AI Apply

AI Apply

AI Apply helps you create professional, personalized and undetectable cover letters, CVs and follow-up emails, increasing your chances of admission.

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Job searching and applying for jobs is improving significantly thanks to the emergence of AI-powered tools. One of the outstanding tools in this field is AI Apply - a solution that automates the application process, helping job seekers save time and increase the likelihood of achieving their dream job.

AI Apply | Detailed Review, Features, Prices And Alternativess

Definition: Tool to support job applications using AI

AI Apply is a platform that combines artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to assist job seekers in the application process. It can automatically generate application documents such as cover letters, CV/Resume and follow-up emails, and send them to recruiters efficiently.

Mission: Help job seekers save time and increase application efficiency

AI Apply's goal is to help job seekers focus on expressing themselves and their abilities, instead of wasting time on repetitive tasks such as writing cover letters, creating CVs or sending follow-up emails. . By automating these processes, AI Apply brings greater efficiency in the application process, thereby helping job seekers achieve their goal of owning a satisfying job.

Key benefits: Personalize profile, increase visibility, save time

Using AI Apply, job seekers can:

  • Personalize your application: Customize the content, format, and style of your cover letter, CV, and follow-up email to fit each position.
  • Increase your ability to stand out: Applications created by AI Apply will become professional, attracting the attention of employers.
  • Save time: Without having to waste time writing and sending each application yourself, users can focus on interview preparation and personal development.

With outstanding benefits, AI Apply is being used by many job seekers, human resources experts and businesses to optimize the recruitment process.

How AI Apply Works

Enter information

To start using AI Apply, users need to provide personal information, work experience, skills and career goals. This information will be put into the system so AI can analyze and create appropriate application documents.

Information to be provided Describe
Personal information Full name, address, phone number, email,...
Work experience Position, company, time, role description,...
Skill Professional skills, soft skills,...
Career goals Desired position, profession, field of interest,...

Analyze and create content

After entering information, AI Apply will use natural language processing (NLP) technology to analyze this information. Based on the analysis results, the system will automatically create application documents such as:

  • Cover letter
  • CV/Resume
  • Follow-up emails

These documents will be professionally designed, attract the attention of employers and be suitable for each position applied for.


Although AI Apply can automatically generate application documents, users can still customize their content, format, and style. This helps make the application unique and clearly shows the candidate's personality, abilities and suitability for the desired position.

Apply automatically

Once application documents have been personalized, AI Apply will automatically send them to recruiters on recruitment platforms. This helps job seekers save time and effort, instead of having to manually search and submit resumes for each position.

Key Features of AI Apply

Create a cover letter

AI Apply has the ability to create professional cover letters that attract the attention of employers. It will analyze the user's personal information, experience and career goals to create content suitable for each applied position.

  • The content of the cover letter is personalized based on the user's information.
  • The language and tone of the cover letter are tailored to fit the company's culture.
  • The cover letter structure is designed in a logical and attractive way.

Create CV/Resume

In addition to a cover letter, AI Apply can also create an outstanding CV/Resume, presenting the candidate's experience and skills in an impressive way. The system will arrange information logically and choose the appropriate format and style.

  • The CV/Resume structure is clear, easy to read and impressive.
  • CV/Resume content is optimized to attract recruiters' attention.
  • CV/Resume format and style can be customized according to user needs.

Create tracking emails

In addition to cover letters and CV/Resume, AI Apply can also create follow-up emails to send to employers after applying. These emails will be written politely, professionally and customized to each position applied for.

  • The email content is short, concise and shows the candidate's interest.
  • Email language and tone are consistent with the company's culture.
  • Emails are sent at the right time, creating a positive impression with the employer.

Personalize your profile

One of the unique features of AI Apply is the ability to personalize application documents. Users can customize the content, format and style of cover letters, CV/Resume and follow-up emails to suit each position applied for.

  • The content of the application clearly reflects the candidate's experience, skills and career goals.
  • The profile format (font, size, layout,...) is chosen to create appeal.
  • Profile style (language, tone,...) consistent with company culture and requirements.

Apply automatically

Once application documents have been personalized, AI Apply will automatically send them to recruiters on recruitment platforms. This helps job seekers save time and effort, instead of having to manually search and submit resumes for each position.

  • The system automatically identifies and sends resumes to suitable positions.
  • Users can track application status and receive notifications when there are updates.
  • The application process becomes faster and more efficient.

Track progress

In addition to automation features, AI Apply also helps users track application progress. Users can view application status (sent, under review, invited to interview,...) and receive notifications when there are updates.

  • Users can track application status easily.
  • The system will send notifications when there are updates on application documents.
  • This helps users proactively monitor and manage the application process.

Application of AI Apply

Job seeker

AI Apply is a useful tool for many types of job seekers, including:

  • New graduates: Help create professional application profiles and automatically apply.
  • Job changers: Create an application profile suitable for the desired new position.
  • Part-time job seekers: Automatically apply and track progress for part-time positions.

Human resources specialist

Besides job seekers, AI Apply also brings benefits to HR professionals, such as:

  • Search for potential candidates: Applications created by AI Apply will attract the attention of employers.
  • Quickly screen resumes: AI Apply's automated features help shorten the candidate screening and evaluation process.
  • Manage the recruitment process: Tracking application progress and receiving timely notifications will help HR professionals stay informed of the recruitment situation.


Not only helping job seekers and HR professionals, AI Apply also brings benefits to businesses, such as:

  • Optimize the recruitment process: AI Apply's automated features help save time and costs in the recruitment process.
  • Approach potential candidates: Professional application documents will attract the attention of many qualified candidates.
  • Improve application experience: A quick and effective application process will create a good impression on candidates.

With such diverse applications and benefits, AI Apply is becoming an important tool in the job search and recruitment process. Using AI technology not only saves time and effort but also brings high efficiency in the application process.

AI Apply Pricing Plans

AI Apply offers flexible pricing plans to serve user needs, including:

Free of charge

AI Apply's free plan may limit the number of applications and basic features such as creating cover letters, CV/Resume and follow-up emails.

  • Limited number of applications: Users can submit applications for a limited number of positions.
  • Basic features: Includes creating cover letters, CV/Resume and follow-up emails according to available templates.

Pay the fee

AI Apply's paid plan is unlimited in the number of applications and provides advanced features such as creating a LinkedIn profile and direct support from the developer.

  • Unlimited number of applications: Users can submit resumes for any position they are interested in.
  • Advanced features: Includes LinkedIn profile creation, direct support from AI Apply's development team.

Choosing the appropriate pricing package will help users take full advantage of AI Apply's features to improve their ability to apply and find jobs.

AI Alternatives Apply

In addition to AI Apply, there are many competitors in the market providing similar services. Here are some competitors and comparative advantages of AI Apply:


JobSeer is a job application support tool using AI technology. Compared to AI Apply, JobSeer has the following advantages:

  • Job market analysis: JobSeer provides information on the labor market and recruitment trends.
  • Career support: JobSeer provides courses and career consulting for users to develop their careers.

However, AI Apply has a friendly, easy-to-use interface and supports Vietnamese, which helps users easily interact and use the tool effectively.


Rezi is a professional CV/Resume creation tool using AI technology. Compared to AI Apply, Rezi has the following advantages:

  • Flexibility: Rezi provides many CV/Resume templates and formats for users to choose from.
  • Customization support: Rezi allows users to customize each part of the CV/Resume as desired.

However, AI Apply has the ability to automatically apply and track application progress, helping users manage the job search process effectively.

While there are many alternatives, AI Apply stands strong in the market thanks to the unique features and benefits it offers to users.


Above is an overview of AI Apply - a tool to support job applications using artificial intelligence. From creating cover letters, CV/Resume to automatic application and progress tracking, AI Apply gives job seekers, HR professionals and businesses great benefits in the search and recruitment process. candidate.

With the mission to help save time, increase application efficiency and achieve your dream job, AI Apply is a reliable partner for everyone in their career journey. To take full advantage of AI Apply 's features and benefits , choose the right pricing plan and start using it today!

  • $18/month
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