
Describely is the only AI tool you need to create high-quality, SEO-friendly, and engaging e-commerce product content that increases sales and improves customer experience.

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Describely , a specialized AI tool for e-commerce product content creation, was born to solve these challenges. With advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) technology, Describely helps businesses create high-quality, SEO-friendly, and engaging product content quickly and effectively.

I. Introducing Describely

Describely | Details, Pricing, & Features

1. What is Describely?

Describely is a specialized AI tool for ecommerce product content creation. It uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) technology to create engaging product descriptions, meta tags, and meta descriptions that increase conversion rates and improve customer satisfaction. visibility on search engines.

Describely is designed to serve ecommerce businesses, online retailers, marketers, product managers, and content teams. It saves time and effort in creating product content, while improving content quality and optimizing content for SEO.

2. Target audience

Describely targets the following audiences:

  • E-commerce businesses, online retailers
  • Marketers, product managers, and content teams
  • Anyone who wants to create product content quickly and effectively

3. Benefits of Describely

Describely offers the following benefits to users:

  • Save time and effort in creating product content
  • Improve product content quality, increase conversion rate
  • Optimize product content for SEO, increase visibility on search engines
  • Create bulk content for multiple products at once

II. How Describely works

1. General process

The process for using Describely includes the following steps:

  1. User enters product information (name, attributes, features, benefits, etc.).
  2. Describely uses AI to create engaging product descriptions, meta tags, and meta descriptions.
  3. Users can customize and edit content as desired.
  4. Users publish content directly to websites or e-commerce platforms.

2. AI technology

Describely uses advanced AI technologies to create product content:

  • Use large language models (LLMs) to understand context and create natural content.
  • Integrate SEO analysis tools to optimize content.
  • Ability to continuously learn and improve based on user feedback.

With a combination of NLP, ML and SEO technology, Describely can create high-quality product content, attract customers and optimize SEO.

III. Key features of Describely

1. Create product descriptions

Describely is capable of creating short, engaging, and informative product descriptions. It uses keyword optimization and sentence structure techniques to increase search engine visibility.

Comparison table of automated and human-generated product descriptions:

Criteria Automatic description Description by humans
Creation time Fast Waste of time
Content quality Full of information and attractive May not be consistent
SEO optimization Automatically optimized Requires a lot of manual effort
Brand consistency May not be consistent Could be more consistent
Ability of extension Easily create batches Difficult to expand

2. Create meta tags and meta descriptions

Describely has the ability to create attractive title tags and meta descriptions, to attract users to click. It optimizes the length and content of meta tags according to SEO standards.

Example of title tags and meta descriptions automatically generated by Describely:


Tiêu chí
Mô tả
Thẻ title
Áo sơ mi nam chất liệu cotton cao cấp | Mua ngay
Meta description
Áo sơ mi nam chất liệu cotton mềm mại, thoáng khí và bền màu. Kiểu dáng trẻ trung, phù hợp mọi hoàn cảnh. Mua ngay với giá ưu đãi!


3. Create content in bulk

Describely is capable of generating product descriptions, meta tags, and meta descriptions for hundreds or thousands of products at once. This saves significant time and effort compared to manual content creation.

Advantages of mass content creation:

  • Save time and manpower
  • Ensure consistency in content
  • Easily update and edit content
  • Suitable for businesses with many products

4. SEO optimization

Describely integrates SEO analysis tools to help optimize product content. It can:

  • Analyze and suggest related keywords to optimize content.
  • Check and improve the SEO score of product content.

This helps increase product visibility on search engines, attracting more traffic.

5. Customize and edit

Although Describely automatically generates product content, users can still easily customize and edit the content as desired. This helps ensure the content matches your business's tone and brand.

Example of content customization:

  • Edit words and sentences
  • Add or remove information
  • Adjust voice tone and presentation

Describely is a supporting tool, but users still play a key role in creating the final content.

IV. Describely's application

1. E-commerce

Describely is especially suitable for e-commerce businesses and online retailers. It helps:

  • Create high-quality product content for websites and e-commerce platforms.
  • Improve customer shopping experience.
  • Increase conversion rates and sales.

2. Content marketing

Describely does not stop at creating product content, but can also be applied in content marketing. It can:

  • Create engaging and engaging content for marketing campaigns.
  • Increase traffic to the website.


With the ability to optimize content for SEO, Describely can also support businesses in:

  • Improve product rankings on search engines.
  • Increase product visibility.

Describely helps increase conversion rates, sales, and website traffic through quality product content and SEO optimization.

V. Describely pricing plans

Describely offers the following pricing plans:

Free of charge

  • Basic features
  • Limit the number of product descriptions

Pay the fee

  • Unlimited number of product descriptions
  • Advanced features

Describely offers Starter, Pro, and Business plans with different prices and features to suit customer needs.

BECAUSE. Describely alternatives

In addition to Describely, some other ecommerce product content creation AI tools include:


CopySmith is an AI tool that specializes in e-commerce product content creation. It has many similar features to Describely, like creating product descriptions, meta tags, and meta descriptions.


Writesonic is a versatile AI content creation platform that can support product content creation, articles, advertising, and many other tasks.


Copyscape is a plagiarism checker that can help ensure your content is unique and not duplicated.

These tools all have different advantages and disadvantages, so you need to consider carefully to choose the solution that suits your business needs.


Describely is a specialized AI tool for ecommerce product content creation. With a combination of advanced natural language processing and machine learning technology, Describely helps businesses save time and effort in creating high-quality, SEO-friendly, and engaging product content.

Describely's target audience includes ecommerce businesses, online retailers, marketers, product managers, and content teams. Anyone who wants to create product content quickly and effectively can use Describely.

With features like creating product descriptions, meta tags and meta descriptions, bulk content creation, SEO optimization, customization and editing, Describely offers many benefits to users. Additionally, Describely has broad applications in e-commerce, content marketing, and SEO.

If you are looking for a tool to help create effective product content, Describely could be the right choice. Explore Describely today to improve the quality of your product content and boost your business performance.

  • $18/month
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