

CourseAI is an online course creation tool that uses AI, helping to simplify the process and support users in creating high-quality courses, thereby monetizing their knowledge and skills.

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Creating and delivering online courses has become a popular trend and brings many benefits to both teachers and learners. However, the process of creating high-quality courses is still often quite complicated and time-consuming. This is exactly why CourseAI , an online course creation platform using AI technology, is so useful and noteworthy.

I. Introducing CourseAI

CourseAI | Details, Pricing, & Features

What is CourseAI?

CourseAI is an online course creation platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology to simplify the content creation process and empower users to create high-quality courses. It is designed to help users, including experts, lecturers or individuals who want to share knowledge, easily create professional and engaging online courses.

Helps users make money from their knowledge and skills

In addition to helping create quality courses, CourseAI also provides tools and features so users can earn money from sharing their knowledge and skills. This opens up additional income opportunities or even a primary source of income for professional individuals.

Benefits of CourseAI

Save time and effort on course creation : CourseAI uses AI technology to automatically create content such as outlines, lecture scripts, multiple-choice questions and learning materials, helping users save significantly. Describe the time and effort involved in developing the course.

Create professional and attractive courses : With the support of AI, courses created on the CourseAI platform will have high quality and professionalism, attracting many students.

Increase accessibility and student engagement : Thanks to features such as creating lecture videos with automatic captions and creating interactive quizzes, CourseAI helps users create accessible and engaging online courses more students.

Subjects of use

Experts, lecturers, people with specialized knowledge want to share : CourseAI is an ideal tool for experts, lecturers or people with in-depth knowledge in their field to easily create courses. Learn online and share with the public.

Businesses want to train employees or customers : Businesses can use CourseAI to build internal training courses for their employees or customers.

Individuals who want to create courses to earn extra income : Individuals with knowledge and skills can use CourseAI to create online courses and sell them on online platforms, creating an additional source of income. .

II. How CourseAI works

Simple process

User enters course topic and basic content : First, users will provide CourseAI with basic information such as topic, goals, and content they want to include in the course.

AI creates outlines, lecture scripts, multiple choice questions, and learning materials : Based on input information, CourseAI's AI system will automatically create core content of the course such as outlines, Lecture scripts, multiple choice questions and study materials.

Users customize and complete the course as they wish : After having the basic content created by AI, users can continue to edit, supplement and complete the course as they wish.

AI technology

Using machine learning and natural language processing models : CourseAI uses advanced technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing to create high-quality content, tailored to user requirements. use.

Integrating support tools : In addition to automatically creating content, CourseAI also integrates other support tools such as creating lecture videos with automatic captions, creating interactive tests and assessing learning results. .

III. Key Features of CourseAI

Create content automatically

Create outlines, lecture scripts, multiple-choice questions, and learning materials : CourseAI's AI system can automatically create core course content such as outlines, lecture scripts, and multiple-choice questions. experiences and learning materials based on user input.

Create video lectures with automatic captions : CourseAI also has the ability to create video lectures with automatic captions, helping users easily create professional video lessons.

Create interactive tests and evaluate learning results : The platform also provides an interactive test creation feature, helping users evaluate students' learning performance easily.

Customize and personalize

Add, edit, delete content as desired : Users can easily edit, add or delete any AI-generated content to suit their requirements.

Customize course appearance : CourseAI allows users to customize the appearance of the course, such as colors, logos, images, etc. to create a unique and professional appearance.

Personalize the learning experience for each student : This platform also supports personalizing the learning experience for each student, such as remembering learning progress, recommending appropriate content, etc.

Course management

Track student learning progress : CourseAI provides tools to help users track and manage each student's learning progress effectively.

Registration and payment management : In addition, this platform also supports student registration and payment management, helping users easily control transactions.

Interact with students through forums and discussion groups : CourseAI also integrates interactive features such as forums and discussion groups so users can interact and support students effectively.

IV. CourseAI Application

Online training

Create courses for businesses, schools, and organizations : With CourseAI's automatic content creation and course management features, businesses, schools, and organizations can easily create online training courses. High quality online service for your employees, students or customers.

Create personal courses to sell on online platforms : In addition to using CourseAI for internal training purposes, individuals can also create personal courses and sell them on online platforms such as Udemy, Coursera, etc

Skills development

Create soft skills and professional skills courses : With the support of CourseAI, users can create courses to develop soft skills such as communication, time management, or technical skills in your field.

Create knowledge-enhancing courses : In addition to skill development, CourseAI can also be used to create courses that deepen knowledge in specific fields.

Make money online

Sell ​​courses on online platforms : With the ability to create high-quality courses, users can sell them on online platforms like Udemy, Coursera, etc. to earn income.

Create paid memberships to access exclusive content : In addition to selling courses, users can also use CourseAI to create exclusive content for paid members, such as in-depth courses, resources, and more. study materials, etc

V. CourseAI Pricing Plans

Free : CourseAI offers a free plan with basic features, but there are limits on the number of courses and students.

Paid : In addition to the free plan, CourseAI also offers paid plans with advanced features, unlimited courses and students, along with incentives and priority support. Users can choose the package that suits their needs and budget.

Free Package Paid Plans
Basic features Advanced features
Limit the number of courses and students Unlimited number of courses and students
Basic support Priority support

BECAUSE. CourseAI Alternatives

In addition to CourseAI, users can also choose other online course creation platforms and tools, including:

  • Other course creation platforms : Udemy, Teachable, Thinkific, etc
  • Other AI content creation tools : Jasper,, etc
  • Hiring experts to create courses : This is another option if users want advice and support from experts in creating high-quality courses, however the cost for this is often higher than with the use of automated platforms like CourseAI.


CourseAI not only supports online training for businesses and schools, but also helps individuals develop skills, knowledge and earn online income through selling courses on online platforms. With flexible price packages from free to paid, users can choose to suit their needs and budget.

In short, CourseAI is a useful tool for creating online courses, bringing many benefits and development opportunities to users. To experience and discover more about CourseAI, register for free today!

  • $18/month
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