

Explore comprehensive reviews of livechat services, covering features, pricing, and alternatives in 2024. Make decisions for your business's communication needs.

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Livechat reviews - features, prices, and alternatives 2024

In the dynamic landscape of customer service and communication, live chat services have become indispensable for businesses to engage with their audience effectively. As technology evolves, so do the features, pricing models, and alternatives available in the market.

In this guide, Sharehub Tech delve into detailed reviews of various live chat platforms, examining their features, pricing structures, and presenting viable alternatives. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, understanding the latest offerings can empower you to make informed decisions to enhance your customer interactions.

What is Livechat tool?

LiveChat | Details, Pricing, & Features

A Livechat tool is a software application or platform that enables real-time communication between website visitors and businesses. It typically appears as a chat box on a website, allowing visitors to ask questions, seek assistance, or provide feedback instantly. This tool facilitates direct interaction, offering a convenient way for businesses to engage with their audience and provide immediate support.

Livechat tools come with various features designed to enhance communication and customer experience. These may include customizable chat widgets, automated responses, file sharing capabilities, and integration with other business systems like customer relationship management (CRM) software. Such features empower businesses to streamline their support processes and efficiently manage customer inquiries.

Livechat tool feature

Real-time Messaging

Livechat tools enable instant messaging between customers and support agents in real-time. This feature allows for swift responses to inquiries, issues, or assistance needs.

Customizable Chat Widgets:

Users can customize the appearance and behavior of chat widgets to match their brand's aesthetics and preferences. This includes options for colors, logos, greetings, and placement on the website.

Multichannel Support:

Many livechat tools support multiple communication channels, such as website chat, mobile apps, social media platforms, and email. This ensures seamless interaction across various touchpoints.

Visitor Tracking:

Livechat tools often offer visitor tracking capabilities, allowing agents to see visitors' browsing history, current page, geographic location, and referral source. This insight enables personalized assistance and targeted support.

Canned Responses:

Canned responses feature pre-written replies to common inquiries or issues. It helps agents to respond quickly and consistently, saving time and ensuring accuracy in responses.

File Sharing:

File sharing functionality enables agents to share documents, images, or other media directly within the chat interface. This facilitates clearer communication and better resolution of customer queries.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Live Chat Tools

  • Real-Time Support: Live chat offers instant assistance to users, enhancing customer satisfaction by providing quick responses to queries or issues.
  • Convenience: Customers can seek help without interrupting their tasks, leading to a smoother user experience.
  • Multitasking: Agents can handle multiple chat sessions simultaneously, increasing efficiency and reducing waiting times for customers.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to phone support, live chat often requires fewer resources, making it a more economical option for businesses.
  • Increased Sales: Live chat allows agents to guide customers through the purchasing process, leading to higher conversion rates.

Disadvantages of Live Chat Tools

  • Dependency on Internet Connection: Both customers and agents require stable internet connections, which can be a limitation in areas with poor connectivity.
  • Limited Communication Medium: Live chat may not be suitable for complex issues or scenarios requiring visual aids, where other communication channels like phone support might be more effective.

In which cases should you use Livechat tool

Live chat tools are beneficial in various scenarios, offering real-time support and engagement for businesses. Here are some cases where using a live chat tool proves advantageous:

  • Customer Support: Utilize live chat for immediate assistance with customer queries, issues, or complaints. It provides a convenient way for customers to reach out and receive prompt responses.
  • Sales Assistance: Implement live chat on your website to offer sales support. Assist potential customers in navigating products or services, addressing concerns, and guiding them through the purchasing process.
  • Lead Generation: Use live chat to capture leads by engaging website visitors. Promptly respond to inquiries, offer information, and encourage visitors to provide contact details for further follow-up.
  • Technical Support: Provide technical assistance in real-time through live chat. Help users troubleshoot problems, guide them through software installations or configurations, and offer solutions to technical issues.

Livechat alternatives

Looking for alternatives to your current live chat tool? Here are some options to consider:


Intercom offers a comprehensive suite of customer communication tools, including live chat, targeted messaging, and customer support. It's known for its user-friendly interface and powerful features.


Drift focuses on conversational marketing and sales, offering live chat, chatbots, and email marketing tools. It's designed to help businesses engage with website visitors and convert them into customers.

Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim):

Zendesk Chat provides live chat software that integrates seamlessly with Zendesk's customer support platform. It's suitable for businesses of all sizes and offers features like chat routing, analytics, and customizable chat widgets.


Freshchat, part of the Freshworks suite of products, offers live chat software with features like AI-powered bots, proactive messaging, and integrations with CRM systems. It's suitable for businesses looking to scale their customer support operations.


As businesses strive to provide seamless customer support and enhance user experience, the choice of a live chat service plays a pivotal role. By assessing the features, pricing, and alternatives available in 2024, businesses can align their communication strategies with their goals effectively. Whether prioritizing advanced features, competitive pricing, or exploring alternative solutions, staying informed ensures that businesses can adapt to evolving customer needs and technological advancements in the realm of live chat services.


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