
Unlock the full potential of your content with this comprehensive review. Discover how this tool can revolutionize your content strategy.

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The use of repurposing tools to transfer short-form video content from one platform to another has greatly benefited my business. In this review of, Sharehub Tech and I will share some behind-the-scenes insights, statistics, and the advantages and disadvantages of this new tool that has become my favorite for content repurposing.

I came across this tool during the summer and wasted no time in signing up for it. Since then, it has significantly transformed my small business and has expanded my audience reach on four different platforms. Recently, I have also started using it on a fifth platform and I am eager to see how it will impact my results in the upcoming months.

Frequently asked questions about repurposing content and tools

Below are some frequently asked questions I receive regarding this subject. These concepts are relevant even if you are only focusing on brief video content or a specific platform such as Pinterest.

Content repurposing refers to the process of taking existing content and adapting it for use in a different format or for a different purpose. This can include turning a blog post into a video, creating an infographic from a podcast, or republishing an article on a different platform. While similar to content recycling, which involves reusing the same content in its original form, repurposing involves transforming the content to make it fresh and relevant for a new audience.

The concepts of content repurposing and content recycling are closely related, but not entirely interchangeable. However, most content marketers do not have a problem using them interchangeably.

Content repurposing involves taking existing content and adapting it into different formats for various platforms. This could include transforming a blog post into a podcast or converting a webinar into a series of social media posts. For instance, I often transcribe my YouTube videos to create the basis for new blog posts, while still maintaining the main message or tutorial.

On the other hand, content recycling refers to reusing the same content without making any changes. This could involve reposting the exact same piece of content on different platforms, such as publishing an identical blog post on various social media or news sites, or sending out the same newsletter in multiple emails.

When it comes to your content, it is important to consider both repurposing and recycling strategies. However, these terms are often used interchangeably and are commonly referred to simply as content repurposing.

Can you provide an instance of repurposing content on social media?

Here are some simple examples of repurposing content on social media. You may have noticed these techniques being used by certain brands or accounts across various platforms.

  • Transforming quotes from blog posts or videos into memes or image posts.
  • Extracting segments from YouTube videos or live broadcasts to create shorts or Reels.
  • Converting images from a post into a video and reposting it, even on the same platform.
  • Utilizing video and text from a podcast to produce short clips or even full-length posts.

In essence, there are no limits when it comes to repurposing your content. Any idea you have for reusing your material is acceptable.

so, Is it against the law to reuse your copywriting?

If you are the owner of the content, then it is perfectly acceptable to repurpose it in any way you see fit without breaking any laws. However, if the content belongs to someone else, it is important to give credit to the original creator. This can be done by tagging them in your post or mentioning their name when using their images or videos.

It is crucial to keep in mind that copyright laws and plagiarism still apply to anything you create. If you are a journalist or use a lot of copyrighted content from others or brands, it is important to be familiar with these laws to avoid any illegal actions. Plagiarism is also a serious offense, so be cautious when publishing something that is not your own work.

In case of uncertainty, it is best to only use your own content and properly acknowledge and obtain permission from the source if you are quoting or borrowing something. Content creators appreciate when their work is shared or quoted, as long as proper credit is given to them.

What Is the AI Tool for Repurposing Content?

As there are numerous methods available for repurposing content, there is no single tool that can handle all of them. Additionally, with the constant emergence of new AI tools that specialize in different tasks, it is important to know what specific function you are seeking. The main focus of this post is, which primarily repurposes video and podcasts by publishing them on other platforms. However, there are several other options that you can explore and experiment with.

Some other tools worth considering include:

  • Lumen5, which can transform written content such as blog posts into short videos without the need for additional filming.
  • Repurpose House, which converts podcasts into various types of short videos or audiograms.
  • Designrr, which can turn blog posts, podcasts, and videos into PDFs and ebooks.

What are the Best Ways to Reuse Content?

It is crucial to remember that directly copying and pasting your content and sharing it across different platforms is not acceptable. You must ensure that the content is appropriate for the specific platform you are repurposing it for. While some platforms may have similar features that allow for easy copying and pasting, such as TikTok and Reels, most require some level of modification.

Before publishing any recreated or repurposed content, it is important to have a human review it first. This is especially important for written content, as the format it is transformed into must be suitable. Do not rely solely on automated tools to grab random sentences and create a video or article that does not make sense. Be selective and ensure that the final product is something you would personally watch or read and understand.

My Genuine Opinions on Tools for Repurposing Content.

This is an unbiased evaluation of, a tool that I personally enjoy using. I wouldn't waste my time creating content for something I don't like, and I would never recommend a tool to my audience unless I have personally used it in my business and seen positive results.

Now, let's discuss the benefits of repurposing short-form video content and reaching a wider audience on multiple platforms. In the past, I have cautioned against repurposing TikToks to Pinterest idea pins without a proper strategy, and I still stand by that advice.

In my own business, I am very strategic with the content I create for each platform. I don't automatically repurpose every TikTok to Pinterest idea pins because it may not be a good fit. The same goes for repurposing TikToks to shorts, Instagram, or Facebook reels, which I recently started using.

It's important to ensure that the content you transfer from one platform to another is suitable for the platform you are sharing it on. Not everything will work on every platform, so keep that in mind. However, has made my life much easier by allowing me to repurpose my videos to five platforms and Vimeo without spending 10 minutes per video per platform.

Previously, when I used SnapTik, it took me 10 minutes per video per platform, and I was constantly bombarded with ads, which was not a pleasant experience. With, the process is much smoother and faster, and there is no watermark on the repurposed content.

My Experience with The Changes I've Noticed

Now, let's move forward and explore some of my statistics. Later on, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of repurposing content that I have observed.

  • My Pinterest video pins have received 50,000 views, showing a remarkable increase of 6109%.
  • Similarly, my Pinterest idea pins have gained 60,000 views, with a growth of 37%.
  • YouTube shorts have also been successful, with 16,000 views and a significant increase of 1000%.
  • On Instagram, my content has reached 15,500 accounts, resulting in a growth of 7.7%.

I am now introducing a fifth platform, Facebook reels. I am currently in the process of scheduling two reels per day through Creator Studio for all my previously published content on this platform.

Furthermore, I am also adding a sixth platform, where I will not be publishing to Facebook reels, but instead, I will be sharing my YouTube videos on Facebook and Vimeo. However, this is not the main focus of this post. I mentioned it in case you were curious about my other repurposing strategies.

Advantages of review.

Here are some of the benefits of using

  1. One major advantage is the ability to easily repurpose your videos from one platform to another, without any watermarks or manual downloads required. This feature alone makes it worth paying for this tool, especially if you regularly create short-form content.
  1. You can either automatically publish or manually publish your videos without any watermarks on popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter. Personally, I prefer to schedule my content manually through or a scheduling tool, but auto-publishing to Google Drive is also an option.
  1. Another pro is that you no longer have to use tools like SnapTik or SnapInsta, which often come with annoying ads and unreliable performance. eliminates all of these issues and makes the process of repurposing videos much more efficient, taking only 10 minutes per video.
  1. The fact that you can schedule your content directly from and have API access is another advantage. While they may not be a preferred scheduling partner, they do have API approval and access to platforms like Pinterest, so you can confidently use this tool without worrying about being marked as spam. They are also API-approved for other platforms like Instagram, allowing you to easily auto-publish your TikTok videos.
  1. Perhaps the biggest pro is the time-saving aspect of being able to repurpose all of your content in just one to two hours per week. Even when working with longer-form videos from YouTube, it only took a little longer than usual. This tool has truly been a game-changer for me, allowing me to repurpose my content for various platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube shorts in just one hour. This means I can get a week's worth of content done in just one sitting.

Drawbacks of review.

It would not be a complete and honest review without mentioning some drawbacks. Therefore, let's discuss them now.

  1. One downside is that I am unable to write longer descriptions for certain platforms on For instance, Pinterest only allows up to 500 characters, while YouTube shorts and Instagram allow up to 2000 characters. This limitation in the description window while scheduling content is a major drawback.
  1. When scheduling content from another platform to YouTube, monetization cannot be automatically activated. This means that any views accumulated will not generate revenue until monetization is manually turned on. Although this is not ideal, it is not something that can be changed by
  1. Currently, it is not possible to repurpose YouTube videos to Vimeo. I have suggested this feature to the developers and hope it will be added in the future. However, even without access to Vimeo, I would still highly recommend this tool.

I do hope that will eventually add Vimeo to their list of connections. It would be great to repurpose YouTube videos to Vimeo without having to download and upload them again. This is not a criticism of, as this feature is simply not available yet.

This content repurposing tool is incredibly user-friendly and intuitive. You can easily figure out how to use it without watching any training videos. It only takes a few minutes to get the hang of it, so I highly recommend giving it a try.

Now, let's take a look at the dashboard. I will show you the available connections and give you a sneak peek into my workflow. So let's dive in and take a behind-the-scenes look.

Interconnections among platforms.

The first step after creating your account is to establish all of your connections. These connections are available through and can be viewed in my tutorial video above, where you can see the ones I currently have set up.

Once your source connections are established, you will be notified if they can be used as a source or destination, or both. For example, Pinterest can only be used as a destination while Zoom can only be used as a source. However, most other connections can be used for both purposes.

Next, you can access the Workflows section where you can set up automatic repurposing. My workflows are mainly focused on collecting content, but I do have one set up for TikTok to Google Drive which automatically saves any published TikTok videos to my Google Drive.

This same process can also be applied to Facebook and Instagram reels, as well as Zoom videos. For instance, if I wanted to automatically save any Zoom videos I create on the cloud to my Google Drive, I could easily set that up.

Creating workflows for Instagram reels.

When setting up your workflows in, there are a few important things to keep in mind. If you're transitioning from Instagram to reels, you can set up the workflow here. Once it's configured in your settings, click on the small Settings icon on your workflow and scroll down on the resulting screen. From there, you can adjust various settings and preferences.

All of my content is gathered within this workflow, but I schedule it once a week from TikTok through to Instagram. In the other settings, pay attention to options like importing and exporting or excluding videos with specific hashtags.

Some settings are automatically enabled, such as using hashtags and text in other platform descriptions. I recommend disabling this feature so that you can customize any content coming from another platform to fit the platform it's being shared on.

Tôi khuyên bạn nên thêm văn bản vào phần mô tả sau phần mô tả chính. Điều này sẽ tự động xuất bản bất cứ điều gì bạn chỉ định trong hộp Văn bản tùy chỉnh sau mô tả chính của bạn. Những hashtag này dành riêng cho Pinterest hoặc tiếp thị kỹ thuật số mà tôi đã tìm thấy qua Instagram.

Đảm bảo rằng cài đặt Chia sẻ lên Bảng tin Instagram của bạn được bật. Đó là sự thay đổi duy nhất tôi thực hiện.

Các mẹo bổ sung để thiết lập quy trình làm việc.

Bạn có khả năng tùy chỉnh cài đặt cho từng quy trình làm việc riêng biệt. Việc thiết lập kết nối của bạn thật nhanh chóng và dễ dàng, chỉ mất vài phút. Sau khi thiết lập xong, việc thực hiện bất kỳ tùy chỉnh nào có thể mất nhiều thời gian hơn một chút, nhưng sau đó bạn sẽ sẵn sàng thực hiện. Hệ thống sẽ bắt đầu thu thập tất cả video của bạn.

Bạn có thể dễ dàng xuất bản hoặc lên lịch nội dung của mình trên nhiều nền tảng khác nhau. Cho đến nay, tôi đã xuất bản 319 video trên TikTok. Trong phần "Xem nội dung", một số có thể nói "Xuất bản lại" vì chúng đã có trong Google Drive của tôi hoặc đích khác.

Trong phần "Quần ngắn", có một nút khác. Nếu tôi chưa xuất bản video thông qua ReMục đí lên TikTok, video sẽ có nội dung "Xuất bản". Nếu tôi đã làm điều đó trước đây, nó sẽ thông báo "Tái xuất bản". Nếu bạn đã lên lịch để truyền video từ nền tảng này sang nền tảng khác thì video đó sẽ hiển thị là "Đã xếp hàng", sau đó là "Đang xử lý" và cuối cùng chuyển sang "Đã lên lịch".

Nếu cần, bạn có thể tìm nạp nội dung, thử lại nội dung không thành công hoặc tải lại từ góc trên bên phải màn hình. Ngoài ra còn có một nút chuyển đổi để xuất bản thủ công hoặc tự động từ nền tảng này sang nền tảng khác, cũng như các cài đặt để thực hiện các chỉnh sửa sâu hơn trong quy trình công việc.

Ví dụ về quy trình công việc

Chúng ta hãy xem qua quy trình làm việc của tôi. Tôi sẽ hướng dẫn bạn quy trình làm việc tự động và theo lịch trình chính xác mà tôi sử dụng với công cụ này. Đây là cách tôi thường sử dụng Nền tảng xuất bản ưa thích của tôi là TikTok. Điều đáng chú ý là tất cả việc tôi sử dụng lại TikTok đều diễn ra ít nhất một tuần sau đó. Điều này có nghĩa là bất kỳ nội dung nào tôi xuất bản trên các nền tảng khác thường bị trì hoãn từ một đến hai tuần.

Quá trình của tôi luôn bắt đầu với TikTok. Sau khi tôi xuất bản video ở đó, sẽ tự động đồng bộ hóa video đó với Google Drive của tôi trong vòng vài phút. Điều này có nghĩa là tất cả video của tôi sẽ được sao lưu ngay lập tức trên Google Drive mà không có bất kỳ hình mờ nào.

Từ đó, tôi sử dụng tính năng tự động lên lịch cho Instagram Reels, ghim video Pinterest và đôi khi là các video ngắn trên YouTube. Tôi đảm bảo tùy chỉnh chú thích và thẻ bắt đầu bằng # cho từng nền tảng. Thật không may, Meta của Facebook hiện không cho phép truy cập vào API Reels nên tôi phải sử dụng Creator Studio cho nền tảng đó. Tôi chỉ cần lấy video từ Google Drive của mình cho bước này.



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