    • Smart message sending timer feature.
    • Report is detailed and easy to understand.
    • Fast customer support.
  • Disadvantages of Engage AI :
    • The interface is not too friendly and takes some time to get used to.
    • Limitations in A/B testing.

Engage AI Customer Reviews

Customers who have used Engage AI often appreciate the efficiency and convenience that the platform brings. Here are some reviews from customers:

  1. "Engage AI helps me save a lot of time in finding and reaching customers on LinkedIn. The message personalization feature is really impressive and helps me build strong relationships with potential customers. " - Nguyen Van An, CEO of Hubtech Company
  1. "After applying Engage AI to our LinkedIn marketing campaign, our conversion rate increased significantly. A detailed reporting system helps us accurately evaluate the effectiveness of each campaign." - Tran Thi Trang, Marketing Manager
  1. "Engage AI not only helps me find target customers but also assists in nurturing relationships and maintaining contact with them. This is truly a useful tool for any business that wants to grow on LinkedIn." - Le Minh Hung, Sales Director

Positive reviews from customers are testament to the power and effectiveness of Engage AI in optimizing campaigns on LinkedIn.


Above is some information about Engage AI - LinkedIn campaign optimization tool that helps businesses conquer potential customers effectively. Smart features, high personalization, the ability to schedule messages and detailed reports are the highlights of this platform. Engage AI is not only applied in B2B Sales but also in recruitment and marketing.

If you're looking for a powerful LinkedIn automation tool, sign up for a free trial of Engage AI today. 

  • $18/month
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