

Elai.io is a powerful AI video creation platform, specialized for corporate training and learning.

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In the era of digitalization, training and developing human resources has become extremely important for businesses. Besides imparting knowledge and skills, creating engaging, interactive learning experiences is also a big challenge. To solve these problems, the Elai.io platform was born with the goal of creating high-quality training videos, using modern AI technology.

I.  What is Elai.io?

Elaiio AI Video Creation Platform for Enterprise Features, Apps, Pricing

1. Definition: What is Elai.io?

Elai.io is a powerful AI video creation platform, specialized for corporate training and learning. This platform uses artificial intelligence technology to create vivid, interactive training videos that meet the diverse needs of organizations.

2. Elai.io's goal

The main goal of Elai.io is to help businesses create high-quality, engaging and interactive training videos with the help of AI technology. This increases the effectiveness of training activities, enhances employee learning experiences, and significantly saves time and production costs.

3. Outstanding benefits of Elai.io

  • Save time and costs on video production : By automating the video creation process, Elai.io helps businesses save significant costs and time compared to using traditional video production services .
  • Enhance training effectiveness : Videos created with Elai.io are highly interactive, stimulating learners' attention and knowledge retention.
  • Enhance learning experience : With features such as avatars, natural voices, flexible expressions and gestures, Elai.io brings diverse and engaging learning experiences to users.

II. How does Elai.io work?

1. Simple video creation process

The process of creating videos with Elai.io is quite simple, including the following main steps:

  1. Choose an avatar : Users choose an avatar that matches the training content and style from a diverse library of characters.
  2. Script input : Users can enter the script directly or use the automatic text-to-speech feature.
  3. Customize voice, expressions, gestures : Users can adjust these elements to match the video content.
  4. Add multimedia elements : Users can add elements such as images, sounds, interactive quizzes to enrich the video content.
  5. Export high-quality training videos : Videos are created with high resolution, and the appropriate format and size can be customized.

2. Advantages of video creation process on Elai.io

  • Simple and easy to use : The video creation process on Elai.io is very direct and does not require specialized video production skills.
  • High flexibility : Users can customize elements such as voice, expressions, gestures, graphics to suit content and requirements.
  • Process automation : Many features are automated such as text-to-speech, video creation, which saves time and costs.

3. Example of video creation process with Elai.io

Example of creating a training video about the new employee onboarding process:

  1. Choose a female avatar, around 30 years old, with a professional appearance.
  2. Enter a scenario about the onboarding process including main steps.
  3. Customize your avatar's voice to Northern Vietnamese, with appropriate speed and intensity.
  4. Add images and icons illustrating the steps in the onboarding process.
  5. Create some interactive quizzes to test your audience's understanding.
  6. Export videos in MP4 format, which can be uploaded to the company's LMS system.

III. Main features of Elai.io

1. Diverse library of avatars

Elai.io offers a library of avatars with many options for appearance, age, gender and style. Users can easily search and choose an avatar that matches the content and training orientation of the business.

Comparison table of some features of avatars on Elai.io:

Feature Avatar 1 Avatar 2 Avatar 3
Sex Male Female Gender unknown
Age 25-35 40-50 55-65
Style Professional Friendly Youthful
Skin color White skin Black skin Brown skin

2. Natural text-to-speech technology

Elai.io uses natural text-to-speech technology to create audio for training videos. This feature supports many different languages ​​and regional accents, helping users easily create multilingual videos.

Some advantages of the text-to-speech feature on Elai.io:

  • Multi-language : Supports more than 100 languages, meeting the global needs of businesses.
  • Natural voice : The sound produced is of high quality and natural, not mechanical.
  • Customize voice : Users can adjust the volume, speed, and tone of the voice.

3. Flexible customization features

Elai.io allows users to flexibly customize elements such as the avatar's voice, expressions, and gestures. This helps increase the vividness and persuasiveness of training videos.

Examples of flexible customizations on Elai.io:

  • Voice : Adjust volume, speed, and tone to suit the content.
  • Expression : Choose a suitable expression such as happy, serious, concerned... when the avatar talks.
  • Gestures : Customize gestures such as nodding, pointing, smiling to increase interactivity.

4. Create interactive quizzes

Elai.io allows users to create interactive quizzes embedded into training videos. This helps increase learner engagement and knowledge retention.

Some examples of interactive quizzes on Elai.io:

  • Multiple choice questions : Viewers must choose the correct answer from the options provided.
  • Fill-in questions : Viewers must fill in the blanks in the sentence to complete.
  • Jigsaw puzzle : The viewer must arrange the elements in the correct sequence.

5. Analyze learning data

Elai.io offers learning data analytics features that help track the effectiveness of the training process. Users can view parameters such as:

  • Number of video views
  • Average viewing time
  • Interactive quiz completion rate
  • Student scores

These data help businesses effectively evaluate and improve the quality of training courses.

IV. Use cases (Elai.io use cases)

1. Training new employees

Elai.io is very suitable for creating introductory videos about the company, corporate culture, and work processes to help new employees quickly integrate and adapt to the working environment.

For example: Create an introductory video about the company's history, mission, core values, employee benefits, new onboarding process...

2. Improve professional skills

Elai.io can be used to create training videos to provide new knowledge and skills to employees, meeting the human resource development needs of businesses.

For example: Create video tutorials on sales skills, negotiation, project management, software usage...

3. Product/service training

Elai.io helps businesses create training videos about the company's products and services, to ensure employees understand clearly and can introduce and sell effectively.

For example: Create a video introducing the features, uses, and how to use the company's products/services.

4. Compliance training

Elai.io can be used to create training videos about business regulations, policies, and compliance procedures to ensure employees understand and implement them correctly.

For example: Create instructional videos about information security policies, complaint handling procedures, labor safety regulations...

V. Pricing plans (Elai.io pricing plans)

Elai.io offers 3 main pricing plans to meet the needs of businesses, including: Basic Plan, Advanced Plan and Enterprise Plan. Below is a detailed comparison table of pricing plans on Elai.io:

Feature Basic Package Advanced Package Business Package
Avatar library 10 20 Unlimited
Language support 5 10 Unlimited
Interactive quizzes Have Have Have
Data analysis Are not Have Have
Customer support Email Email, phone 24/7

Compare pricing plans:

  1. Basic Package:
    • Suitable for small businesses with basic training video creation needs.
    • Limited number of avatars and supported languages.
    • There is no data analysis feature.
  1. Advanced Package:
    • Satisfies medium and large businesses with the need to create more in-depth training videos.
    • Expanded avatar library and language support.
    • Added data analysis feature.
  1. Business Package:
    • For large businesses with the need to create complex and diverse training videos.
    • Unlimited avatar library and language support.
    • 24/7 customer support.

Choosing the right pricing package will help businesses optimize the training video creation process and save costs.

BECAUSE. Elai.io alternatives

In the field of creating AI training videos, Elai.io is not the only option. Below is a comparison of the pros and cons between Elai.io and some of its competitors:

1. Synthesia


  • Supports creating videos with sign language.
  • Provides live streaming feature.


  • Limited avatar library and flexibility.

2. Hour One


  • Integrate VR technology into training videos.
  • Powerful interactive features.


  • Complex interface, difficult to use for newbies.

3. DID


  • Providing professional consulting services on training videos.
  • Detailed data analysis features.


  • Cost is higher than competitors.

Comparison between Elai.io and competitors helps users better understand the features, advantages and disadvantages to make a choice that suits their needs.


Above is an overview of Elai.io - a powerful AI video creation platform for corporate training and learning. With diverse features such as a diverse avatar library, natural text-to-speech technology, flexible customization, interactive quizzes, and learning data analysis, Elai.io promises to deliver an immersive experience. Effective and cost-saving training experience for businesses.

If you are interested and want to experience Elai.io, don't hesitate to sign up for a free trial and find out more information on their official website. Wishing you success in creating high-quality training videos!

  • $18/month
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